Introduce myself to the audience.
Begin with Clint's adventure in Helena last Monday.
Use scenario of people paying for postage and then being asked to pay insurance that the postal service is rendered correctly - use that scenario to talk about how we become lulled into complacency.
Then move into the NAU mechanism - THE LATE GREAT USA by Dr. Jerome Corsi
Start by stating regrets about Phyllis Schlafly, President of Eagle Forum. Then read her blurb on the back of the book.
Blurb: "Dr. Corsi has 'connected the dots' between the Security and Prosperity Partnership, the sale of toll roads and other infrastructure to foreign companies, and proposals for a North American Union with open borders between Mexico, the U.S., and Canada. The Late Great USA is an essential read for anyone concerned about the future independence and sovereignty of the United States." ~ Phyllis Schlafly.
So - the sovereignty of the United States of America is now at risk, according to Ms Schlafly, Dr. Corsi, and Lou Dobbs. If the USA were to lose its sovereignty by being assimilated into a North American Union, and if Montana has given up its sovereignty to the USA, where will that leave Montanans? That's a pretty good question, but the answer is not so good for those of us who still value good old Americanism.
To get the proper perspective on the creation of a NAU, we only need to look at the history of the European Union. It's creation was done by incremental steps, although its perpetrators disguised it's beginnings as trade agreements. Here are the high points -
On August 05, 1943, as a member of the National Liberation Committee of the free French Government in Algiers, Jean Monnet (father of the EU), stated: "There will be no peace in Europe if the States rebuild themselves on the basis of national sovereignty.... The States of Europe must therefore form a federation or a European entity that would make them into a common economic unit."
On May 09, 1950, French Foreign Minister Robert Shuman announced the Shuman Declaration - a plan to pool French and German coal and steel production, saying that this economic plan would prevent further war between France and Germany. On December 18, 1951, six European nations signed the Treaty of Paris, which established the "European Coal and Steel Community". On March 25, 1957, these six nations signed Treaty of Rome, establishing the European Economic Community, known as the European Common Market. On March 25, 1957, the European Atomic Energy Commission was created. On October 17, 1957, a European Court of Justice was established to settle trade disputes. In 1960 the European Free Trade Association was created. In 1965, the three already existing bodies were merged under the European Economic Community. In 1968 the European Customs Union was formed. In Brussels and Luxembourg, "working groups" were formed. In 1978, the European Council met in Brussels and established a European monetary system based on a "European currency unit." In 1986 the Single European Act modified the Treaty of Rome and set up a framework for a completely unified European market. Gradually, we see, what began as a limited coal and steel agreement between France and Germany evolved into a common market, a Customs union, and the underpinnings of a European currency.
On February 07, 1992, the Treaty of the European Union was signed, forming a full-fledged regional government. Over this process of time a professional bureaucracy was formed. On January 01, 2002, the Euro was introduced and traditional national currencies began to be phased out.
One last thing -
For Americans who do not grasp the significance of the adoption of the euro by European Union countries, consider how one American globalist describes it.
C. Fred Bergsten is a prominent and core Trilateral Commission member and head of the Institute for International Economics. On January 3, 1999, Bergsten wrote in the Washington Post
" Money traditionally has been an integral element of national sovereignty ...and the decision by Germany and France to give up their mark and franc ...represents the most dramatic voluntary surrender of sovereignty in recorded history".
Hidden Agenda?
I am proposing that it is entirely possible that an agenda exists which is largely kept from public awareness. That agenda is known to some of us, and many more are waking up to it daily. The publicly known pillars which support and mobilize the agenda include the CFR, the Trilateral Commission, and the Bilderberg Group. One of the most powerful frontmen for that agenda is Zbigniew Brzezinski. Mr. Brzezinski is one of President Obama's advisers. In that role, Mr. Brzezinski's bosses expect Mr. Brzezinski to steer the President's policy-making so that the White House carries forward their agenda. It is exactly how Col. Edward M. House steered President Woodrow Wilson. It's how Clark Clifford steered President Harry Truman. It's how Henry Kissinger steered President Richard Nixon. It's how Zbigniew Brzezinski steered President Jimmy Carter. And it's how Zbigniew Brzezinski shall steer President Barrack Obama. Mr. Brzezinski is a long-time member and trustee at the CFR; he is a co-founder (with David Rockefeller, in 1973) of the Trilateral Commission; and he is a Bilderberg Group attendee. All of those groups are globalist spear-heads in the drive to do away with nation-states by assimilation into a one-world government. And those groups dominate the American media, the U.S. State Department, academia, and, since 1976, the White House itself.
