This program,
The sample plaintext file (data) is listed below. The sample cipherfile (DES3CIPH.out) is not listed here, because the characters in the file create problems for text editors and html, and thus are not handled properly by web browsers.
import*; import java.lang.*; import*; import*; import java.math.*; import cryptix.util.core.BI; import cryptix.util.core.Hex; class testRSA { public static void main(String[] args) { //test the process of generating and verifying a RSA signature try { FileOutputStream outFile = new FileOutputStream("RSA.out"); PrintStream output = new PrintStream(outFile); //generate a secure random number and print out 20 random bytes (this is slow) SecureRandom ran = new SecureRandom(); byte[] bb = new byte[20]; //use the line below instead to create "random" bytes from the given string //bb = Hex.fromString("BF3A4C6B2F135110DE01479EC02E32D35FEEED93"); ran.nextBytes(bb); String w = cryptix.util.core.Hex.dumpString(bb); output.println("20 random bytes: " + w); //generate an RSA key pair KeyPairGenerator keyGen = KeyPairGenerator.getInstance("RSA"); keyGen.initialize(1024, ran); KeyPair pair = keyGen.generateKeyPair(); // cast as RSAPrivateKey in order to access parameters directly RSAPrivateKey priv = (RSAPrivateKey) pair.getPrivate(); BigInteger n, x, y, p, q, u, z, t, zz, sig1, sig2, sig3, sig4, qinverse, pinverse, c1, c2, c3, c4, sub1, sub2, phash; //print out the RSA modulus (n=pq) and RSA private key d n = (BigInteger) priv.getModulus(); x = (BigInteger) priv.getExponent(); w = cryptix.util.core.BI.dumpString(n); output.println("RSA modulus (n=pq) = " + w);; w = cryptix.util.core.BI.dumpString(x); output.println("RSA private key d = " + w); //print out the prime factors p, q, and inverse of q mod p RSAFactors factors = (RSAFactors) priv; p = factors.getP(); q = factors.getQ(); u = factors.getInverseOfQModP(); w = cryptix.util.core.BI.dumpString(p); output.println("RSA factor p = " + w);; w = cryptix.util.core.BI.dumpString(q); output.println("RSA factor q = " + w);; w = cryptix.util.core.BI.dumpString(u); output.println("inverse of q mod p = " + w); //check these above values using modular exponentiation qinverse = q.modInverse(p); w = cryptix.util.core.BI.dumpString(qinverse); output.println("*inverse of q mod p = " + w); pinverse = p.modInverse(q); w = cryptix.util.core.BI.dumpString(pinverse); output.println("*inverse of p mod q = " + w); //create a Signature object to use for signing and verifying Signature sha = Signature.getInstance("SHA-1/RSA/PKCS#1"); w = sha.toString(); output.println("signature = " + w); // initialize the Signature object for signing sha.initSign(priv); //update and sign the data //independently check the message digest MessageDigest md = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-1"); FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(args[0]); byte b; while (fis.available() != 0) { b = (byte); md.update(b); sha.update(b); }; fis.close(); byte[] hash = md.digest(); w = cryptix.util.core.Hex.dumpString(hash); output.println("the SHA-1 hash of " + args[0] + " is " + w); // now that all the data to be signed has been read in, sign it byte[] sig = sha.sign(); w = cryptix.util.core.Hex.dumpString(sig); output.println("the RSA signature (byte array) is " + w); sig1 = new BigInteger(sig); w = cryptix.util.core.BI.dumpString(sig1); output.println("the RSA signature (BigInteger) is " + w); //check the signature by direct decryption