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Additional Pearl Harbor Documentation
False Flag Operations
Part One: The Pearl Harbor Perspective
The “Pearl Harbor” Perspective
Of a long list of deliberate government cover-ups of crimes committed by trusted
men and women in seats of governmental power, including Presidents themselves,
perhaps none rings more sharply in the American mind today than the deception by
President Franklin Delano Roosevelt regarding the attack at Pearl Harbor on
December 07, 1941 - the day which he himself declared would “live in infamy”.
The “infamy” certainly does live on, but now many Americans know that the
author of that infamy was Roosevelt himself. And Roosevelt had help, as we shall
now see.
What has come to the attention of the American public, a half-century late, is
the fact that President Roosevelt did indeed know that the Japanese war machine
would attack Pearl Harbor, and that he, in fact, deliberately let it happen.
What is worse yet, Franklin Delano Roosevelt actually employed a secret
Statecraft plan to force Japan to attack. And what is even worse than
that is the fact, now established and published, that certain people inside the
Office of Naval Intelligence deliberately tore vital daily intelligence sections
from the daily reports to General Short and Admiral Kimmel, the two military
commanders in charge of military affairs at Pearl Harbor, in order to prevent
their knowledge of the coming attack.
This sort of information, as it comes to light more than sixty years after Pearl
Harbor and World War II, is a shock to my soul, and I'm sure that it is a shock
to any American's or Montanan's soul as well. Roosevelt not only knew
before-hand that the Japanese would attack on December 07, 1941 at Pearl Harbor,
the man pro-actively leveraged the Japanese, deliberately, to cause Japan
to attack America. FDR then watched as the attack he wanted was carried out. To
succeed with his plan, Roosevelt arranged for key Players in the U.S. Navy and
U.S. Army to prevent Admiral Husband Kimmel and General _ Short, the commanders
of U.S. forces at Hawaii, from gaining the information which Roosevelt had “on
his desk” regarding the coming attack. Kimmel and Short were later made
scapegoats on the resultant, official, government-issued “incompetence” theory.
Because this allegation is so hideous and disgusting by its very nature, I would
like to now bring to your attention some of the facts which support the
allegation. To do so, I rely upon a body of research completed by Robert B.
Stinnett and published in his book, Day Of Deceit: The Truth About FDR And
Pearl Harbor. (2)
In looking back in time to the weeks and months prior to December 07, 1941, we
note that President Roosevelt had deliberately cooperated with, or allowed to go
forward, an eight-point plan to provoke Japan into committing an aggression, an
“overt act”, against the United States. Let's look at Mr. Stinnett's
introduction to that eight-point plan now.
~Begin quoted passages from Day Of Deceit: The Truth About FDR And Pearl
As warfare raged in Europe and portions of Africa and Japan, Germany and Italy
threatened countries in three continents, a memorandum circulated in Washington.
Originating in the Office of Naval Intelligence and addressed to two of FDR's
most trusted advisors, it suggested a shocking new American foreign policy. It
called for provoking Japan into an overt act of war against the United States.
It was written by Lieutenant Commander Arthur H. McCollum, head of the Far East
desk of the Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI). (snip)
Lieutenant Commander McCollum's five page memorandum of October 1940 ... put
forward a startling plan – a plan intended to engineer a situation that would
mobilize a reluctant America into joining Britain's struggle against the German
armed forces then overrunning Europe. It's eight actions called for virtually
inciting a Japanese attack on American ground, air, and naval forces in Hawaii,
as well as on British and Dutch colonial outposts in the Pacific region.
Opinion polls in the summer of 1940 indicated that a majority of Americans did
not want the country involved in Europe's wars. Yet FDR's military and State
Department leaders agreed that a victorious Nazi Germany would threaten the
national security of the United States. They felt that Americans needed a call
to action.
McCollum would be an essential part of this plan. His code name was F-2. He
oversaw the routing of communications intelligence to FDR from early 1940 to
December 7, 1941, and provided the President with intelligence reports on
Japanese military and diplomatic strategy. Every intercepted and decoded
Japanese military and diplomatic report destined for the White House went
through the Far East Asia section of ONI, which he oversaw. The section served
as a clearinghouse for all categories of intelligence reports, not only on Japan
but on all the other nations of eastern Asia.
