Place A Classified Ad

Do you have goods or services to buy or sell?

Or are you looking for something?

Let Doing Freedom! help. For just five dollars ($5.00) you can place a one hundred word text ad which will appear in two issues of Doing Freedom!. Plus, your ad will also be included in those archived issues, which means that your minor expense buys you - in effect - a permanent ad. In fact, the 100 word limit is pretty flexible, meant only to encourage you to keep it brief. I'll allow generous exceptions.

Placing an ad is simple: Send the text of your ad to Specify the general category in which you wish your ad to appear - For Sale, Wanted to Buy, Services Sought, or Services Offered. You may also specify a subcategory, such as Gun Accessories, of one to three words which won't count against your ad length.

Next, it's time to pay for your ad. We accept PayPal and e-gold at this time.

If paying by e-gold, please include your account number with your ad so that we can cross-reference your payment to the correct ad.

Don't have PayPal yet?


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