That's three! (issues, that is) I'm on a roll.
Tom Spooner has interrupted his run of new material to backtrack a bit for the sake of those who've had a little trouble with past articles. He's very nearly as sarcastic as I, so this one isn't for the faint of heart. Nathan Barton has provided the second installment of his short story (novella?) Homecoming. Joe Six-Pack is still discovering freedom, Russmo is still ripping statist goons a new one (the feds now claim that TIPS won't spy on you in your home, but - show of hands: Who trusts them?), and Tommy is still hanging in there. If this issue has a theme, it must be 'fighting back'. Friend, ally, and DF! contributor Nathan Barton ran into a little with the South Dakota State Fair Gestapo. It seems that he objected to the Libertarian candidate being excluded from a supposedly open debate. The Statist Thug Party being what it is, they had him arrested. An injury was exacerberated in the process -and new injuries added - and his children abandoned by the responsible self-declared authorities. You can read Samizdat's take on it, and Sunni Maravillosa has words on the subject, too. I've added a new feature; something I seem to be doing each month. We now have a Freedom History page, where I'll list dates from history which I believe that freedom-lovers should know. I'm still on the lookout for more material for coming months. See our guidelines for more information. I especially want unsubscribing articles. Also related to this: DF! does review books, software, products, and services. If you have any such which you'd like us to consider for review, feel free to contact me. We have several experienced reviewers on tap with a wide variety of backgrounds, which allow them to properly evaluate pretty much anything.