Each report prepared by McCollum for the President was based on radio intercepts
gathered and decoded by a worldwide network of American military cryptographers
and radio intercept operators. McCollum's office was an element of Station US, a
secret American cryptographic center located at the main naval headquarters at
18th Street and Constitution Avenue N.W., about four blocks from the White
Few people in America's government or military knew as much about Japan's
activities and intentions as Lieutenant Commander Arthur H. McCollum. He felt
that war with Japan was inevitable and that the United States should provoke it
at a time which suited US interests. In his October 1940 memorandum McCollum
advocated eight actions that he predicted would lead to a Japanese attack on the
United States. [Emphasis mine – I emphasize this because it was the very same
idea which FDR believed personally, a sense of inevitability which was arrived
at, apparently, by listening to his closest advisors and by listening to the
financial interests on Wall Street which, alongside British banking interests,
had built-up the Third Reich, and because this statement is an insight into
Statecraft operating in Secrecy at the highest international levels. Now for
McCollum's eight points...]
A. Make an arrangement with Britain for the use of British bases in the Pacific,
particularly Singapore.
B. Make an arrangement with Holland for the use of base facilities and
acquisition of supplies in the Dutch East Indies [now Indonesia].
C. Give all possible aid to the Chinese government of Chiang Kai-shek [EA note:
Charlie Soong's son-in-law].
D. Send a division of long-range heavy cruisers to the Orient, Philippines, or
E. Send two divisions of submarines to the Orient.
F. Keep the main strength of the US Fleet, now in the Pacific, in the vicinity
of the Hawaiian Islands.
G. Insist that the Dutch refuse to grant Japanese demands for undue economic
concessions, particularly oil.
H. Completely embargo all trade with Japan, in collaboration with a similar
embargo imposed by the British Empire.
(snip) ...a series of secret presidential routing logs plus collateral
intelligence information in Navy files offer conclusive evidence that they [EA:
Navy Captain Dudley W. Knox, one of Roosevelt's most trusted advisors, and FDR
himself – see pages 8 and 9 in book] did see it. [EA: The McCollum memo]
Beginning the very next day, with FDR's involvement, McCollum's proposals were
systematically put into effect.
Throughout 1941, it seems, provoking Japan into an overt act of war was the
principal policy that guided FDR's actions toward Japan. Army and Navy
directives containing the “overt act” phrase were sent to Pacific commanders.
Roosevelt's cabinet members, most notably Secretary of War Henry Stimson [EA:
Stimson worked also for Woodrow Wilson and was Skull and Bones], are on record
favoring the policy, according to Stimson's diary. Stimson's diary entries of
1941 place him with nine other Americans who knew or were associated with this
policy of provocation during 1941.
Roosevelt's “fingerprints” can be found on each of McCollum's proposals. One of
the most shocking was Action D, the deliberate deployment of American warships
within or adjacent to the territorial waters of Japan. During secret White House
meetings, Roosevelt personally took charge of Action D. He called the
provocations “pop-up” cruises: “I just want them to keep popping up here and
there and keep the Japs guessing. I don't mind losing one or two cruisers, but
do not take a chance on losing five or six.” Admiral Husband Kimmel, the Pacific
Fleet commander, objected to the pop-up cruises, saying: “It is ill-advised and
will result in war if we make this move.” [EA note: this was exactly what
four-star Major General Smedley Butler had warned the nation about in his book,
published in the 1930s, entitled "War Is A Racket"]
End quoted passages from pages 6 – 8 in Day Of Deceit: The Truth About FDR
And Pearl Harbor.
Reading the book reveals that Franklin Delano Roosevelt, grandson of the Delano
family's historic opium dealings in China for the Skull And Bones-founding
Russell Company of Boston, having come to the White House from Wall Street
business ties and associations, [3: footnote Sutton's “FDR And Wall Street”]
deliberately led this nation into World War II by provoking the Japanese attack
on Pearl Harbor. He provoked it; his Navy intercepted and broke the Japanese
highest secret codes, he knew the attack was coming; he knew when and where it
would happen; and he let it happen. Then he acted surprised in front of the
entire nation and the world. The day after Pearl Harbor, one million American
men joined the military to fight in World War II.
