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illustration © Stephen Saunders

cannabis leaf in a diamond shape Bibliography

    “All your children are poor, unfortunate victims of lies you believe. A plague upon your ignorance which keeps the young from the truth they deserve.”

— Frank Zappa, 1967

General Source Material:

    Abel, Ernest A.; Marijuana, The First 12,000 Years; Plenum Press, NY, 1980.

    Anderson, Patrick; High in America; Viking Press, NY, 1981.

    Andrews, George & Vinkenaog, Simon, editors; The Book of Grass; Grove Press, Inc., NY, 1967.

    Cohen, Dr. Sidney & Stillman, Richard, editors; The Therapeutic Potential of Marijuana; Plenum Press, NY, 1976.

    Colby, Jerry; DuPont Dynasties; Lyle Stewart, 1984.

    Conrad, Chris; Hemp, Lifeline to the Future; Creative Xpressions; LA, CA, 1993.

    Dewey, Lester; “Hemp Industry in America”, U.S. Dept. Agriculture Yearbook, 1913, pg. 238.

    Dewey, Lester; “Hemp Industry in the U.S.”, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture Yearbook, 1901, 1902, pg. 541-554.

    Dewey, Lester & Merrill, Jason; Bulletin #404; U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, 1916.

    Encyclopdia Britannica; The Encyclopdia Britannica Company, New York, NY.

    Frazier, Jack; The Marijuana Farmers; Solar Age Press, New Orleans, LA, 1972.

    Goldman, Albert; Grass Roots; Harper & Row, NY, 1979.

    High Times Magazine, Volume 1, No. 1; The Trans-High Corporation, NY, 1974.

    Herman, Richard and Fox, Allan, ed.; Drug Awareness; Discuss Books, 1970.

    Indian Hemp Drugs Commission; Marijuana, Report of the Indian Hemp Drugs Commission, 1893-1894; T. Jefferson Publishing Co., Silver Spring, MD 1969.

    Kaplan, John; Marijuana: The New Prohibition; World Publishing Co., 1970.

    Latimer, Dean & Goldberg, Jeff; Flowers in the Blood; Franklin Watts, NY, 1981.

    Literary Digest, Vol. 76, “Hemp, the Barometer of War”, January 27, 1923, pg. 26.

    Literary Digest, Vol., 89, “Our Hasheesh Crop”, April 3, 1926, pg. 64.

    Mikuriya, Tod H., M.D.; Marijuana Medical Papers, 1839-1972; Medi-Comp Press, Oakland, CA, 1973.

    National Academy of Science; Marijuana and Health, evaluation of past studies; Relman, Arnold, M.D., editor; National Academy Press, Washington, DC, 1982.

    Novak, William; High Culture, Cannabis Institute of America, Boston, MA, 1980.

Oxford English Dictionary, Compact Edition; Oxford U. Press, Oxford, England, 1982.

    Scientific American, Vol. 71, “Kentucky Hemp”, October 6, 1894, pg. 210.

    Scientific American, Vol. 79, Dodge, G.R., “Growing Hemp in America”, May 15, 1915, pg. 308.

    Scientific American, Vol. 87, “American Hemp Industry”, November 29, 1902, pg. 356.

    Scientific American, Vol. 116, “Making Paper Pulp From Hemp Hurds”, February 3, 1917, pg. 127.

    Scientific American, Vol. 124, Dacy, G.H., “Revolutionizing an Industry; How modern machinery is minimizing hand labor in hemp production”, June 4, 1921, pg. 446.

    Scientific American, Vol. 158, Anslinger, H.J., “Marijuana More Dangerous Than Heroin or Cocaine”, May, 1938, pg. 293.

    Silver, Gary & Alderich, Michael, Ph.D.; The Dope Chronicles, 1850-1950; Harper & Row, Publishers, San Francisco, 1979.

    Sloman, Larry; Reefer Madness, Marijuana in America; Grove Press, Inc., NY, 1979.

    Solomon, David, ed.; The Marijuana Papers; The Bobbs-Merrill Company, NY, 1966.

