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. . . inspecting the global underbelly: privacy, money laundering, espionage.

"What forbids us to tell the truth, laughingly?"--Horace, Satires, I.24

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Guns Are a Girl's Best Friend

Hi. I'm a girl. And a voter. I'm voting for the Anti-Bush, because he's not a fraud. He knows guns are a girl's best friend.

You want equality? Then quit complaining and learn to shoot, bitch.

Milton Friedman once said: "The Reagan-Bush years? What Reagan-Bush years? There were the Reagan years. And then there were the Bush-Clinton years!"

Gee, what's with this W. Bush guy's "compassionate conservative" thing? Does that sound like Clinton's "I feel your pain" or what?

You want a conservative? Then vote for the real thing!

And, remember. Don't forget to bring your guns.

Vote for the Anti-Bush: he's not a fraud!

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