Previously Gunsite Gossip
Vol. 5, No. 10 September, 1997
Summer Storms
OK already, it wasn't Bowie, it was
Hickok. I know that, and you know that, and how that slipped into
the copy is going to remain a mystery forever. Unfortunately, the
second printing of "The Art of the Rifle" was initiated
without correcting that error. When we get around to setting up the
book properly, with the illustrations in color (we have the
negatives), we will clean up the copy.
Egg on my face department. As the man said, "Once I thought I was
wrong, but it turns out I was mistaken."
Now we learn about the "45 Super," which
by means of a heavier case and a modified barrel is designed to
push the 230-grain bullet up to 1,000f/s. Just what this will
accomplish is not at all clear, but the purpose of innovation is
only occasionally improvement of the product. What is important is
only to sell. Ask any businessman.
Just last week we saw the camcorder report
on the Feddern family in Africa. These good people went out with
Danie van Graan, and family member Mark secured a very
splendid kudu. Cindy and the kids worked out on impala and warthog,
but the supreme excitement of the trip was the encounter with a
bull elephant on a narrow forest road. The old boy was annoyed and
ordered them off the property in no uncertain terms. The elephant
"demonstration," which is not a true charge but rather a threat, is
one of the most impressive sights in nature. When he spreads his
ears wide, screams like a steam engine, and starts towards you, the
effect is marvelous. The Countess and I can recommend this
experience to all those customers who enjoy scary movies. Usually
you can differentiate a demonstration from a charge, but you have
to know the body language, and even then the signs are not
necessarily infallible.
We take great pleasure in goading our
friends into undertaking the African adventure. Certainly it is
expensive, but no one who has tried it has failed to get far more
than his money's worth.
We are informed by J.P. Denis of Brussels
that he is contemplating running for re-election to the presidency
of the International Practical Shooting Confederation. IPSC has
fallen upon parlous times, and it may not be possible to coax it
back to the path of righteousness, but if anyone can, J.P. is the
man. He not only has the means and the talent to take over the con,
but he also understands the principles on which the confederation
was founded. We wish him the very best of fortune in this endeavor
should he decide to make it, and we will lend him all the help we
Have you noticed the beautiful new
Remington ammunition, done up smartly in black and silver? One
expects that it shoots very well, but even if it does not, it makes
up a striking desktop conversation piece.
In perusing Bill Buckley's excellent new
book, "The Right Word," we took delight in examining the
abstruse subject of English usage. For example, should the
currently popular putdown "bambiist" be capitalized or not? And is
it common enough to be used without italics or quotations? Similar
questions occur with "bunny-hugger" and "tree-hugger," and both of
those involve hyphens. On another tack I would like to point out
that the term "hoplophobe," which I coined back in 1962, does not
designate simply a person who has an aversion to firearms, but
rather to one who is afflicted by a mental illness which results in
his considering an inanimate object to have a will of its own.
Anyone who thinks that a gun has a personality that makes it apt
for evil should admit the fact that he is not making sense, and
therefore should stay out of adult discussions.
A phobia is an irrational, unfounded terror such as some people
feel towards snakes or spiders. In current usage the solecism
"homophobe" has begun to intrude. Upon analysis this term signifies
an irrational terror of being the same. It is used to designate one
who is disgusted by sexual perversion, in which sense it is quite
incorrect, because fear or terror, either reasonable or
unreasonable, is implied. Perhaps we should all brush up on our
At another point in Buckley, I was
startled to find that the word "unalienable" as used by Mr.
Jefferson in the Declaration of Independence, or "inalienable" as
is more popular now, was used incorrectly in the Declaration. The
proper word in that context is "alienable" since those rights are.
We need to take legal steps to protect our rights, because they can
be infringed upon if we do not take such action. Rights given by
God may not properly be threatened by man, but they certainly can
be improperly so threatened, and are.
Nearly a dozen of the faithful have
written in to us to explain that the trigger action on the Bitsy
Smith can indeed be improved very considerably, despite
protestations to the contrary from the factory representative, I
know a fairly good trigger can be installed in a Bitsy Smith
because I have had one in my hand and shot it. The question is not
whether it can be done, but rather how much it may cost.
It is curious to note that while the
English, the Australians, and the Canadians have gone totally
bonkers on the subject of firearms legislation, the French have
not. The French do have some extremely complicated rules about
firearms ownership, but they do not imply that firearms ownership
is in itself antisocial, as Mr. Blair does in England. In France,
weapon types are indeed categorized as to their political
acceptability - you may have two of these, or three of that,
and so on - but they never fall into the popular error we see
in this country as saying that "This gun is good, but that gun is
bad." When there is a shooting in France there is an official
inquiry as to justification, and in most instances the subject is
dropped without furor. One wonders why those crazies in the British
parliament did not at least study the matter before making such
complete fools of themselves.
