The Tom Bearden

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Subject: RE: Hypoxia
Date: Thu, 24 Jan 2002 22:39:35 -0600




All my drinking and cooking water is triple filtered and tested; I have as good a drinking water as can be had in this part of the U.S.


The normal mycoplasma organisms were modified by the U.S. government in the late 1940s and early 1950s, for one or more fairly lethal strains, for biological warfare (we were way behind the Russians back then, and desperate to catch up).  Then they foolishly reasoned that, since they needed actual aerosol dispersion data so they could have an experimentally fitted targeting model to design strikes etc. in warfare when needed, they would have to test it on the populace.  So they made a secret agreement with the Canadian government.   They apparently reasoned (quite erroneously) that they could just "thin" the mycoplasma agents, diluted way, way down, and the "thinned aerosol"  would be harmless -- might give you a little cold, they reasoned.  You know, kind of like being a little bit pregnant or a little bit dead.


So they sprayed some 20 civilian cities and towns in Canada, and an equal number in the U.S. (this all came out in Senate hearings).  They sprayed, e.g., in mid to latter 1950s.


I was in the U.S. Army and stationed in Canada from 1966-68, and was in several of the cities that had been sprayed.  So I caught the mess.  It resulted in 3 very fierce hospitalizations, six weeks each, at the end, too weak to even sit up at a desk, etc.  No one knew what it was, but the Canadian VA hospital there in Quebec knew that 1 in 300 of their abdominal patients had "it", it was almost 100% lethal, and almost all stricken with it would die unless the doctors performed a procedure they found by trial and error and in desperation.  The procedure was to open up the chest cavity and the abdominal cavity, and move all the internal organs etc. around for about 2 hours so the air could get to everything and to all the tissues and organs.  Then they sewed you up again, and listed it officially as "exploratory surgery".  But they had found that, if they did this, 50% would live and half would still die.  So in my third hospitalization, with every test known at the time showing totally normal but the patient was dying, they did the procedure at the hospital in Quebec.  I was lucky and made the 50% that lived after the procedure.  But it left me with a permanent loss of physical endurance, ended my martial arts career (third Dan in aikido), etc.


What happens with that strain is that they bury up INSIDE the red corpuscles (and some other cells) and thereby dramatically reduce the amount of oxygen the hemoglobin can absorb.  So regardless of one's "physical condition" (mine was "great"), one's aerobic system is cut in half.  Any surge physical activity forces one to draw out the anaerobic system quickly, and one is then totally exhausted until one has slept a night and restored the anaerobic system.  In short, permanent loss of endurance, and no training or physical activity could get it back.


I was able to finish my Army career because of my rank, and higher staff positions after that.


The stuff also stays dormant like that, for from 20 to 30 years or so, with some slow penetration in other tissues such as the brain, organs, lungs, etc.  In my case, it stayed pretty dormant for 32 years.  Then with the immune system reduced a bit because of aging etc., the stuff resurges and starts a final phase (which for me was in 2001).  The "tolerable" hypoxia increases to severe and intolerable hypoxia, inducing heart fibrillation, then heart seizure (heart attack), perhaps strokes, brain seizures, etc.  I was lucky and had only the heart attack, due to violent fibrillation.


All this about the modified mycoplasma and the spraying has come out in a combination of Senate hearings and some of the latest Gulf War syndrome research, after Congress beat up the VA and the NIH and ordered them off their collective duffs to go find out what was wrong with the GWS veterans and some of their families.  A definitive study with some 500 Gulf War veterans is ongoing now.


Anyway, with some real searching and haranguing (to my congressman, the VA, you name it), I finally got the mycoplasma test, and it confirmed the chronic mycoplasma infection.  With 347 being a strong positive, I tested 587.  So my immune system was locked in a huge battle with the stuff.  Suddenly all symptoms over the last 33 years made very good sense.


I'm on the officially recommended treatment now (special antibiotics for a year or longer).  Essentially one must wait until one's red corpuscles die in normal usage and get replaced.  When a cell dies, the mycoplasma organisms come out and, unless stopped when they emerge, they promptly reinfect the new red blood cell.  But the sustained presence of proper antibiotics in the bloodstream kills the critters when they emerge and are exposed.  Hence one GRADUALLY replaces and purifies one's red blood cells, over a period of time.  An alternative "initial" treatment is a massive transfusion to replace all the blood; with the present hypoxia, I probably could not survive that treatment.  I've already been on this continual antibiotics treatment for a little more than a month, and am slowly beginning to improve.


But the hypoxia during this early period remains, because most of the red blood cells are still penetrated and oxygen-take-up deficient.  So the continuing hypoxia keeps triggering the heart fibrillations which build up and begin to be serious after 24 hours and become very strong and life-threatening by 48 hours.  So one takes a "clamper" pill which controls the fibrillation, but also reduces the amplitude of pumping by the heart, reducing the blood flow rate and hence the rate of furnishing the oxygen to the other cells of the body.  It's a "Catch 22" situation, and the doctors -- all well-meaning and trying hard -- will almost inadvertently just let you die (I have standing orders to go instantly to hospital heart center emergency if the fibrillations do not subside about an hour after I take the pill).  The heart people do not treat mycoplasia, nor do they even test for it!  Nor are they allowed to do so.  My family doctor will treat it, and is trying hard.  He's the best thing I have going at the present time.  But there is one thing he needs to do, which Alabama law interferes with and almost prevents him doing it.


