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I stood on the greened porch

in an animated but gentle rain

and blew white smoke

into the happy rain

which taunted my mood.


"How much did I ask for

this time - I don't recall committing

for this much, Lord. Not that

I would complain; it's just an

inconsequential curiosity, of course;

and even if I did ask to meet

this much, this time, would You,

by the Way, remind me, next time,

to consider human limitations?"


A warm breeze teased through

the April rain-washed air;

the toads near lichen-licked

tombstones blinked a rare pleasure;

the smell of thriven green, awash and

attended by new rabbit and flower,

celebrated the rain --


While my soul complained of having

no vent for the burden

of eventuality,

rationality made me note the need

to identify to whom I was so

earnestly complaining - and the

imparted implication caused me to

tear off my shirt and run into the rain.




copyright Elias Alias 1986, 2007


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