6. Anenergy:

Another name for "virtual particles and their energetics". The stress energy of the active vacuum. "Fragments" of energy, more subtle than observable electromagnetic energy, turned against themselves and locked into a "vector zero summation." Over a substantial macroscopic region, this vector summation yields a vector zero for the "fields", even though at fine levels the field fluctuations are violent and very large momentarily. The scalar, massless charge flux. Virtual particle flux. "Pieces" of the spatiotemporal vacuum spacetime medium (i.e., what we originally called quitons). Specifically, an observable object rotated more than one orthogonal turn away from the laboratory frame constitutes an anenergy particle. Also, more fundamental components of "normal" electromagnetic energy -- specifically, the individual longitudinal and temporal wave components of vector electromagnetic waves. Anenergy components may be coherently coupled into ordinary energy, which can be compacted into mass. If one uses the anenergy concept, the conservation of energy law may be replaced with a more fundamental law, the conservation of anenergy. Anenergy contains two components or constituents: (1) ordinary energy (positive time, positive energy), and (2) phase conjugate energy (negative time, negative energy). Today we would express this anenergy concept much more exactly by applying Whittaker's 1903 decomposition of the scalar potential into a harmonic set of EM longitudinal wavepairs, where each pair is comprised of a longitudinal EM wave and its phase conjugate replica wave. This shows that any dipole or dipolarity (and hence any potential) is an ultimate negative resistor, since 3-space energy flow symmetry is broken. In that case, nature relaxes to the more fundamental 4-space symmetry in EM energy flow. The input waves (the phase conjugate replicas) and their energy come from the time domain, continuously feeding into the dipole but nonobservable (they are completely complex, with no real 3-space components). The charges (either observable or observable) receive this input of "reactive power" in the time domain (complex plane), transduce it into real 3-space, and emit EM energy in 3-space. So the dipolarity violates 3-space energy conservation, but rigorously conserves 4-space energy conservation. This has been shown by the present author to resolve perhaps the most important problem in classical and quantum electrodynamics: the problem of the source charge with its associated fields and potentials and their energy. Before this discovery, electrodynamics implicitly assumed that the source charge pours forth EM energy in 3-space without any input of energy at all. This gross violation of the conservation of energy law has now been resolved by the giant negentropy unleashed by the 4-symmetry once the 3-symmetry in energy flow is broken.

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