    Stafford, Peter; Psychedelics Encyclopedia; And/Or Press; Berkeley, CA, 1977.

    U.S. Agricultural Indices: 1916-1982.

    U.S. Agriculture Dept. Yearbooks.

    Wagner, Roger; Invisible Hand: The Marijuana Business; Morrow & Company/Beech Tree Books, NY, 1986.

    Wolfe, Sidney M., M.D. and Coley, Christopher; Pills That Don’t Work; Public Citizen Health Research Group, 1981.

Chapter 1: Historical Overview

    Abel, Ernest A.; Marijuana, The First 12,000 Years; Plenum Press, NY, 1980.

    Allegro, J.M.; Sacred Mushroom & the Cross; Doubleday, NY, 1969.

    Allen, James Lane; The Reign of Law, A Tale of the Kentucky Hemp Fields; MacMillan Co., NY, 1900.

    Bible; King James edition, et al.

    Clark, V.S.; History of Manufacture in United States; McGraw Hill, NY, 1929, pg. 34.

    Cohen, Dr. Sidney & Stillman, Richard, editors; The Therapeutic Potential of Marijuana; Plenum Press, NY, 1976.

    Columbia History of the World; Harper & Row, NY, 1981.

    “Dead Sea Scrolls”; Allegro, J.M.; Penguin Books, 1959.

    Encyclopdia Britannica listing, “Pharmacological Cults”.

    Garaty, John & Gay, Peter, editors; Columbia Book of World History; Harper & Row Pub., Inc., 1972.

    Gnostic Gospels.

    Herndon, G.M.; Hemp in Colonial Virginia; 1963; The Chesapeake Colonies; 1954.

    Herodotus; Histories; 5th century B.C.E.; Herodotus, Herodotus IV (Melpomene), University Press, Cambridge, 1906 Reprint, pg. 74-76.

    Jefferson, Thomas; Diaries of; also Jefferson’s Farm Books, Aug. 7, 1765.

    Kaballah, Ginsberg Legends edition, c. 1860.

    L.A. Times, August 12, 1981.

    Mikuriya, Tod H., M.D.; Marijuana Medical Papers, 1839-1972; Medi-Comp Press, Oakland, CA, 1973.

    Research of: Schutles, R.E., director, Harvard Botanical; Wm. EmBoden, U. of CA, Northridge; et al.

    Roffman, Roger, Ph.D.; Marijuana as Medicine; Medrone Books, WA, 1982.

    Schultes, R.E., & Wasson, R. Gordon; Plants of the Gods.

    U.S. Census report, May 12-13, 1850.

    Washington, George; Diaries of.

    Wasson, R. Gordon; Soma, Divine Mushroom of Immortality; Harcourt, Brace & World, 1968.

Chapter 2: Uses of Hemp

    Abel, Ernest A.; Marijuana, The First 12,000 Years; Plenum Press, NY, 1980.

    Adams, James. T., ed.; Album of American History; Charles Scribner’s Sons, NY, 1944, pg. 116.

    Bonnie, Richard & Whitebread, Charles; The Marijuana Conviction; Univ. of Virginia Press, VA 1974.

    Burbank, Luther; How Plants Are Trained To Work For Man, Useful Plants; P.F. Collier & Son, NY, 1921, Vol. 6, pg. 48.

    Cavender, Jim, Professor of Botany, Ohio University, “Authorities Examine Pot Claims”, Athens News, November 16, 1989.

    Cohen, Dr. Sidney & Stillman, Richard, editors; The Therapeutic Potential of Marijuana; Plenum Press, NY, 1976.

    Colby, Jerry; DuPont Dynasties; Lyle Stewart, 1984.

    Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) histories.

    Dewey, Lester & Merrill, Jason; Bulletin #404; U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, 1916.

    Encyclopdia Britannica, 11th Edition, 1910.

    Farm Crop Reports, USDA international abstracts.

    Frazier, Jack; The Marijuana Farmers; Solar Age Press, New Orleans, LA, 1972.

