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Basic Executive Orders
EO 10995
Grants the Federal government authority to seize all communications media in the United States.
EO 10997
Allows the Federal government to seize all electrical power, fuels, and minerals, both public and private.
EO 10998
Permits the Federal government to seize all food supplies and resources, farms, and farm equipment, both public and private.
EO 10999
Gives Federal government authority to seize all means of transportation, including personal automobiles, and control all highways, seaports, and waterways.
EO 11000
Authorizes Federal government to seize American citizens, assign them to work brigades under Federal supervision.
EO 11001
Empowers Federal government to seize all health, education, and welfare facilities, both public and private.
EO 11002
Empowers the Postmaster General to register all men, women, and children in the United States.
EO 11003
Authorizes Federal seizure of all air transportation, aircraft, and airports.
EO 11004
Allows Federal government to: Seize all housing and finance authorities; Establish forced relocation of citizens; Declare "unsafe" areas; Direct migration of populations; Relocate entire communities; Build new housing with public funds.
EO 11005
Authorizes Federal government to seize all railroads, inland waterways, and storage facilities, both public and private.
EO 11051
Provides the Office of Emergency Planning complete authorization to pub the above-listed Executive Orders (and others) into effect in times of increased international tension or economic crisis or financial crisis.
EO 12919
Signed by Bill Clinton on June 03, 1994, this Executive Order encompasses all of the above-listed EOs.
We should note that any President may use any EO signed by any previous President. Example: If Hillary Clinton were to become President of the United States of America, she could use any of the above EOs at her whim, based on:
which you may read *here.
A curious example of an Executive Order as a law created by a President is found on the White House website at this url:
Since this is a very brief EO, let's read it here:
~ begin quoted passages from White House website link above.
Executive Order: Extending Privileges and Immunities to the Permanent Observer Mission of the Holy See to the United Nations
By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, including section 7(b) of the Department of State Authorities Act of 2006 (22 U.S.C. 288l), I hereby extend to the Permanent Observer Mission of the Holy See to the United Nations in New York, and to its members, the privileges and immunities enjoyed by the diplomatic missions of member states to the United Nations, and members of such missions, subject to corresponding conditions and obligations.
This extension of privileges and immunities is not intended to abridge in any respect privileges or immunities that the Permanent Observer Mission of the Holy See to the United Nations in New York and its members otherwise may have acquired or may acquire by law.
March 7, 2007.
End quoted passages from White House website link above.
It strikes me as very interesting that a U.S. President now is seen making an Executive law to guarantee the Holy See diplomatic immunities at the United Nations. Does the United States of America somehow now operate the United Nations? What is going on here? What would qualify the Holy See to be granted diplomatic immunities at the United Nations, and under what authority would a U.S. President presume to grant anything to the Holy See at the United Nations? How long has this been going on? Was Allen Dulles involved with the Holy See during his quiet years in the early 1940s when he worked in U.S. intelligence "off the record" and is known to have been peripheral to Nazi - Vatican activities? Do we Americans need to look more closely into Secret Societies? Radio talk-show host Glenn Beck said so - over the airwaves - on his national radio show in July, 2007. But I digress...
Link to all Executive Orders listed as signed by President George Walker Bush: ( link good as of July 12, 2007)
Other links of interest:
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