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Project Ceres

The Ceres Project Reaches $46,500 - Not Much Time Left!

January 15, 2003

Ladies and Gentlemen, we have put to the lie the notion that, when asked, Libertarians won't respond. We have demolished the old saw that people just talk the talk, but don't walk the walk.

The Ceres Project has reached a new milestone, with $46,500 already contributed or in process.

The Ceres Project ( information must have been appealing. Was it the lure of joining with L. Neil Smith to produce a work of significance? Was it the notion of actually Doing Something for Liberty - instead of just talking about it? Was it the idea of being a Patron of the Arts? Was it hard-headed, rational business investment potential? Was it wanting to see Ceres greet the mass market, and win hearts and minds? Was it something else?

Each individual has their own reasons for joining The Ceres Project. I'd like to thank each and every one of them.

I'd also like to advise urgency if you want to join this excellent group of investors in making Ceres become a reality. I'd like to get The Argentine Club a membership, if possible.

The Honor Roll, in order of sign-up

Platinum: Alan R. Weiss $5000
Platinum: David Kinnear $5000
Platinum: Anonymous $5000
Platinum: Stephen Carville $5000
Double-Platinum: John Walker $10,000
Silver: Daniel Weiner $1000
Platinum: Ron Flanagan $5000
Platinum: Bob Tipton $5000
Platinum: K. Mark & Susan Helton $5000
Half-Silver: Steve Galpin $500

Total so far: $46,500

As your volunteer Managing Partner, Chairman, or Grunt - as you prefer - I thank you. I know L. Neil will be making a statement when we've reached our goal, which we hope will be very soon.

Alan R. Weiss, for
The Ceres Project

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