Note that the state of Louisiana has
opened the season on "car jackers" - under proper controls, of
course. The consensus of the legislature was that if someone
chooses to approach a driver, gun in hand, that is sufficient
reason to assume that he is a legitimate target. One commentator
wailed that this amounts to no less than "a license to kill." Well,
sure. Car jackers are not yet an endangered species, but it is high
time that we made them so.
I have been using the Fireplug cartridge
(the 350 Remington Magnum) for many years now with unqualified
success. I think it is a nifty design, despite the fact that it has
achieved no popularity in the United States. A lot of people who
extol the excellent 35 Whelen cartridge, both in America and
Africa, seem frequently never to have heard of the Remington "Short
Magnum," which provides the same ballistics in a more compact
It seemed obvious to me on the first appearance of the Fireplug
that the 250-grain bullet was by far the best choice. But strangely
enough the manufacturers and loaders have fallen into the error of
using the 200-and 225-grain bullets, which decrease the efficiency
of the round where mass is required. I have used the Fireplug
principally on good-sized animals - moose, kudu and
lion - but I can report first-hand that it performs
brilliantly on impala, tsessebe and mule deer as well. I have heard
of bullet failure at short range with both Remington factory
ammunition and Nosler partition, but the Swift bullet has proven
totally reliable. If pushed to the wall I guess I would have to say
that my favorite cartridge of all is the 30-06, but when I go
hunting nowadays I usually go with the Lion Scout, not so much
because it is better, but because I simply have developed an
avuncular affection for it.
Those of you who are building rifles will
be pleased to learn that
family member John Cook, of
37 Sundog, Gillette, Wyoming 82718
has acquired a small supply of Pachmayr hammerhead flush sling
swivels. He is asking $6.00 for each combo (socket and loop). You
will need three sets for one complete set-up. This is good news,
and we thank John profusely.
The most recent studies of the matter
estimate that the population of whitetailed deer in New England
when the Pilgrims landed ran to about eight animals to the square
mile. The best estimate now places that figure at 79 beasts per
square mile. In some forested areas outside of Chicago the tally
may well reach 100. This sort of thing must drive the bambiists up
the walls. The wild deer are marvelous, and we thank God for their
proliferation, but by golly we have too many of them now. These
modern-day hip deer do not forage mainly in the wild. They prefer
gardens and orchards. They are pretty good people, as a rule, but
they are wild, and they are not only voracious feeders, but they
can be pretty darn tough when crowded. Personally I am delighted at
the increased wild animal populations of the Republic, but brutal
confrontations do occur and will continue to do so. When I was a
lad there was no recorded instance of a cougar attacking a human
being. Now this sort of thing happens quite regularly, and bears
get in the act as well. Coyotes have taken infants out of the crib
in Southern California, and of course bison stamp on tourists every
now and then. While we certainly feel sorry for the victims of
these mishaps, we must insist that it is not the business of the
state to intervene in these matters. A man should look out for
himself and not depend upon Big Brother's henchmen. Let not
the bunny-huggers worry too much about the beasties; they seem to
be doing very well just as they are.
Perhaps you caught that essay in the
Wall Street Journal by John Milius concerning his splendid
TV presentation on Theodore Roosevelt. John covers the subject
well, and one point that pleased me very much was his observation
that whatever else he might be, TR was not cool. This current
juvenile slang tendency to use the adjective "cool" as a synonym
for "good" has long been due for recycling.
15 July 1997
Letters to the Editor
Arizona Republic
PO Box 2244
Phoenix, AZ 85002
Dear Sir:
In your letters column we note a continuing rumble on the part of
certain people calling for the prohibition of chicken fighting in
Arizona. While we must certainly admit the presence of ruffled
feathers on the part of those who are distressed by chicken
fighting, we must at the same time protest that it seems uppity for
us to deny our Latino residents such pleasure as they may derive
from the conduct of one of their public ethnic enjoyments.
Let us not wring our hands over the plight of the fighting cock.
Roosters love to fight, and they do not need chemical
encouragement. To suggest, as some correspondents have, that these
roosters are somehow "drugged" in order to heighten their
belligerence, is to talk foolishness. The breeders of fighting
cocks are highly competitive, and even if it were feasible, the
idea of somehow increasing a rooster's desire to fight would result
in conflict amongst breeders which would extend well outside the
I have attended various cock fights in both Latin America and the
Philippines, and as with vodka, while I have not been enthused,
neither have I been repelled. The birds lay into each other with
unaffected enthusiasm. The end they suffer in the ring would seem
preferable to that which they would otherwise suffer in the
Besides that, if people enjoy attending cock fights, it would seem
insufferably presumptuous to tell them they must not. To do so
would be to accentuate cultural diversity in an arrogant and
unnecessary manner.
By all means let the roosters have their fun!
(Note that the
Arizona Republic did not choose to print my
Danie says that the thing prospective
African hunters must cultivate is quick acquisition of
position (QAP). Indeed, yes. I have always found it so
and conducted my teaching sessions accordingly.