    Galbraith, Gatewood; Kentucky Marijuana Feasibility Study; 1977.

    Herndon, G.M.; Hemp in Colonial Virginia; 1963.

    Herodotus; Histories; 5th century B.C.E.

    Levi-Strauss & Company of San Francisco, CA, Personal communication with Gene McClaine, 1985.

    Magoun, Alexander; The Frigate Constitution; 1928.

    Mikuriya, Tod H., M.D.; Marijuana Medical Papers, 1839-1972; Medi-Comp Press, Oakland, CA, 1973.

    National Narcotics Intelligence Consumers Committee (NNICC) 1988 Report, El Paso, TX, April, 1989.

    Oxford English Dictionary.

    Paine, Thomas; Common Sense; 1776.

    Revolution, film with Al Pacino, 1985.

    Rubin, Dr. Vera; Jamaican Studies; Institute for the Study of Man, 1968-74.

    Sloman, Larry; Reefer Madness, Marijuana in America; Grove Press, Inc., NY, 1979.

    Solar Gas, 1980.

    The Dupont Dynasties.

    U. of KY Agricultural Ext. Service Leaflet 25, March, 1943.

    U.S. Agricultural Index, 1916-1982.

    U.S. Library of Congress; National Archives; U.S. Mint; etc.

    USDA film, “Hemp for Victory”; 1942.

Chapter 3: “Billion Dollar Crop”

    “Billion Dollar Crop”, Popular Mechanics, February, 1938.

    “Hemp and Flax”, Mechanical Engineering, February, 1938.

Chapter 4: Last Days of Legal Hemp

    Anslinger, Harry; The Murderers; also his own records and writings.

    Bonnie, Richard & Whitebread, Charles; The Marijuana Conviction; Univ. of Virginia Press, VA 1974.

    Colby, Jerry; DuPont Dynasties; Lyle Stewart, 1984.

    Congressional Record, Ways and Means Committee “Marijuana Tax” hearing transcripts, 1937.

    Dewey, Lester & Merrill, Jason; Bulletin #404; U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, 1916.

    DuPont Company, annual report, 1937.

    Kimberly Clark production records from its giant French hemp-fiber paper subsidiary, De Mauduit, 1937 through 1984.

    Lindsmith, Alfred; The Addict and the Law; Indiana U. Press.

    Mikuriya, Tod H., M.D.; Marijuana Medical Papers, 1839-1972; Medi-Comp Press, Oakland, CA, 1973.

    New Scientist, November 13, 1980.

    Popular Mechanics magazine, “New Billion-Dollar Crop”, February 1938.

    Sloman, Larry; Reefer Madness, Marijuana in America; Grove Press, Inc., NY, 1979.

    Uelmen & Haddox; Drug Abuse and the Law; 1974.

    U.S. Agricultural Indices, 1916 through 1982.

    Webster’s dictionary.

Chapter 5: Prohibition

    Abel, Ernest A.; Marijuana, The First 12,000 Years; Plenum Press, NY, 1980, p. 73, 99.

    Anslinger, Harry; The Murderers.

    High Times; The Encyclopedia of Recreational Drugs; Trans High Publishing, pg. 138.

    Latimer, Dean & Goldberg, Jeff; Flowers in the Blood; Franklin Watts, NY, 1981.

    Lee, Martin & Shlain, Bruce; Acid Dreams; Grove Press, NY, 1985.

    Research of Dr. Michael Aldrich, Richard Ashley, Michael Horowitz, et al.

    Sloman, Larry; Reefer Madness, Marijuana in America; Grove Press, Inc., NY, 1979.

    The Oregonian, January 21, 1985.

Chapter 6: Medical Literature

    Cohen, Dr. Sidney & Stillman, Richard, editors; The Therapeutic Potential of Marijuana; Plenum Press, NY, 1976.

    Coptic studies (U.S.), 1981.

    Costa Rican studies through 1982.

    LaGuardia Marijuana Study, 1938-1944, New York Academy of Medicine.

