The Tom Bearden



Dear Ginette,

Just a note in response to your suggestion:  Most Japanese are in fact peace-loving folks the way you pointed out.  The problem in the energy field seems to be that the Yakuza (Japanese Mafia) is seizing and stopping all Japanese-developed overunity systems.  There are at least three of these Japanese overunity systems that I'm aware of, being held off the market. Control of one of the Japanese systems, the Kawai system, was seized right here in the U.S. in 1996, in my physical presence and the Board of Directors of our little company.  We had reached an agreement with Kawai to market his engine worldwide, set up a development laboratory here in Huntsville for further developments, and get on with it.  We reached that agreement on Thursday evening that week, after negotiations most of the week.  That night, a jet arrived post-haste from Los Angeles, with a special Japanese on board, and the next morning Kawai and party were in fear and trembling -- and just hung their heads in shame and great disgrace.  One of the individuals accompanying the newcomer had the typical markings and tip of a finger missing.  At that point, everything was finished.  We shipped the two Kawai engines we had received, out of here to Los Angeles.  The Japanese party left, and that was that.

The Kawai engine switches the magnetic flux path at the opportune moment, by a very clever mechanical arrangement augmented by photo-coupled EM switching, and eliminates most of the back mmf.  This effectively doubles the COP of the magnetic motor to which it is adroitly applied.  If the motor is, say, 0.4 (normal inefficient motor), you will get a COP = 0.8, but not overunity.  But if you start with a high efficiency magnetic motor (as made by Hitachi and others) of, say, COP = 0.7 or 0.8, you will get a motor with COP = 1.4 or 1.6.  The latter can then be close-looped to power itself and a load simultaneously.  Kawai personally informed me that he already had a successful closed loop motor running and had filed another patent in Japan on it.

As far as our own MEG system, please refer to M.W. Evans, P.K. Anastasovski, T.E. Bearden, et. al. (15 authors), "Explanation of the Motionless Electromagnetic Generator with O(3) Electrodynamics," Foundations of Physics Letters, 14(1), Feb. 2001, p. 87-94.  That issue should be off the presses in mid-March, and  the article rigorously explains how we can get the energy from the vacuum freely, and how the vacuum freely replenishes the energy as we utilize it.

We are very hopeful of obtaining the substantial funding we need to get on with this development.  If so, we expect to  have production systems rolling off the assembly lines a year after we receive the necessary funding.

Several other inventors also have legitimate systems, and I believe at least one of them also will have systems rolling out of there in about a year from now.

Unless we all "meet with a sudden suicide on the way to the supermarket" or some such, this is slowly gaining enough momentum to get the mindset of the scientific community changed, and quickly resolve the energy crisis.  As you might imagine, however, there are indeed some very powerful interests that do not wish this done.

Very best wishes,

Tom Bearden

P.S.  The Kawai U.S. patent, which actually gives how to do it in his case, is Teruo Kawai, "Motive Power Generating Device," U.S. Patent No. 5,436,518. Jul. 25, 1995.  Mr. Kawai is a fine gentlemen, and I really liked him.  I was deeply saddened to see such an abrupt takeover of his company, his invention, and his own fate.