using the public key (e=010001) z = new BigInteger("010001",16); z = sig1.modPow(z,n); w = cryptix.util.core.BI.dumpString(z); output.println("RSA signature verified (by taking inverse) is " + w); // independently calculate the RSA signature (must include padding!) //first pad the hash value z = new BigInteger("01FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF003021300906052B0E03021A050004140000000000000000000000000000000000000000",16); zz = new BigInteger(hash); phash = z.add(zz); w = cryptix.util.core.BI.dumpString(phash); output.println("padded hash is " + w); //next use the Chinese Remainder Theorem on the padded hash to calculate an RSA signature (sig2) sub1 = phash.modPow(x,p); sub2 = phash.modPow(x,q); z = q.multiply(qinverse); z = z.mod(n); zz = p.multiply(pinverse); zz = zz.mod(n); z = sub1.multiply(z); z = z.mod(n); zz = sub2.multiply(zz); zz = zz.mod(n); z = z.add(zz); z = z.mod(n); sig2 = z; w = cryptix.util.core.BI.dumpString(z); output.println("Chinese remainder signature solution (sig2) is " + w); //use the Chinese Remainder Theorem again (sig3) z = new BigInteger("01FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF003021300906052B0E03021A050004140000000000000000000000000000000000000000",16); zz = new BigInteger(hash); phash = z.add(zz); w = cryptix.util.core.BI.dumpString(phash); output.println("padded hash is " + w); sub1 = phash.modPow(x,p); sub2 = phash.modPow(x,q); z = sub1.subtract(sub2); z = z.multiply(qinverse); z = z.mod(p); z = z.multiply(q); z = z.add(sub2); sig3 = z; w = cryptix.util.core.BI.dumpString(z); output.println("Different Chinese remainder signature solution (sig3) is " + w); //use the Chinese Remainder Theorem yet again (sig4) z = new BigInteger("01FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF003021300906052B0E03021A050004140000000000000000000000000000000000000000",16); zz = new BigInteger(hash); phash = z.add(zz); w = cryptix.util.core.BI.dumpString(phash); output.println("padded hash is " + w); sub1 = phash.modPow(x,p); sub2 = phash.modPow(x,q); z = sub2.subtract(sub1); z = z.multiply(pinverse); z = z.mod(q); z = z.multiply(p); z = z.add(sub1); sig4 = z; w = cryptix.util.core.BI.dumpString(z); output.println("Different Chinese remainder signature solution (sig4) is " + w); // verify sig2 by decryption by the public key sig2 = phash.modPow(x,n); w = cryptix.util.core.BI.dumpString(sig2); output.println("(paddded hash)^d mod n (sig2) " + w); zz = new BigInteger("010001",16); z = z.modPow(zz,n); w = cryptix.util.core.BI.dumpString(z); output.println("((padded hash)^d)^e mod n (sig2 verified) is " + w); // let's have some more fun c1 = sig1.mod(p); w = cryptix.util.core.BI.dumpString(c1); output.println("sig1 mod p is " + w); c2 = sig1.mod(q); w = cryptix.util.core.BI.dumpString(c2); output.println("sig1 mod q is " + w); z = q.multiply(qinverse); z = z.mod(n); zz = p.multiply(pinverse); zz = zz.mod(n); z = c1.multiply(z); z = z.mod(n); zz = c2.multiply(zz); zz = zz.mod(n); z = z.add(zz); z = z.mod(n); w = cryptix.util.core.BI.dumpString(z); output.println("Chinese remainder solution sig1 is " + w); c3 = sig2.mod(p); w = cryptix.util.core.BI.dumpString(c3); output.println("sig2 mod p is " + w); c4 = sig2.mod(q); w = cryptix.util.core.BI.dumpString(c4); output.println("sig2 mod q is " + w); z = q.multiply(qinverse); z = z.mod(n); zz = p.multiply(pinverse); zz = zz.mod(n); z = c3.multiply(z); z = z.mod(n); zz = c4.multiply(zz); zz = zz.mod(n); z = z.add(zz); z = z.mod(n); w = cryptix.util.core.BI.dumpString(z); output.println("Chinese remainder solution sig2 is " + w); z = sig1.divide(sig2); w = cryptix.util.core.BI.dumpString(z); output.println("sig1 divided by sig2 is " + w); z = sig2.divide(sig1); w = cryptix.util.core.BI.dumpString(z); output.println("sig2 divided by sig1 is " + w); RSAPublicKey pub = (RSAPublicKey) pair.getPublic(); output.println("pub = " + pub); // print the value of the public key e (to verify the stored value) n = (BigInteger) pub.getModulus(); y = (BigInteger) pub.getExponent(); w = cryptix.util.core.BI.dumpString(n); output.println("RSA modulus n = " + w); w = cryptix.util.core.BI.dumpString(y); output.println("RSA public key e = " + w); // Back out padding from signature z = new BigInteger(sig); z = z.modPow(y,n); w = cryptix.util.core.BI.dumpString(z); output.println("sig^e mod n " + w); w = cryptix.util.core.BI.dumpString(x); output.println("RSA private key d = " + w); z = z.modPow(x,n); w = cryptix.util.core.BI.dumpString(z); output.println("(sig^e)^d mod n " + w); w = cryptix.util.core.Hex.dumpString(hash); output.println("the SHA-1 hash of " + args[0] + " is " + w); // Verify the RSA signature using the Cryptix verification function // initialize the signature object for verification sha.initVerify(pub); // update and verify the data fis = new FileInputStream(args[0]); while (fis.available() != 0) { b = (byte); sha.update(b); }; fis.close(); boolean verifies = sha.verify(sig); output.println("signature verifies: " + verifies); // calculate the product of the primes p and q z = p.multiply(q); w = cryptix.util.core.BI.dumpString(z); output.println("The product of the primes, pq = " + w); // calculate Euler''s totient function n = pq - p - q + 1 zz = new BigInteger("1"); z = z.subtract(p); z = z.subtract(q); t = z.add(zz); w = cryptix.util.core.BI.dumpString(t); output.println("Euler's totient function t = " + w); z = x.multiply(y); z = z.mod(t); w = cryptix.util.core.BI.dumpString(z); output.println("(ed) mod t = " + w); zz = new BigInteger("2"); z = new BigInteger("11"); z = z.mod(zz); w = cryptix.util.core.BI.dumpString(z); output.println("11 mod 2 = " + w); z = phash.modPow(t,n); w = cryptix.util.core.BI.dumpString(z); output.println("(padded hash)^t mod n = " + w); zz = new BigInteger("1"); BigInteger tplus1 = t.add(zz); // tplus1 = t + 1 z = phash.modPow(tplus1,n); w = cryptix.util.core.BI.dumpString(z); output.println("(padded hash)^(t+1) mod n = " + w); n = (BigInteger) pub.getModulus(); y = (BigInteger) pub.getExponent(); x = (BigInteger) priv.getExponent(); z = y.multiply(x); w = cryptix.util.core.BI.dumpString(z); output.println("e*d = " + w); zz = new BigInteger("1"); z = z.subtract(zz); w = cryptix.util.core.BI.dumpString(z); output.println("e*d-1 = " + w); zz = new BigInteger("17"); zz = zz.modPow(z,n); w = cryptix.util.core.BI.dumpString(zz); output.println(" 17^(e*d-1) mod n = " + w); outFile.close(); System.out.println("File written"); } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println("Caught exception " + e.toString()); } }}
Senator Hand N. Till Washington, DC Dear Senator: This letter is to inform you we have opened account no. 338907021 on your behalf, and deposted therein a legislative incentive payment of $1 million. For withdrawl, you will need to use your password BJRGUD7693. Yours very truly, Arnold C. Creole Vice President Greater Caribbean Bank