    Medicine: Army Study of Marijuana Smokers Points to Better Ways of Treatment, Newsweek, Jan. 15, 1945, pg. 72.

    Medicine: Marijuana and Mentality, Newsweek, November 18, 1946.

    Mikuriya, Tod H., M.D.; Marijuana Medical Papers, 1839-1972; Medi-Comp Press, Oakland, CA, 1973.

    Mother Jones Magazine, 1979, June 1989.

    National Academy of Science; Marijuana and Health, evaluation of past studies; Relman, Arnold, M.D., editor, National Academy Press, Washington, DC, 1982.

    Ohio State Medical Society 15th annual meeting, June 12-14, 1860, transcripts, pg. 75-100.

    Omni magazine, September 1982.

    O’Shaugnessy, W.B., “On the preparation of Indian hemp, or ganjah”, Transactions of the Medical and Physical Society of Bengal: 1838-40, pg. 421-461.

    Periodical el Tiempo Bogota (Columbia’s largest newspaper), 1983.

    Research of Dr. Norman Zinberg; Dr. Andrew Weil; Dr. Lester Grinspoon, Dr. Thomas Ungerleider, Dr. Shafer, Dr. Raphael Mechoulam (Tel Aviv/Jerusalem U.) 1964-84.

    Roffman, Roger, Ph.D.; Marijuana as Medicine; Medrone Books, WA, 1982.

    Rubin, Dr. Vera; Jamaican Studies; Institute for the Study of Man, 1968-74.

    Transcripts, Ohio State Medical Society 15th annual meeting, June 12-14, 1860, pg. 75-100.

    U.S. Government’s Presidential Commission reports, 1969; Schaeffer Commission through 1982.

    U.S. military studies since the 1950s and 60s.

Chapter 7: Therapeutic Uses

    Carter, Edward W.; Cannabis In Costa Rica — A Study in Chronic Marijuana Use, 1980-82; Institute for the Study of Human Issues, 3401 Science Center, Philadelphia, PA.

    Cohen, Dr. Sidney & Stillman, Richard; Therapeutic Potential of Marijuana; UCLA, 1976; personal interviews with researchers, Washington, DC, November, 1982.

    Harvard Medical School Mental Health Letter, Vol. 4, No. 5, November, 1987.

    International Farm Crop abstracts.

    Life Insurance Actuarial rates, “Life shortening effects of childhood asthma”, 1969-1976, 1983.

    Medical Cannabis studies: Harvard; Helper & Frank, UCLA, 1971; Medical College of Georgia; University of North Carolina School of Medicine, 1975; National Eye Institute.

    Mikuriya, Tod, M.D.; Marijuana Medical Papers 1839-1972; Medi-Comp Press, CA, 1973, Antibiotic Effect of Cannabis Indica, The, 1952-53-55; Antibacterial Effect of Can. Indica, The, 1955.

    Public Citizen Health Research Group, “Stopping Valium”, 2000 ‘P’ St. NW, Wash. DC, 20036.

    Roffman, Roger, Ph.D.; Marijuana as Medicine; Medrone Books, WA, 1982.

    Ruben, Dr. Vera & Comitas, Lambros; Ganja in Jamaica, A Medical Anthropological Study of Chronic Marijuana Use, 1975; Moutan & Co., The Hague, Paris.

    Tashkin, Dr. Donald, UCLA studies, 1969-83; UCLA Pulmonary Studies, 1969-90.

    U.S. Center for Disease Control report that 20% to 40% of “-zine” drug users have or will develop permanent lifetime palsies shakes, Atlanta, GA, November, 1983.

    U.S. Pharmacopia prior to 1937.

Chapter 8: Food

    Australian History books.

    Czechoslovakian Tubercular Nutritional Study, 1955.

    Loziers, Ralph, testimony on behalf of National Oil Seed Institute, House Ways and Means Committee, 1937.

    McKenny, Margaret; Birds in the Garden; Reynal & Hitchcock, NY, 1939.

    Teramura, Alan, University of MD study, Discover magazine, September, 1989.