Presently I'm trying to get some portable medical oxygen breathing equipment for supplementary oxygen breathing a little each day, to up that oxygen delivery in the body and stay up out of the hypoxia.  Cheez!  Alabama has one of the worst state political systems in this nation.  You cannot buy the medical oxygen equipment yourself, even though we have several medical supply outfits right here in town with it, but it needs a doctor's prescription.  Fine, however, the family doctor is not allowed to prescribe it until a certain inane blood sample test has been done by a specialist, -- which I took and which will have nothing at all to say about the type hypoxia I have!  It will say something about the hypoxia due to clogging of the arteries, but I have no clogging of the arteries.  The test otherwise will simply tell if the number of corpuscles are normal, etc. and mine are.  In short, I fall through the legal cracks in the floor set up by the State of Alabama.


So I'm now waiting to see if I can get the oxygen via normal medical channels.  If not, I have arranged to get it through the "underground" legally (one can get it legally in several other states, etc., without all the political shenanigans, by just driving over to the proper state and getting the proper prescription in that state).  At any rate, we will get it, one way or another, and we will slowly overcome this condition.


But the entire affair has been a real exercise in how ill-prepared this nation has been and is for a biological warfare strike -- even to RECOGNIZE one of them.


I realize how desperate those fellows were back there in the 1950s, because the Soviets were really considering attacking the United States, on several occasions, with both nuclear weapons and massive strikes of biological warfare weapons.  They had a specific plan, e.g., after any strategic nuclear strike on us, to immediately finish off the entire remaining U.S. population with biological warfare strikes (you can confirm that yourself on the web; it's been released). So our guys really were desperate to the extreme.  And in their desperation, they made some foolish mistakes -- even "damn-fool" mistakes such as spraying North America with weakened mycoplasia bioagent.


As a professional soldier and an old artilleryman, I accept the fact that once in awhile there will be a "short round" from one's own friendly support artillery, that falls on top of one's own position and short of the enemy position forward of him.  So in effect I caught a special kind of  "short round" through a combination of ignorance, desperation, and urgency -- all of which any modern war -- cold or hot -- is in spades.  I accept that as one of the hazards of being a professional soldier for most of my adult life.


However, one keeps one's sense of humor also.  I've been able to tell several veterans of my personal experience, and they have gotten the mycoplasma test and turned up positive, and are now on the proper treatment.  Theirs will be much more effective and quicker than mine, since they have not had the mess for 33 years.  A high percentage of civilians with chronic fatigue syndrome, e.g., really have the mycoplasia, and that is being borne out by present testing.  My personal "guestimate" is that probably half the U.S. and Canadian population has been exposed to biowar-grade mycoplasia. Most are lucky, but some get it and then -- if diagnosed at all -- are diagnosed as having psychosomatic (self-induced) illness or something like chronic fatigue syndrome.


You have to be careful in what mycoplasma information you canvas on the web and elsewhere.  The mycoplasia one used to get (and still also gets) from the "natural old-time mycoplasma critters" in the environment is quite a different thing from the mycoplasia one gets from this modified biowar strain.  And sadly, our own fellows in their desperation and great haste, introduced it directly into the North American Populace.


But maybe some good will come out of it after all.  I'm slowly making a little progress personally.  My prognosis is now good, for a recovery (degree is uncertain, but a recovery nonetheless), and we will defeat the hypoxia come hell or high water.  I already take the necessary food supplements, follow a healthy diet, have no clogging of the arteries etc., and am sound as a dollar otherwise except for the arthritis (which also was a result of the mycoplasma infection, it turns out) and the normal broken bones and injuries one acquires over an active life.


Anyway, I very much appreciate your concern, but the above is my exact condition and problem; it isn't the notoriously bad Alabama water. We are on the way to whipping it, albeit slowly.  And, being religious (even though I do not wear my religion on my sleeve and I do not inflict it on others who have their own belief), I also believe in prayer and in the Creator.  And here I am very fortunate: quite a number of very wonderful folks are praying for me -- Christians, Moslems, Jewish, you name it.  It makes an old dog really tighten up in the chest and get a speck in his eye to scratch it, or something.  People have been so concerned and caring that it completely overwhelms me.  It just makes me more determined than ever to continue, and to do everything within my power to try to get out the beginnings of a new kind of medical therapy and cheap clean power systems freely extracting the electrical power from the energetic vacuum.


The best I can do is get down just about everything I've found out or think I've found out, in my forthcoming book.  That and the website -- and the MEG  and the medical project -- are what all my time is focused upon.


And like ol' Hank Williams used to say (I was a professional country guitarist and singer before entering the Army), if the Good Lord is willing and the creeks don't rise, it will get done -- whether I live to see it in my own lifetime or not.  If we can pass on what we know or think we know to the sharp young grad students and post-docs and independent researchers, they will get it done.


Best wishes and hang in there!



Tom Bearden

Subject: Hypoxia

Tom  the  condition  Hypoxia  is  common  in  areas  where  the drinking  water  has  too  much iron  in  it.  Alabama  would  be  a  likely  candidate.  The  iron  causes  the  body  to  think that  it  is  deficient  in  oxygen  which  causes  it  to  generate  a flood  of   red  corpuscles.
This  thickens  the  blood  resulting  in   speeding  up  the  heart  (overworking  )  and results  in  strokes.  I  have been there and  survived.  Presently  my blood  pressure is   130/70  and  I  physically  feel  and  act   as   a  thirty  year old.  I  am   actually  83.
Should  You  wish,  my  phone  number  is ***********8.
Also  My  Web  Site  is

Have a Great  Day,    

Don Smith