20 random bytes: E339C05A53F78508 21CCD34B9AF5FF85 24C40052 RSA modulus (n=pq) = Multi-Precision Integer 1024 bits long... sign: Positive magnitude: Hexadecimal dump of 128 bytes... 0: 8B7F4D714F9D5A64 7B89E0ADF40AE455 5D521EEC8A924970 900FC81E1823A48F 32: D87D7094F628DC68 96880F8D9403AE78 4965910EE17D8566 C6B477877947636E 64: ED5A34727A11B46E DA1EBF136C586E79 EE39BFB115C2677B 4EBF0111912E54F6 96: 4F57725F2811619D 6ED6FD2DE9BE5275 C1E1D1131E46F44D A298A56FFA7B3C55 RSA private key d = Multi-Precision Integer 1023 bits long... sign: Positive magnitude: Hexadecimal dump of 128 bytes... 0: 4192D2FD9BD63502 9D0C0020E5622559 7767BDFFA55804CB B3FCA72E765C72E3 32: E77977ED9E15311E BCFC328B73F39315 1A33734FD271A5BE DD534208DDDAD003 64: 48388620B125ACF2 492267E8BCB4D2F3 04E01F9F747FB2A0 DAF15348E39C3C0F 96: FC5DB72D4B31AFAC 7F36BC1A3A9A5CFF 591459D0D9A78411 B783687DAFE1D935 RSA factor p = Multi-Precision Integer 512 bits long... sign: Positive magnitude: Hexadecimal dump of 64 bytes... 0: B834B8CBBCDE4B18 5B18DEBBC14B339E A6075127DDFE4667 232FCC13A5701CED 32: 1B2C91C51A1E7A9D C2BD2DE2CAE5AA70 A6878FD4A94A3CD8 5A2BED9F21B5E81B RSA factor q = Multi-Precision Integer 512 bits long... sign: Positive magnitude: Hexadecimal dump of 64 bytes... 0: C1DDBDDA8C62D16F 60036A91046D5E6C 7F4A2F73961F650A 407721B1DA95102C 32: 08EF2018CCFFE663 FD35FA327E213EE9 649D3FD46304B243 3847175A500B944F inverse of q mod p = Multi-Precision Integer 512 bits long... sign: Positive magnitude: Hexadecimal dump of 64 bytes... 0: B644B673C81B8731 16A03B3E7D0AD905 162FDC1C8795355C 2792046276F84598 32: 2775AB5946EBF588 BC76732F3301A2A8 8BD203E1C445A1D9 83455BF788E09BB3 *inverse of q mod p = Multi-Precision Integer 512 bits long... sign: Positive magnitude: Hexadecimal dump of 64 bytes... 0: B644B673C81B8731 16A03B3E7D0AD905 162FDC1C8795355C 2792046276F84598 32: 2775AB5946EBF588 BC76732F3301A2A8 8BD203E1C445A1D9 83455BF788E09BB3 *inverse of p mod q = Multi-Precision Integer 506 bits long... sign: Positive magnitude: Hexadecimal dump of 64 bytes... 0: 020A056A18AE6EC3 321F56E13FEC961F A36E8D9A7E910894 89E8BD49C2581384 32: 85E65468863A12DE BA0B79E92768D6DF 1C1D2EA3C60014F9 05A62ED59FD7BFDB signature = Signature object: SHA-1/RSA/PKCS#1the SHA-1 hash of data is 1A01B56EB33FA84A 39EEDDD927977726 38331E94 the RSA signature (byte array) is Hexadecimal dump of 128 bytes... 0: 222A10D26938FD91 95FAEDB456C04B20 465D7EB7B2D6FC35 9ACB94FD8F754C77 32: 0E00AD9CDD5AECC7 D0620B615499833D EE792F53D3D54CDA 194E4A75CB0EF86D 64: 792B5C62571CEEFD C3B94CCE5E899A2F 07B1FA38875E3EC2 B1E77A9D398A3E9D 96: 68B9469C5866BED3 68C38AE12BE74C05 C7DA48E81E779214 AA612C295A85F3A3 the RSA signature (BigInteger) is Multi-Precision Integer 1022 bits long... sign: Positive magnitude: Hexadecimal dump of 128 bytes... 0: 222A10D26938FD91 95FAEDB456C04B20 465D7EB7B2D6FC35 9ACB94FD8F754C77 32: 0E00AD9CDD5AECC7 D0620B615499833D EE792F53D3D54CDA 194E4A75CB0EF86D 64: 792B5C62571CEEFD C3B94CCE5E899A2F 07B1FA38875E3EC2 B1E77A9D398A3E9D 96: 68B9469C5866BED3 68C38AE12BE74C05 C7DA48E81E779214 AA612C295A85F3A3 RSA signature verified (by taking inverse) is Multi-Precision Integer 1009 bits long... sign: Positive magnitude: Hexadecimal dump of 127 bytes... 0: 01FFFFFFFFFFFFFF FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF 32: FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF 64: FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF FFFFFF0030213009 96: 06052B0E03021A05 0004141A01B56EB3 3FA84A39EEDDD927 97772638331E94 padded hash is Multi-Precision Integer 1009 bits long... sign: Positive magnitude: Hexadecimal dump of 127 bytes... 