You are here: Webley Page  >  Announcements  >  Project Ceres  >  October 29, 2002 Status Report

Project Ceres

October 29, 2002 Status Report

The Ceres Project is dedicated to helping L. Neil Smith write a great new pro-2nd, pro-RKBA book - and a film treatment, too! Only this time, we're going after a BIG mainstream publisher, not a science fiction publisher.

Think of it - what if Michael Crichton was pro-liberty?

Here's our status report:

We are extremely pleased to report that within a few weeks, we have managed to raise $10,000 in hard cash for "The Ceres Project."

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Here's some more great news: we have two more Platinum level funders/investors that are ready to sign up, bringing the total committed to $20,000!

That's 40% of the total planned for this Project in just a couple of weeks. As you can see, the proven track record of L. Neil Smith and his over 20 books published marks this as a winning Project.

If you want to join this historic and exciting Project, and be a part of bringing an L. Neil Smith book to life ("Ceres"), a breakthrough book for Neil, please read the Proposal and get back with me as soon as possible. We know that many of you do not have $5000 to invest - that's why we created multiple funding levels. Come be a part of something REAL, something that will spread the messages of liberty far and wide.

Did we mention that The Ceres Project includes a FILM treatment, too?

Join us. Questions? Ask!


L. Neil Smith                  Alan R. Weiss
                  The Ceres Project

You are here: Webley Page  >  Announcements  >  Project Ceres  >  October 29, 2002 Status Report