Chapter 9: Economy & Ecology

    Beatty, A; “Southern Agriculture”; C.M. Saxton & Co., NY, 1843, pg. 113.

    Brookhaven National Laboratory, 1986.

    Conrad, Chris; Hemp, Lifeline to the Future; Creative Xpressions; LA, CA, 1993.

    Dewey, Lester & Merrill, Jason; Bulletin #404; U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, 1916.

    Harvard Business School, Report of the Energy Project; Energy Future; Random House, NY, 1979, Vintage Press, 1983.

    Osburn, Lynn, “Energy Farming in America”, BACH publishing, 1989.

    Research of Dr. Carl Sagan.

    Teramura, Alan, U. of MD study, Discover Magazine, September, 1989.

    U. of KY Agricultural Ext. Service Leaflet 25, March, 1943.

    U.S. EPA prediction of world-wide disaster in the making within 30 to 50 years, 1983.

Chapter 10: Sociology

    Abel, Ernest A.; Marijuana, The First 12,000 Years; Plenum Press, NY, 1980.

    Allegro, J.M.; Sacred Mushroom & the Cross; Hodder & Stoughton, 1970.

    British Indian Hemp Commission Report, 1894.

    Bible, King James, Genesis Chapter 1, Verse 12; Matthew 15:11; Paul: 1 Timothy 1:4; Luke 20:46. Also see Psalm 104 14:15; Isaiah 18:4-5; Isaiah 61:1; Paul: 1 Timothy 4:1-16, Rev. 22:1-2; Ezekiel 34:29.

    Bible, Catholic, Sirach Chapter 38, Verse 4.

    Columbia History of the World; Harper & Row, NY, 1981, pg. 54.

    Dead Sea Scrolls.

    Dewey, Lyster; Hemp; U.S.D.A. Agriculture Yearbook, 1913, p. 283-293.

    Emboden, Wm. A., Jr.; Flesh of the Gods; Furst, Peter, ed., Praeger Press, NY, 1974.

    Encyclopdia Britannica, listing for “Pharmacological Cults”.

    Encyclopdia Britannica.

    Fletcher, John, “Rollo, Duke of Normandy”, Act III, scene 3, 1639.

    Herodotus; Histories; 5th century B.C.E.

    High Times Encyclopedia of Recreational Drugs; Stonehill Publishing, NY, 1978, Trans High Corp.

    Hindu Vedas.

    “How Heads of State Got High”, High Times, April, 1980 (see appendix in paper version of this book).

    Jefferson, Thomas; The Writings of Thomas Jefferson; H.A. Washington, ed, J.B. Lippincotts Co., Philadelphia, PA, 1871.

    Kelly, Kitty; Nancy Reagan, The Unauthorized Biography; Doubleday Co., NY, 1991.

    Mikuriya, Tod H., M.D.; Marijuana Medical Papers, 1839-1972; Medi-Comp Press, Berkeley, CA, 1973.

    Mills, Ogden Livingston, On Liberty (an essay).

    Ohio State Medical Society, 1860.

    Research of Shultes, R.E., Harvard Botanical Dept.; EmBowden, William, UC Northridge; Michael Aldrich, Ph.D.; Vera Rubin, Institute for the Study of Man; etymologist Jay Lynn, Dr. Thomas Ungerleider (UCLA, 1982).

    Roffman, Roger, Ph.D.; Marijuana as Medicine; Medrone Books, WA, 1982.

    Rubin, Dr. Vera; Jamaican Studies; Institute for the Study of Man, 1968-74.

    Shen Nung Pharmacopia; Ponts’ao Ching; Han Dynasty classics, et al.

    Shushan, E.R.; Grave Matters; Ballantine Books, NY, 1990.

    Siegel, Dr. Ronald K.; Intoxication: Life in Pursuit of Artificial Paradise; Dulton Press, 1989.

    “Smoke Screen: Inmate Sues Justice Department Over Quayle-Pot Cover-up”, Dallas Observer (TX), August 23, 1990.

    U.S. Army, Edgewood Arsenal (MD), Multiples.

