Secure banking: summary

Submitted by Bill St. Clair on Mon, 28 Jul 2008 04:45:03 GMT  <== Digital Money ==> 

I talked for an hour last night with Patrick Chkoreff, the creator of We came up with a scheme for doing secure banking and trading, where both the bank and the customer can prove at all times what the customer's balances are and what outstanding spends he has, and to whom. That's all that either party needs to keep track of.

It uses public key signing on every exchanged message.

Users and banks are identified by the 160-bit fingerprint of their public key ID.

I intend to write a longer article, explaining the notation below, but I wanted to post this, so it's not just on my computer.

Create account: (id_a, public_key_a, random): signature_a
(This requires that somebody has pre-funded account id_a with tokens. Token balances need to be worked into the transactions below)

Sequence request: (id_a, "getsequence", random): signature_a
Sequence response: (id_bank, "sequence", sequence1): signature_bank

Spend order: (id_a, "spendto", id_b, sequence1, type, amount, comment1): signature_a
Balance: (id_bank, "balance", id_a, sequence1, type, balance): signature_bank
Confirm balance: (id_a, "confirmbalance", sequence1, type, balance): signature_a
Outstanding spends: (id_bank, "outstandingspends", id_a, sequence1, [sequences...]): signature_bank
Confirm outstanding spends: (id_a, "confirmoutstandingspends" , sequence1, [sequences...]): signature_a

Cancel Spend: (id_a, "cancelspend", id_b, sequence1, type, amount): signature_a
Balance: ... sequence2 ...
Confirm balance: ... sequence2 ...
Outstanding spends: ... sequence2 ...
Confirm outstanding spends: ... sequence2 ...

Get queue entry: (id_b, "getq", random): signature_b
Receipt: (id_bank, "receipt", (id_a, "sellto", id_b, sequence1, type, amount, comment1): signature_a): signature_bank
Confirm receipt: (id_b, "confirmreceipt", id_a, sequence1, type, amount): signature_b
Balance: (id_bank, "balance", id_b, sequence3, type, balance): signature_bank
Confirm balance: (id_b, "confirmbalance", sequence3, type, balance): signature_b

Get queue entry: (id_a, "getq", random): signature_a
Closed spend: (id_bank, "closedspend", ((id_b, "confirmedreceipt", id_a, sequence1, type, amount): signature_b)): signature_bank
Confirm closed spend: (id_a, "confirmclosedspend", id_b, sequence1, type, amount): signature_a
Outstanding spends: ... sequence4 ...
Confirm outstanding spends: ... sequence4 ...

Deny receipt: (id_b, "denyreceipt", id_a, sequence1, type, amount, comment2): signature_b

Get queue entry: id_a ...
Denied spend: (id_bank, "deniedspend", (id_b, "denyreceipt", id_a, sequence1, type, amount, comment2): signature_b): signature_bank
Confirm denied spend: (id_a, "confirmdeniedspend", id_b, sequence1, type, amount): signature_a
Balance: ... sequence5 ...
Confirm Balance: ... sequence5 ...
Outstanding spends: ... sequence5 ...
Confirm outstanding spends: ... sequence5 ...

Get confirmed balance: (id_a, "getconfirmedbalance", type, random): signature_a
Confirmed balance: (id_bank, "confirmedbalance", (id_a, "confirmbalance", sequence1, type, balance): signature_a): signature_bank

Get confirmed outstanding spends: (id_a, "getconfirmedoutstandingspends", random): signature_a
Confirmed outstanding spends: (id_bank, "confirmedoutstandingspends", (id_a, "confirmoutstandingspends" , sequence1, [sequences...]): signature_a): signature_bank

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Comments (1):

Checks & Bearer Certificates

Submitted by on Mon, 28 Jul 2008 11:17:14 GMT

Checks and bearer certificates fall out of this, too. A check is just a spend with 0 for the amount and the recipient. The customer signs the check, with value filled in, over to a recipient later. If he signs the same check to two different recipients, the first one to cash it wins, and the other has a verifiable claim against the customer. If his balance won't cover the check when it first comes in, the recipient has a verifiable claim against him. A bearer certificate is a spend with 0 for the recipient. Its value is removed from the customer's account right away, so there's never an account balance shortfall. It has to be signed over to someone before it can be cashed. Or it can be returned to credit the account. A certificate can accumulate a signature chain when passed from hand to hand, if every recipient trusts that nobody in the existing chain will fraudulently cash it. The first person to turn in a bearer certificate signed to him gets the value. If a second person turns one in, the bank can prove who spent it, but it isn't the bank's responsibility to make good the second or subsequent time. If the redeemer has the value, though, the bank can transfer it. If he doesn't, then the bank can ignore the second demand, or put a lien on the redeemer's account. There's room for policy differences here.

Note that check and bearer certificate records need to be kept for all time, so banks will likely charge extra for them. Or they could have expiration dates.

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