[this page is a mirror of
this original]
Us Material
As you saw, our publication and style guidelines are very minimal. However, we do have certain requirements for sending your work to us for possible publication in DF!, and making sure your work adheres to these will help us out greatly.
Text Material:
- Send your article as the body of an e-mail, not as an attachment;
- Make sure special text (bold or italics, for example) words or phrases are clearly indicated; bold should be indicated by *asterisks* before and after the word or phrase, and italics by an _underline character_ before and after.
Please don't use underlines for emphasis, as some people confuse that with links;
- where you want a hypertext link, please outline the text to be linked with _underline characters_, and then put the URL in <brackets>;
- Spell check your work;
- Double check references and links for accuracy before sending your article in;
- If you use a pen name, or several, please make it clear which name you want the article credited to;
- If you want to provide an e-mail address for feedback, please send that information along with your text; and
- Please send your article under PGP encryption (highly preferred), or use Hushmail encryption and send it to Sunni-Snake@hushmail.com.
- Your work must be publication-ready, i.e., of the desired size, color(s), etc.;
- The artwork must be either in .gif or .jpg format;
- If you want to be reasonably certain that you will be given credit for the art when it gets copied for use elsewhere, we strongly suggest you sign it somewhere, and in such a way that tampering with your signature will be
- If you sign your work with a different name than your e-mail address from which the work is sent, please indicate which name you want the work credited to;
- If you want to provide an e-mail address for feedback, please include that in the text of your e-mail; and
- Please use PGP (or Hushmail, as described above) to encrypt the text of your message as well as the artwork attachment file.
Please don't reveal the contents of your encrypted transmission in the subject
line! Use something innocuous, or leave it blank; having a subj line that says, "Doing Freedom Article" compromises your and our security and privacy.
Send your encrypted material to me at Sunni@free-market.net. I have an open-inbox policy for material; that is, I don't have a deadline before an issue. I'll notify you of my decision regarding your material as soon as I can.
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