I often use the word “pretext”. Roosevelt's eight-point plan, provided by
McCollum, was in effect the creation of a pretext to involve this nation in war.
It was not the first time a U.S. President had made use of a false pretext, nor
would it be the last. Sadly, it is now seen in retrospect as yet one more
example of how Secrecy in Statecraft in the name of Security can become a very
self-damning notion, a false-flag pretext. Such pretexts, as noted by Barrie
Zwicker, are too often observed in history as defining peaks, as world-altering
events. [See Bibliography, Documentary Films: "Confronting The Evidence"
for Barrie Zwicker's televised comment.]
This may be questioned, or at least doubted, until the reader completes reading
the book by Stinnett. Regarding Stinnett himself, he served in the U.S. Navy
from 1942 to 1946. Like many veterans of war, Stinnett felt obliged, afterward,
to answer some questions for himself. He spent about seventeen years researching
this information, and made countless requests through the Freedom Of Information
Act in order to obtain the documents which support his announcement of FDR's
complicity in the conspiracy to draw America into WWII. Bruce Bartlett, writing
a review of Stinnett's work for the Wall Street Journal, said this: “Fascinating
and readable .... Exceptionally well-presented.” Richard Bernstein, writing in
the New York Times, has this to say: “It is difficult, after reading this
copiously documented book, not to wonder about previously unchallenged
assumptions about Pearl Harbor”.
Difficult, indeed. But as we who seek the truth have no alternative, we must
now, because of Mr. Stinnett's documented and authenticated research, accept the
bitter truth that President Franklin Delano Roosevelt knowingly incited the
Japanese to attack, knew that Japan would attack Pearl Harbor on December 07,
1941, and let it happen. He did so for a reason.
Our sailors and soldiers stationed at Pearl Harbor were not allowed to know of
the impending attack. In effect, they were used as bait. As we shall see, they
were sacrificed on the altar of the New World Order.
Question: For which of Professor David Ray Griffin's list of four possible
interpretations of 911, listed above, does Roosevelt's actions set the
I would say that the FDR/Pearl Harbor incident represents a combination of two
or more of the above-listed four interpretations of 911, transferred from 911
back in time to Pearl Harbor. When U.S. foreign policy was altered by the
adoption of Lieutenant Commander McCollum's eight-point plan, it was done so by
design. As Stinnett's book documents completely, that “design” was to cause
Japan to attack America, so that the American people could be galvanized into a
solidified support base for America's entry into World War II. The only people
left on earth who may in 2006 attempt to dispute this are the people who have
not read Stinnett's book. The documentation for this is there. It's just that
plain and simple. But can I expect the average Federal employee to read that
book? Have any officials of the Federal government apologized to the victims,
survivors, and families of that infamy? Countless millions of Americans to this
day think that FDR was a friend to America and especially to poor Americans.
It is not a stretch in logic to note that in such way certain “elements within
the U.S. government” - government employees - conspired to cause an
international act of military aggression against the American people, their
property, and aspects of their representative government. It was not a band of
Nazi spies or Japanese insurgents who had infiltrated the government or the
military – it was supposedly well-meaning individuals working in Secrecy inside
government seats of authority and power who forced the Japanese to attack
America as a pretext to draw America into World War II, and then lied about it,
attempted to cover it up. It remained covered-up for a half-century, despite a
number of Congressional investigations, the latest coming in 1995.
Stinnett uncovers the whole sordid affair very well. The man has dug up the
documents, including some which the government had ordered destroyed, but which
had been overlooked in the government's less-than-perfect purge of the records.
Again I note that this entire notion, this perception which now shows that a
U.S. President would lie to the American people about something so horrendous
and despicable as allowing a foreign power to attack Pearl Harbor, and would
deliberately withhold his foreknowledge from the commanders of our military
forces at Pearl Harbor, Admiral Kimmel and General Short, is so difficult to
believe that I feel it to be important to show readers here some additional
material from Stinnett's book, after which I will include some passages from
Professor Carroll Quigley's Tragedy And Hope (4) which indicate the fact
from yet another perspective.
