TJRC Membership Application
The Jefferson River Coalition
* membership application instructions *
All information on this form will be held in strict confidentiality and will not be extended to anyone outside of TJRC management. While we encourage all members to furnish us with snail mail addresses or post office boxes and email addresses, anyone not wishing to have his name listed, or who does not wish to furnish contact information for himself, may still contribute support and financial assistance for the Coalition's projects as an Anonymous member. See our contact info below.
Annual dues are $45.00 U.S. (forty-five dollars U.S.). Dues and/or contributions to JRC are not tax-deductible. Payments in increments of less than full amount (less than $45.00 U.S.) are acceptable. Dues will be applied to projects listed on our FAQ sheet. Contributions larger than the annual dues amount are also welcomed and appreciated. There are many costs involved in establishing the Coalition's office. We appreciate your generosity very sincerely.
Please make checks or money orders payable to: " Don Doig ".
(As soon as we can, we hope to activate an account with PayPal, but presently we're limited to taking cash, checks, and money-orders.)
Dues payments and contributions, properly addressed to Don Doig, may be mailed to.... (please address envelopes just this way)
P.O. Box 71
Willow Creek, MT 59760
....or your payment may be given to any officer in TJRC, including Clinton Cain, B. Kallestad, Don Doig, and myself, Elias Alias. Written inquiries should be mailed to the above postal address.
Your membership will enable you to receive our communications, updates, notices and alerts. It will also assist the coalition in achieving its goals. We appreciate your support. Please recommend the coalition to your friends and neighbors.
Your name or screen-name: ________________________
Your contact info:
U.S. postal service mailing address: ________________________
email _________________________
telephone: _____________________
Any comments or questions? Contact Elias at the mailing address above or email me at: Thanks!