I'd like to show you how it works.
Briefly, let's look at Brzezinski in Brzezinski's own published words. I've read some of these words to the Judiciary Committee in Helena, holding up the book in which I found them, for the committee members to see plain as day, in the 2007 legislative session. I think what I read from that had an effect. The book is entitled Between Two Ages: America's Role In The Technetronic Age. From that book, published in 1970, I read the following to the committee -
"The nation-state is gradually yielding its sovereignty. ... In the
economic-technological field, some international cooperation has already been
achieved, but further progress will require greater American sacrifices. More
intensive efforts to shape a new world monetary structure will have to be
undertaken, with some consequent risk to the present relatively favorable
American position."
"The technetronic era involves the gradual appearance of a more controlled society. Such a society would be dominated by an elite, unrestrained by traditional values. Soon it will be possible to assert almost continuous surveillance over every citizen and maintain up-to-date complete files containing even the most personal information about the citizen. These files will be subject to instantaneous retrieval by the authorities.
Zbigniew Brzezinski, in Between Two Ages, 1970
But wait - the man has said more. At Mikhail Gorbachev's first State of the World Forum in 1995, Brzezinski revealed: "We cannot leap into world government through one quick step....The precondition for eventual and genuine globalization is progressive regionalization because by that we move toward larger, more stable, more cooperative units."
The man sees nations as component parts of regions, and he sees the desired regions as "cooperative units". This man is working in abstractions for the sake of directing international affairs between presently-competing nation-states. I could do an entire show just on the things this man has done and published. And he is presently one of President Obama's advisers. Want to guess how many of Brzezinski's Trilateral and CFR buddies are also in President Obama's cabinet? From the August Review, but specifically from this lnk off the main page, here -
- we find the following list of Trilaterals in the new cabinet:
* Secretary of Treasury, Tim Geithner
* Ambassador to the United Nations, Susan Rice
* National Security Advisor, Gen. James L. Jones
* Deputy National Security Advisor, Thomas Donilon
* Chairman, Economic Recovery Committee, Paul Volker
* Director of National Intelligence, Admiral Dennis C. Blair
* Assistant Secretary of State, Asia & Pacific, Kurt M. Campbell
* Deputy Secretary of State, James Steinberg
* State Department, Special Envoy, Richard Haass
* State Department, Special Envoy, Dennis Ross
* State Department, Special Envoy, Richard Holbrooke
These are all known globalists, and they're all Trilateral Commission members.
So we've talked in the first segment about HJ-26 and Clint's encounter with the statist Robyn Driscoll. And we've talked a little about the Trilateral Commission and the CFR. Now let's talk about the SPP and the role it plays in taking down America from within.
The European Coal and Steel Community which we noted earlier has a matching phenomenon in America called NAFTA. As Jean Monnet guided the evolution of the ECSC into a European Union, here in America one Professor Robert Pastor holds the same vision, and he has called for a North American currency called "The Amero".
October 17, 2001 - CFR held a meeting in Atlanta Georgia titled "The Future of North American Integration".
Close by showing why it is important that Clint's story becomes known around the state, and why it is important that the Democrats on the Judiciary Committee, the nasty nine, be held accountable for their role in squashing HJ-26.
~ ~ ~ Notes ~ ~ ~
Between Two Ages: America's Role in the Technetronic Era
by Zbigniew Brzezinski; copyright 1970 by Zbigniew Brzezinski; published 1970 by The Viking Press, Inc., 625 Madison Avenue, New York, New York 10022; (I)SBN: 670-16041-5.
From the following link:
The North American Union and the Larger Plan |
By Dennis L. Cuddy, Ph.D. In order to bring about a North American Union (NAU), the public first
has to be conditioned to think of themselves as North Americans. In that
regard, Thomas Donohue (president and CEO of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce)
on June 16, 2006 remarked that "for CEOs, North America is already a single
market, and business decisions are no longer made with a Mexico
strategy---or a Canada strategy---but, rather, with a North American
strategy....I think it's pretty clear now that it no longer makes sense to
talk about U.S. competitiveness and Mexican competitiveness---or, for that
matter, about the competitiveness of Canada. We are all in this
together---we, as North Americans." |