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Our Purpose

Rainbow Farm supports the medical, spiritual, and responsible recreational
uses of Marijuana for a more sane and compassionate America. We also encourage
the vast agricultural and industrial uses of the natural substance Cannabis
Hemp as an environmentally safe alternative to thousands of synthetic products
now being mass consumed in this country at a tremendous cost to our environment.

Above all we support FREEDOM in America. We have seen the erosion of our
precious civil liberties over the past 60 years as a direct result of Cannabis
prohibition and the governments War on Drugs. We consider this a war on US and
we are fighting back with large assemblies of people with similar views at our
two annual hemp festivals HEMP AID and RoachRoast. We believe it is our DUTY
as citizens of a FREE country to be vigilant in the protection of our sacred civil liberties.

We educate and inform people about the beneficial and responsible uses of
Cannabis and we register voters to gain the power at the polls to put
politicians into office who support our freedoms and the reform of Marijuana
laws. We've become active in the political process in this country and we
encourage all responsible citizens to do the same. Proceeds from HEMP AID and
RoachRoast are used to support many groups, agencies and individuals who are
active in the support of our civil liberties. We feel the time has come and
the momentum is here to put an end to prohibition forever. We believe that the
general populace of this country has become smart enough to understand that our
tax dollars would be better spent and our society as a whole would be better served
by providing treatment for people with drug problems instead of imprisonment.

We call on all responsible citizens to do their part in bringing an end to
prohibition in America and an end to the Drug War that has imprisoned and
killed thousands of innocent Americans over the past decades. We want you to
look at this website carefully and go to all the links we provide for you here
so you can learn more about how important your support is now. We encourage
you to attend our festivals and excercise your freedom and civil liberty and
join us in raising our voices against intollerance in this country. HEMP AID and
RoachRoast are a great way to have fun and support a worthy cause at the same time.

Rainbow Farm DOES NOT promote the use of illicit drugs by anyone, nor do we
condone or encourage the use of tobacco, alchohol, or marijuana by minors. We
do not encourage breaking laws. We work hard to change attitudes and bad laws
from within the system of government currently in place. We support that
system of government and we feel priviledged to live in America.

To contact us:

Call the Rainbow Farm Hotline at:

(616) 476-2808

Send snail mail to:

Rainbow Farm
59896 Pemberton Road
Vandalia, MI 49095

Email us at:


© Copyright 1999, Rainbow Farm, All rights reserved.