You may copy and modify the following letter to send, under your signature, to your Congressman and Senators. In TAKE ACTION! you will find a link to the e-mail addresses of your representatives.
If your Representative voted for Shays-Meehan (check your Congressman's voting record), the following sample letter is suggested:
Dear Congressman:
I am appalled to learn of your recent vote supporting the passage in the House of Shays-Meehan. If this bill is enacted into law, it will provide federal regulators with sweeping powers to ban the free expression of ideas in the 60-day period prior to a general election.
Any move by the state to restrict freedom of speech strikes at the heart of America as a country of free individuals. Shays-Meehan will pave the way for the eventual collapse of freedom in America.
I urge, in the strongest possible terms, you to withdraw and rescind your support of Shays-Meehan.
If your Congressman voted against Shays-Meehan, I suggest the following sample letter:
Dear Congressman:
Thanks you for your recent vote against Shays-Meehan. Unfortunately, your vote was not in the majority.
If this bill is enacted into law, it will provide federal regulators with sweeping powers to ban the free expression of ideas in the 60-day period prior to a general election.
Any move by the state to restrict freedom of speech strikes at the heart of America as a country of free individuals. Shays-Meehan will pave the way for the eventual collapse of freedom in America.
I urge you to do everything within your power to prevent Shays-Meehan from being sent to the Senate. Surely there is a way to block this bill or to bring the bill back to the floor of the House for further debate and consideration. I think if most Americans understood the threat to freedom of speech Shays-Meehan represents, they would oppose its passage.