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. . . inspecting the global underbelly: privacy, money laundering, espionage.

"What forbids us to tell the truth, laughingly?"--Horace, Satires, I.24

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The Anti-Bush

He's Not a Fraud!

Milton Friedman once said: "The Reagan-Bush years? What Reagan-Bush years? There were the Reagan years. And then there were the Bush-Clinton years!"

Well, guess what. NOW THE LEGACY IS TO CONTINUE WITH THE BUSH-CLINTON-BUSH YEARS. Are the Republicans insane, or just masochistic? And what's with George W.'s shit-eating smirk? He looks like he just did a line off the bar, then hopped up on it and danced naked.

You want a conservative? Then vote for the real thing!

Points in the Master Plan of the Anti-Bush:

  • will abolish the income tax and the IRS;
  • will get the Federal government out of education entirely;
  • will let high energy prices be a price signal for Americans to use less energy;
  • will end the Federal Reserve monopoly on currency issue;
  • will get the US out of the UN, NATO, the WTO, and the Financial Action Task Force;
  • will visit the site of the Waco massacre and vow to prosecute those responsible, starting with Janet Reno;
  • will not mention Jesus in connection with any of his body organs;
  • will blame the coming stock market crash on Bill Clinton and Larry Summers;
  • will not refer to himself as a "reformer".

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