0: 01FFFFFFFFFFFFFF FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF 32: FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF 64: FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF FFFFFF0030213009 96: 06052B0E03021A05 0004141A01B56EB3 3FA84A39EEDDD927 97772638331E94 Chinese remainder signature solution (sig2) is Multi-Precision Integer 1022 bits long... sign: Positive magnitude: Hexadecimal dump of 128 bytes... 0: 222A10D26938FD91 95FAEDB456C04B20 465D7EB7B2D6FC35 9ACB94FD8F754C77 32: 0E00AD9CDD5AECC7 D0620B615499833D EE792F53D3D54CDA 194E4A75CB0EF86D 64: 792B5C62571CEEFD C3B94CCE5E899A2F 07B1FA38875E3EC2 B1E77A9D398A3E9D 96: 68B9469C5866BED3 68C38AE12BE74C05 C7DA48E81E779214 AA612C295A85F3A3 padded hash is Multi-Precision Integer 1009 bits long... sign: Positive magnitude: Hexadecimal dump of 127 bytes... 0: 01FFFFFFFFFFFFFF FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF 32: FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF 64: FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF FFFFFF0030213009 96: 06052B0E03021A05 0004141A01B56EB3 3FA84A39EEDDD927 97772638331E94 Different Chinese remainder signature solution (sig3) is Multi-Precision Integer 1022 bits long... sign: Positive magnitude: Hexadecimal dump of 128 bytes... 0: 222A10D26938FD91 95FAEDB456C04B20 465D7EB7B2D6FC35 9ACB94FD8F754C77 32: 0E00AD9CDD5AECC7 D0620B615499833D EE792F53D3D54CDA 194E4A75CB0EF86D 64: 792B5C62571CEEFD C3B94CCE5E899A2F 07B1FA38875E3EC2 B1E77A9D398A3E9D 96: 68B9469C5866BED3 68C38AE12BE74C05 C7DA48E81E779214 AA612C295A85F3A3 padded hash is Multi-Precision Integer 1009 bits long... sign: Positive magnitude: Hexadecimal dump of 127 bytes... 0: 01FFFFFFFFFFFFFF FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF 32: FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF 64: FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF FFFFFF0030213009 96: 06052B0E03021A05 0004141A01B56EB3 3FA84A39EEDDD927 97772638331E94 Different Chinese remainder signature solution (sig4) is Multi-Precision Integer 1022 bits long... sign: Positive magnitude: Hexadecimal dump of 128 bytes... 0: 222A10D26938FD91 95FAEDB456C04B20 465D7EB7B2D6FC35 9ACB94FD8F754C77 32: 0E00AD9CDD5AECC7 D0620B615499833D EE792F53D3D54CDA 194E4A75CB0EF86D 64: 792B5C62571CEEFD C3B94CCE5E899A2F 07B1FA38875E3EC2 B1E77A9D398A3E9D 96: 68B9469C5866BED3 68C38AE12BE74C05 C7DA48E81E779214 AA612C295A85F3A3 (paddded hash)^d mod n (sig2) Multi-Precision Integer 1022 bits long... sign: Positive magnitude: Hexadecimal dump of 128 bytes... 0: 222A10D26938FD91 95FAEDB456C04B20 465D7EB7B2D6FC35 9ACB94FD8F754C77 32: 0E00AD9CDD5AECC7 D0620B615499833D EE792F53D3D54CDA 194E4A75CB0EF86D 64: 792B5C62571CEEFD C3B94CCE5E899A2F 07B1FA38875E3EC2 B1E77A9D398A3E9D 96: 68B9469C5866BED3 68C38AE12BE74C05 C7DA48E81E779214 AA612C295A85F3A3 ((padded hash)^d)^e mod n (sig2 verified) is Multi-Precision Integer 1009 bits long... sign: Positive magnitude: Hexadecimal dump of 127 bytes... 0: 01FFFFFFFFFFFFFF FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF 32: FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF 64: FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF FFFFFF0030213009 96: 06052B0E03021A05 0004141A01B56EB3 3FA84A39EEDDD927 97772638331E94 sig1 mod p is Multi-Precision Integer 511 bits long... sign: Positive magnitude: Hexadecimal dump of 64 bytes... 