    Wasson, R. Gordon; Soma, Divine Mushroom of Immortality; Harcourt, Brace & World, 1968.

Chapter 11: War of 1812

    Adams, John Q., Microfilms, Mass. Historical Society, Boston, MA.

    Crosby, Alfred, Jr.; America, Russia, Hemp & Napoleon; OH State U. Press, 1965.

    National Archives, Dept. of State, Washington, DC.

    Peabody Museum, Salem, MA.

Chapter 12: Nineteenth Century

    Ohio State Medical Society, transcripts of the 15th annual meeting of the at White Sulphur Springs, OH, June 12-14, 1860, pg. 75-100.

    O’Shaugnessy, W.B.; ‘Monograph on Cannabis Medicine’; 1839.

Chapter 13: Prejudice

    Anslinger, Harry J., Congressional testimony, July 12, 1937.

    Mezzrow, Mezz, Really the Blues, Random House, Bernard Wolfe, 1946.

    Newsweek, “Army Study of Marihuana Smokers”, January 15, 1945.

Chapter 14: Debunking

    Carter, President Jimmy, Statement on National Drug Policy, August 2, 1977.

    Christic Institute “La Penca” lawsuit depositions.

    Cockburn, Leslie; Out of Control; Atlantic Monthly Press, NY, 1987.

    DeLorean cocaine trial testimony and verdict of innocence.

    Downtown News, “Chat With Sgt. Domagalski”, Los Angeles, CA, July 10, 1989.

    Downtown News, “Letters: DARE to tell the truth”, L.A., CA, July 31, 1989.

    48-Hrs., “Marijuana Growing in California”, CBS TV, October 12, 1989.

    Geiringer, Dale, “Inside the DEA”, Reason Magazine, December 1986.

    Guardian, The, “Cocaine shipped by contra network”, (British newspaper), July 22, 1989.

    High Times, “Can Pot Save the World”, February, 1989.

    High Witness News department, High Times magazine.

    In These Times, “Gulag for drug user”, December 20, 1989, pg. 4.

    Kerry, Senator John (Mass.), Report of the Senate Intelligence Committee subcommittee on Terrorism and Narcotics, 1989.

    Meiseler, Stanley, “Nothing Works”, LA Times Magazine, May 7, 1989.

    Nightwatch, CBS TV, January 1, 1985.

    The Oregonian, October 23, 1989.

    Wagner, Roger; Invisible Hand; Beech Tree Books, NY, 1986.

Chapter 15: Half Century of Prohibition

    Cohen, Dr. Sidney & Stillman, Richard, editors; The Therapeutic Potential of Marijuana; Plenum Press, NY, 1976.

    DiFranza, Dr. Joseph R., U. of Mass. Medical Center.

    Loewe, Journal of Pharmacological and Experimental Therapeutics, October, 1946.

    McCartney, Paul, interview by Timothy White, broadcast on KLSX radio, Los Angeles, CA, January 29, 1990.

    Mikuriya, Tod, M.D.; Marijuana Medical Papers 1839-1972; Medi-Comp Press, CA, 1973, National Center for Atmospheric Research reports, 1964.

    National Academy of Science; Marijuana and Health; evaluation on past studies, Relman, Arnold, M.D., editor, National Academy Press, Washington, DC, 1982.

    Radio Activity — The New Found Danger of Cigarettes, Reader’s Digest, March, 1986.

Chapter 16: The Emperor

    Anderson, Hans Christian; The Emperor’s New Clothes; 19th Century.

    Morris, David, ‘Collective Conscience Breeds Tolerance’, The Oregonian, October 19, 1989.

    Los Angeles Times, “Schultz, New Interest Drug Legalization Debate”, November 20, 1989.

    Special thanks to Lyster Dewey, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture botanist, for all his research into the characteristics of this amazing plant, and to Dr. W.B. O’Shaugnessy for bringing the herbal and medicinal back to Western science.


    Reign of Law: A Tale of the Kentucky Hemp Fields, 1900

    Schlichten/ Scripps letters

    Crimping Progress by Banning Hemp, 1988 movie review of “Hemp for Victory”.