~Begin passages from pages 206 – 208 in Day Of Deceit: The Truth About FDR
And Pearl Harbor:
Throughout the weekend of November 28-30, the solar storm bounced the Akagi's
radio transmissions across the Pacific to US Navy intercept stations on Oahu,
Alaska, and America's West Coast and to the SS Lurline. Kimmel was informed of
the Akagi broadcasts by Rochefort's report dated November 30. The admiral read
the warning on the morning of December 2 and asked his intelligence officer,
Edwin Layton: “Where are the carriers?” Layton said he didn't know. With a
twinkle in his eye, Kimmel asked, “Could they be rounding Diamond Head?”
Layton's reply was, “I hope they would have been discovered before then.” But
Layton may not have been completely frank. He said that Japan's Carrier
Divisions One and Two had not been heard from for at least fifteen to
twenty-five days – starting from mid-November. He then expanded the
falsification: “Neither the carriers, carrier division commanders or the carrier
commander-in-chief [Nagumo] had been addressed in any of the thousands of
messages that came out of the Naval General Staff. In addition, no traffic
[radio transmissions] had been originated by the carriers.”
Joseph Rochefort of Station HYPO backed up Layton, claiming that from December 1
onward “We lost our knowledge of their activities and their position because
they had gone on radio silence.” On the eve of the attack he told Kimmel,
“Carriers are lost, carriers not heard.” Later in 1946, during the Pearl Harbor
investigation, Rochefort modified his statement, testifying on February 15,
1946, that he had “located them in a negative sense.”
Homer Kisner told the author [Stinnett] that bearing locations obtained by the
radio direction finder[RDF] operators were part of the complete intelligence
bundle he delivered each day to Station HYPO. Until the end of October, RDF
reports were included in intelligence summaries sent to both Kimmel and the
White House. But beginning November 1, the RDF reports were omitted from the
summaries delivered to Kimmel. When shown the omissions by the author [Stinnett]
in 1988, Kisner was astounded. “Who held them back? They should have gone to the
admiral!” he said.
Why were the RDF reports missing from Admiral Kimmel's copy? Rochefort's
original Communications Summaries were found by the author [Stinnett] stored
among Navy records in the National Archives, but all the RDF reports for
November and December 1941 were crudely cut from the copy of each report that
had been prepared for Kimmel. Every RDF fix had been excised some time after
Kisner delivered the complete reports to Station HYPO. No one at the National
Archives could explain the deletions. When were they cut? Before they were
delivered to the admiral? Did the deletions trigger the “Where are the carriers”
question Kimmel directed to Layton?
In 1993, the deletion questions were posed to Richard A. von Doenhoff, a
specialist in the Pearl Harbor section of the National Archives. He confirmed
that more than sixty-five of Rochefort's November and December Summaries
intended for Kimmel had been mutilated. Von Doenhoff wrote the author [Stinnett]
that the RDF pages which listed Japanese warship locations had been cut prior to
the start of the 1945 Congressional Hearings. “We examined the Fourteenth Naval
District Communication Summaries and found that those summaries had indeed been
cut off from the bottom of the pages. We have no idea why this was done, but it
appears that the documents were entered into evidence during 1945 and 46 in this
So began the myth of the radio silence of the Japanese carrier force. It is a
myth that has endured for over fifty years and that continues to baffle
historians. In 1995 Stephen Ambrose, one of America's most distinguished
historians, excoriated the pre-Pearl Harbor intelligence when he wrote: “It was
simply terrible. In late November, intelligence 'lost' the Japanese aircraft
carrier fleet,” Ambrose wrote. He repeated this charge in the Wall Street
Journal in May 1999.
Layton's claim about the carrier commands' radio silence does not hold up to
scrutiny. There were 129 Japanese naval intercepts obtained by US Naval monitor
stations between November 15 and December 6 that directly contradict Layton's
figures. The intercept rate can be documented from the records of Stations CAST
and H. For the 21-day period, it averages 6.3 intercepts per day. All categories
of Japanese carriers and carrier commands cited by Layton as on radio silence
either originated radio broadcasts or received messages during the three-week
period, according to an analysis of the intercepts conducted by the Navy's 1941
radio traffic experts, Captain Duane Whitlock of Station CAST and Homer Kisner
of Station H.