0: 783ACDCA8A8EBFD7 A94F9C7CA96BB41D 7A76692EA73EC14B FDCA00155549AD7B 32: 35DD4D42113C5DB4 BB23542A0B89A1CC E5862A146D28BF7F 0906E7A47BB6A553 sig1 mod q is Multi-Precision Integer 509 bits long... sign: Positive magnitude: Hexadecimal dump of 64 bytes... 0: 1C610E1E12E9908C 04D6CE070AB02DC2 276F76B6AFC94ABF D10D9E5A11A5A35C 32: 85E1774572F634B2 F4A7349F3496CD25 1030376BDBE5E4D4 20745922BA703F9D Chinese remainder solution sig1 is Multi-Precision Integer 1022 bits long... sign: Positive magnitude: Hexadecimal dump of 128 bytes... 0: 222A10D26938FD91 95FAEDB456C04B20 465D7EB7B2D6FC35 9ACB94FD8F754C77 32: 0E00AD9CDD5AECC7 D0620B615499833D EE792F53D3D54CDA 194E4A75CB0EF86D 64: 792B5C62571CEEFD C3B94CCE5E899A2F 07B1FA38875E3EC2 B1E77A9D398A3E9D 96: 68B9469C5866BED3 68C38AE12BE74C05 C7DA48E81E779214 AA612C295A85F3A3 sig2 mod p is Multi-Precision Integer 511 bits long... sign: Positive magnitude: Hexadecimal dump of 64 bytes... 0: 783ACDCA8A8EBFD7 A94F9C7CA96BB41D 7A76692EA73EC14B FDCA00155549AD7B 32: 35DD4D42113C5DB4 BB23542A0B89A1CC E5862A146D28BF7F 0906E7A47BB6A553 sig2 mod q is Multi-Precision Integer 509 bits long... sign: Positive magnitude: Hexadecimal dump of 64 bytes... 0: 1C610E1E12E9908C 04D6CE070AB02DC2 276F76B6AFC94ABF D10D9E5A11A5A35C 32: 85E1774572F634B2 F4A7349F3496CD25 1030376BDBE5E4D4 20745922BA703F9D Chinese remainder solution sig2 is Multi-Precision Integer 1022 bits long... sign: Positive magnitude: Hexadecimal dump of 128 bytes... 0: 222A10D26938FD91 95FAEDB456C04B20 465D7EB7B2D6FC35 9ACB94FD8F754C77 32: 0E00AD9CDD5AECC7 D0620B615499833D EE792F53D3D54CDA 194E4A75CB0EF86D 64: 792B5C62571CEEFD C3B94CCE5E899A2F 07B1FA38875E3EC2 B1E77A9D398A3E9D 96: 68B9469C5866BED3 68C38AE12BE74C05 C7DA48E81E779214 AA612C295A85F3A3 sig1 divided by sig2 is Multi-Precision Integer 1 bits long... sign: Positive magnitude: 01 sig2 divided by sig1 is Multi-Precision Integer 1 bits long... sign: Positive magnitude: 01 pub = ----- RSAPublicKey: n: Multi-Precision Integer 1024 bits long... sign: Positive magnitude: Hexadecimal dump of 128 bytes... 0: 8B7F4D714F9D5A64 7B89E0ADF40AE455 5D521EEC8A924970 900FC81E1823A48F 32: D87D7094F628DC68 96880F8D9403AE78 4965910EE17D8566 C6B477877947636E 64: ED5A34727A11B46E DA1EBF136C586E79 EE39BFB115C2677B 4EBF0111912E54F6 96: 4F57725F2811619D 6ED6FD2DE9BE5275 C1E1D1131E46F44D A298A56FFA7B3C55 e: Multi-Precision Integer 17 bits long... sign: Positive magnitude: 010001 ----- RSA modulus n = Multi-Precision Integer 1024 bits long... sign: Positive magnitude: Hexadecimal dump of 128 bytes... 0: 8B7F4D714F9D5A64 7B89E0ADF40AE455 5D521EEC8A924970 900FC81E1823A48F 32: D87D7094F628DC68 96880F8D9403AE78 4965910EE17D8566 C6B477877947636E 64: ED5A34727A11B46E DA1EBF136C586E79 EE39BFB115C2677B 4EBF0111912E54F6 96: 4F57725F2811619D 6ED6FD2DE9BE5275 C1E1D1131E46F44D A298A56FFA7B3C55 RSA public key e = Multi-Precision Integer 17 bits long... sign: Positive magnitude: 010001 sig^e mod n Multi-Precision Integer 1009 bits long... sign: Positive magnitude: Hexadecimal dump of 127 bytes... 0: 01FFFFFFFFFFFFFF FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF 32: FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF 64: FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF FFFFFF0030213009 96: 06052B0E03021A05 0004141A01B56EB3 3FA84A39EEDDD927 97772638331E94 RSA private key d = Multi-Precision Integer 1023 bits long... sign: Positive magnitude: Hexadecimal dump of 128 bytes... 