When responding to a classified ad with a box number, send e-mail to bussjaeger@free-market.net, with the box number in the subject line. I will forward your correspondence to the party who placed the ad, including your e-mail address. If you don't want your e-mail address known, set up a dummy account for the transaction. many people prefer to encrypt all their correspondence for privacy; if you can't use PGP for some reason, consider an encrypted mail service such as MailVault. |
For Sale
Net Assets - The science fiction novel by Carl Bussjaeger. Read excerpts, more short stories, and buy the book on-line.
Y2K: The Millennium Bug - Autographed copies of this 1999 Prometheus Award finalist for sale for $10 (S&H included). Y2K may have dated the story line, but this suspenseful thriller will always be a great outreach tool that gets people to think about freedom. Order now while supplies last! Write to DF Box A for ordering information.
Wanted to Buy
WANTED - 10" barrel for a Dan Wesson .44 magnum target pistol. Also want brass in .45 Win Mag. Write to DF Box J.
Services Sought
Services Offered
Free Report - The Truth About Debt and Taxes!
New Internet Startup: E-Barricades - Huge potential for profit, freedom and fun! For investment and other information, see http://www.e-barricades.com/.
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