    Documentation of authenticity for “Hemp for Victory”

     “Hemp for Victory”, 1942 USDA film narration

    Hemp Farmer’s Bulletin No. 1935, 1943

    German “Humorous Hemp Primer” comic book

    Isochanvre: Nature as Architect

    C&S Building Supply

    “It’s Time to Reconsider Hemp,” Pulp and Paper Magazine, 1991, 1993 update

    Marijuana: New Federal Tax Hits Dealings in Potent Weed, 1937

    Hemp Wood As a Papermaking Material, 1921

    Hemp being grown in US. As War Cuts Off Imports, 1942

    Marijuana Found Useful In Certain Mental Ills

    War booms the Hemp Industry, 1942

    Can We Have Rope Without Dope?

    Hemp Quota Cut, 1944

    Hemp Slows Up

    Army Study of Marijuana Smokers Points to Better Ways of Treatment, 1945

    Marijuana and Mentality, 1946

    Marijuana, 1940

    Fat Solubility’ Pot Scare Quietly Put To Sleep, 1982

    Marijuana and the Male, 1973

    Marijuana Hazards Cited in New Government Study, 1974

    Radioactivity: The New-Found Danger in Cigarettes, 1986

    Diazepenes (Valium): #1 in Abuse

    Drug Charges, 1990

    Welcome to the National Health Federation’s 35th Annual Health Convention, 1990

    The Marijuana Conviction, Part One—The Birth of Prohibition, 1987

    Hemp Hurds As Paper-making Material, USDA Bulletin No. 404, 1916

    Hearing before a Subcommittee of the Committee on Finance, U.S. Senate, 1937

    The Marijuana Tax Act of 1937 — Excerpts of Congressional Hearings: Committee on Ways and Means, House of Representatives, 1937

    Same campaign, different drug:, 1989

    America, Russia, Hemp, and Napoleon-American Trade with Russia and the Baltic, 1783-1812, 1965

    Marijuana More Dangerous Than Heroine or Cocaine, 1938

    Protect Youth Against Dope

    More of Hearst’s Gore Files

    Ecology cover-story Collage

    Authorities Examine Pot Claims, 1989

    Greenhouse effect articles

    Marijuana Backers Urge Production of Dioxin-Free Paper Made from Hemp, 1990

    Hemp For Fuel, 1989

    Marijuana Legalization conferences and the environmental assorted clippings

    How Our Heads of State Got High, 1980

    Iran Executes Over 30 Drug Traffickers, 1989

    Paul’s Pot Bust Shocker Makes Him Jailhouse Rocker

    The Beatles Were High on Marijuana When Queen Elizabeth Decorated Them At Buckingham Palace, 1970

    Police States: Prohibition Through The Ages

    Security Wrap-Up: Drug Use, 1989

    HR 4079 & Its Parallels with Nazi Germany

    U.S. Jails More People

    The Chemistry of Reefer Madness, 1989

    Pot-Stand Kept by Police Teacher, 1975

    Teens can Use yet not Abuse Drugs — Maybe, 1986

    “Collective Conscience” Breeds Dutch Tolerance, 1989

    There’s No Solution to Drugs of “the War,” 1990

    Voices For Legalization, 1990

    The Weed, (Gene Krupa story), 1943

    Hemp Will Be Grown, But Bureau Will Police Areas, 1942

    Seizure & Forfeiture Laws: Take Your Hands Off My Assets, 1989

    Drug Legalization: Interest Rises In Prestigious Circles, 1989

    Administrative Judge Urges Medicinal Use of Marijuana, 1988

    Glaucoma and AIDS victims legal cannabis articles

    Various articles depicting our government in action

    U.S. Smoking Toll Put at $52 Billion, 1990

    Dupont Annual Report, 1937

    Jury Nullification in Political Trials, 1983

    Jury Nullification — Fully Informed Jury — Juror’s Rights, 1990

the authorized on-line version of Jack Herer’s “The Emperor Wears No Clothes”

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