0: 4192D2FD9BD63502 9D0C0020E5622559 7767BDFFA55804CB B3FCA72E765C72E3 32: E77977ED9E15311E BCFC328B73F39315 1A33734FD271A5BE DD534208DDDAD003 64: 48388620B125ACF2 492267E8BCB4D2F3 04E01F9F747FB2A0 DAF15348E39C3C0F 96: FC5DB72D4B31AFAC 7F36BC1A3A9A5CFF 591459D0D9A78411 B783687DAFE1D935 (sig^e)^d mod n Multi-Precision Integer 1022 bits long... sign: Positive magnitude: Hexadecimal dump of 128 bytes... 0: 222A10D26938FD91 95FAEDB456C04B20 465D7EB7B2D6FC35 9ACB94FD8F754C77 32: 0E00AD9CDD5AECC7 D0620B615499833D EE792F53D3D54CDA 194E4A75CB0EF86D 64: 792B5C62571CEEFD C3B94CCE5E899A2F 07B1FA38875E3EC2 B1E77A9D398A3E9D 96: 68B9469C5866BED3 68C38AE12BE74C05 C7DA48E81E779214 AA612C295A85F3A3 the SHA-1 hash of data is 1A01B56EB33FA84A 39EEDDD927977726 38331E94 signature verifies: true The product of the primes, pq = Multi-Precision Integer 1024 bits long... sign: Positive magnitude: Hexadecimal dump of 128 bytes... 0: 8B7F4D714F9D5A64 7B89E0ADF40AE455 5D521EEC8A924970 900FC81E1823A48F 32: D87D7094F628DC68 96880F8D9403AE78 4965910EE17D8566 C6B477877947636E 64: ED5A34727A11B46E DA1EBF136C586E79 EE39BFB115C2677B 4EBF0111912E54F6 96: 4F57725F2811619D 6ED6FD2DE9BE5275 C1E1D1131E46F44D A298A56FFA7B3C55 Euler's totient function t = Multi-Precision Integer 1024 bits long... sign: Positive magnitude: Hexadecimal dump of 128 bytes... 0: 8B7F4D714F9D5A64 7B89E0ADF40AE455 5D521EEC8A924970 900FC81E1823A48F 32: D87D7094F628DC68 96880F8D9403AE78 4965910EE17D8566 C6B477877947636D 64: 7347BDCC30D097E7 1F0275C6A69FDC6E C8E83F15A1A4BC09 EB18134C112927DD 96: 2B3BC08140F3009B AEE3D518A0B7691B B6BD016A11F80532 1025A07688B9BFEC (ed) mod t = Multi-Precision Integer 1 bits long... sign: Positive magnitude: 01 11 mod 2 = Multi-Precision Integer 1 bits long... sign: Positive magnitude: 01 (padded hash)^t mod n = Multi-Precision Integer 1 bits long... sign: Positive magnitude: 01 (padded hash)^(t+1) mod n = Multi-Precision Integer 1009 bits long... sign: Positive magnitude: Hexadecimal dump of 127 bytes... 0: 01FFFFFFFFFFFFFF FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF 32: FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF 64: FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF FFFFFF0030213009 96: 06052B0E03021A05 0004141A01B56EB3 3FA84A39EEDDD927 97772638331E94 e*d = Multi-Precision Integer 1039 bits long... sign: Positive magnitude: Hexadecimal dump of 130 bytes... 0: 419314906ED3D0D8 D20E9D2CE5830ABB 9CC135676357AA23 B8C85B2B1D8AE940 32: 5A5D5F671602CF33 EE1AEF87A67F0708 AD488D8345C17830 83121F5C1FE3ADDE 64: 183BCE5937465E17 F614B10B249D8FA7 D7D3247F941F2720 8D922E3A36E51FAC 96: 386DB38B025EFADE 2EE33B50F6B49799 B613B2E533785DB9 3B952001185F8916 128: D935 e*d-1 = Multi-Precision Integer 1039 bits long... sign: Positive magnitude: Hexadecimal dump of 130 bytes... 0: 419314906ED3D0D8 D20E9D2CE5830ABB 9CC135676357AA23 B8C85B2B1D8AE940 32: 5A5D5F671602CF33 EE1AEF87A67F0708 AD488D8345C17830 83121F5C1FE3ADDE 64: 183BCE5937465E17 F614B10B249D8FA7 D7D3247F941F2720 8D922E3A36E51FAC 96: 386DB38B025EFADE 2EE33B50F6B49799 B613B2E533785DB9 3B952001185F8916 128: D934 17^(e*d-1) mod n = Multi-Precision Integer 1 bits long... sign: Positive magnitude: 01
J. Orlin Grabbe is the author of International Financial Markets, and is an internationally recognized derivatives expert who has recently branched out into cryptology, banking security, and digital cash. His home page is located at He currently resides in Costa Rica.