And I would add a point. The second principal of personal defense
is decisiveness. The hunting shot is only seldom fired in a purely
defensive mode, but nonetheless it remains difficult for the novice
to make the life-and-death decision when necessary. Once you have
acquired your target in your sights, do not dally, dither nor
delay. Do it right, and do it now. This does not mean that you
should rush your shot or mash your trigger, but that once you are
on, you go for score. I have seen this practice neglected in the
field often enough to feel strongly about it. I do not know exactly
how to teach the matter of decisiveness to a student on the range,
but the demand remains "If you are going to do it, do it now. Do it
right, but do it now."
While I have never owned a 45-70, I was
allowed to use one fairly often as a shark stopper on the Catalina
Channel. This old bruiser has been sadly underrated ever since our
adoption of the smokeless powder cartridges along about the turn of
the century. It is, however, a great cartridge - probably
unsurpassed to this day for the big bears and the great cats. It is
also practically ideal for moose. Furthermore, you can get it in
some extremely handy weapons, probably the best of which is the
Marlin 95 in compact trim as made up by Jim West of Anchorage,
While we have all shot our share of
trophies, I have long been opposed to trophy hunting as an end in
itself. I am even mildly opposed to the presence of a tape measure
in the hunting party. An outstanding specimen of a princely quarry
is a wonderful thing to have, but inches are to me of slight
interest. The grand thing about big game hunting is the experience
itself, rather than an artifact to hang on the wall. Certainly the
trophy will serve to remind you of a deed well done for as long as
you live, but this has nothing to do with where he stands in the
record book.
It is essential to remember that big game hunting should not be
regarded as a competitive sport. It is an activity of a very
personal nature, being conducted by an individual - without
concern for what some other individual may have done or may do.
Among other things, the measurements of the trophy have almost
never anything to do with the ability of the hunter, who carries
out his sacrament to the best of his ability, and is thankful for
whatever the spirits of the wild may grant him.
(Note that a triumphant achievement in the bull ring is never
measured by the length of the bull's horn.)
Because of some sloppy communicating on
my part, there are a good many who still are unsure of the dates of
the Steyr party at Whittington. Officially now the press party is
scheduled for Thursday, 25 September, and the conference proper for
Friday, 26 September, both commencing at 0900. The press party is
directed exactly at the new Steyr Scout itself as a production
weapon for 1998. The conference may cover a somewhat wider field of
theory, touching on the history, current status, and future of the
scout concept in whatever form it may take. There is much to talk
about here, and I look forward eagerly to talking about
This discussion of POT (post operational
trauma) continues apace. I suppose it exists. I have heard a lot of
people talk about it and write about it, but I have never
experienced it myself nor have I seen it in another. One
commentator recently observed that the wartime experience is so
different from a peacetime gunfight that the respective emotional
responses may not be intelligently compared. There is no doubt that
the killing of an enemy soldier is a different matter
psychologically from the killing of a sociopathic felon. It seems
to me, however, that emotional shock after action should be far
less in peacetime than in war. The enemy soldier one kills may be a
particularly good man, doing his best for God and country. He may
be a man you would like to go fishing with, or possibly to marry
your sister. If you are going to get shook up about killing a man,
it would appear that you would be more shook after killing an enemy
soldier than after killing a repulsive criminal.
I cannot tell you how you will feel after action. I can only tell
you how I felt, and how those around me felt. Never have I run into
this POT thing, and I think it is a pretty good subject to
No matter how unpleasant the idea may be,
racism has a good deal to do with one's feelings in war. Certainly
the interminable war going on between Jew and Arab is racial. These
people hate each other with a passion, not so much because of what
they do, but because of who they are. The same may be said to be
true of the Irish feeling about the British, and certainly race was
a paramount motivation in the Pacific War.
Racism, however, is not a necessary attribute of war. If it exists,
the combatants will certainly use it to raise morale, but it is not
necessary. One of the lesser known works of Field Marshal Erwin
Rommel is entitled "Krieg ohne Hass" (War without
It would appear today that Farrakhan's followers are doing their
utmost to promote race hatred as an element in the furtherance of
their political goals. We can do without that, but possibly they
Noting the increased attention to the
lifting of small weights as a means of exercise conditioning by
ordinary people (as opposed to weight lifters), I have broken out
the rifle as summer declines and spend sometime before breakfast
each day on what we used to refer to as "butts manual" in high
school ROTC. The idea is to reach the point where that rifle feels
like a feather in your hands. This not only helps your
marksmanship, but it does good things for the appropriate
So the Horiuchi case is now officially
closed! He is now free from legal retribution, but one wonders
about the spiritual side of the case. The Greeks had a word for
this, as they had for so many things. The word was nemesis. You may
escape the law, but not nemesis. It will come, either in this world
or the next.
"Since first the world began,
Two things have altered not:
The beauty of the wild green earth,
and the bravery of man."
Allen Clark
Please Note. These "Commentaries" are for personal
use only. Not for publication.