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The Classifieds
Place an Ad

When responding to a classified ad with a box number, send e-mail to bussjaeger@free-market.net, with the box number in the subject line. I will forward your correspondence to the party who placed the ad, including your e-mail address. If you don't want your e-mail address known, set up a dummy account for the transaction. many people prefer to encrypt all their correspondence for privacy; if you can't use PGP for some reason, consider an encrypted mail service such as MailVault.

For Sale

Net Assets - The science fiction novel by Carl Bussjaeger. Read excerpts, more short stories, and buy the book on-line.
And you can sell Net Assets, too earning a commission on every copy you sell. For more information onbecoming a Net Assets Affiliate, write me.

Y2K: The Millennium Bug - Autographed copies of this 1999 Prometheus Award finalist for sale for $10 (S&H included). Y2K may have dated the story line, but this suspenseful thriller will always be a great outreach tool that gets people to think about freedom. Order now while supplies last! Write to DF Box A for ordering information.

Wanted to Buy

WANTED - 10" barrel for a Dan Wesson .44 magnum target pistol. Also want brass in .45 Win Mag. Write to DF Box J.

Services Sought

Services Offered

Free Report - The Truth About Debt and Taxes!
Created by ex-IRS agents, attorneys, CPAs
Learn the truth about the nature of money, finance, debt and the IRS. Why you will never get truly free until you learn these secrets. Learn specific strategies that reduce your taxes by 50% or more- legally. Discover the truth about the Federal Reserve, finance and banking. (What you don't know can hurt you.) Learn how to all eliminate credit card debt completely in 30-120 days.


New Internet Startup: E-Barricades - Huge potential for profit, freedom and fun! For investment and other information, see http://www.e-barricades.com/.


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