~End quoted passages from Day Of Deceit: The Truth About FDR And Pearl
I would love to type in here what Stinnett has printed on the pages which follow
the above passages, but will instead urge the Committee members to read the book
for themselves. Stinnett has done all his homework, and in a most-dedicated and
persistent manner. The proof is all there. Roosevelt knew; and Admiral Kimmel,
commander of the fleet at Pearl Harbor, was kept in the dark so that he could
not prevent the coming attack on Pearl Harbor. Equally as bad, the U.S. Senate
has repeatedly since 1941 and as recently as 1995 pro-actively covered-up this
information and hidden it from the American people.
Let us now ponder the meaning of this one point from American history. While
Roosevelt undoubtedly had specific Wall Street influences effecting
behind-the-scenes roles in his thinking, he was predisposed to agree with
Lieutenant Commander McCollum that America would sooner or later be dragged into
war against the Japanese and the Nazis. Both McCollum and Roosevelt also knew
that most Americans were locked into their “isolationist” beliefs and would not
support America's entry into World War II. They felt that a viable “pretext” was
called for, a pretext which would galvanize the American public to support
America's entry into World War II. The McCollum plan was the selected Policy
which would be enacted to ensure that the Japanese would provide that pretext.
From there the treachery deepened. Admiral Husband Kimmel and General Short
would necessarily need to be kept in the dark about this. The eight-point plan
would be fruitless if Kimmel and Short guessed the date and place of the coming
attack, so FDR deliberately arranged for them to remain “outside the loop” on
this extremely sensitive Policy of provocation. Roosevelt, McCollum, and a
number of other key government employees formed a conspiracy to prevent Kimmel
and Short from gaining knowledge of the date and place of the coming attack,
lest they do their duty and avert the attack on Pearl Harbor.
That is a serious accusation, so again I urge everyone to read Day Of Deceit:
The Truth About FDR And Pearl Harbor by Robert B. Stinnett (2). In the
meantime, I'll close this one example of abusive Secrecy in Statecraft with two
brief quotations from the book. The first snippet includes one of the most
sordid and soul-less statements ever uttered in American history:
~Begin quotation, page 203:
In his postwar testimony to Congress, Admiral Husband Kimmel maintained that he
would have been ready to defend Pearl Harbor ...”if I had anything which
indicated to me the probability of an attack on Hawaii.” The information that
Kimmel needed was available – so available, in fact, that it often appears as
though the Japanese had made few efforts to conceal it. As we now know,
Lieutenant Commanders Joseph Rochefort and Edwin Layton could have provided that
indication, but they did not do so.
Their failure allowed Japan's First Air Fleet to make its surprise attack and
then to escape to Japan. In a postwar assessment of the attack Rochefort said,
“It was a pretty cheap price to pay for unifying the country.”
[emphasis mine]
~End quoted passage from page 203; begin quoted passage from page 255:
The key evidence of what really happened began to be concealed as early as
December 11, 1941, only four days after the attack. The first step in the
clean-up came from Rear Admiral Leigh Noyes, the Navy's Director of
Communications. He instituted the fifty-four-year censorship policy that
consigned the pre-Pearl Harbor Japanese military and diplomatic intercepts and
the relevant directives to Navy vaults. “Destroy all notes or anything in
writing,” Noyes told a group of his subordinates on December 11.
~End quoted passage on page 255.
I remain devastated by this revelation about Pearl Harbor. Like Barrie Zwicker,
in retrospect I feel that America was in an honorable role by opposing Hitler
and the Axis powers of WWII, and I am not ashamed that America entered that war.
(7) But there was a better way to drag an unwilling American public into the
fray, after all. It's called representative government, and it is implemented by
educating the people with the truth instead of deceiving them. The path
Roosevelt chose was Secrecy in Statecraft, and now his untidy little secret is
out of the bag, and it is with embarrassment and shame that Americans everywhere
shall remember the man – and his personal infamy. The dead at Pearl Harbor, I
submit, could they speak to us today, would reinforce my sentiment on this.
Additional Pearl Harbor Documentation
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