[this page is a mirror of this original].
When responding to a classified ad, send e-mail to sunni@free-market.net, with the Box letter in the subject line. Business will be conducted in a confidential manner acceptable to all parties involved.
WANTED: 10" barrel for a Dan Wesson .44 magnum target pistol. Also want brass in .45 Win Mag. Write to DF Box J.
Jack of All Trades available for confidential work. Experience in electronics, telecomm, security (including body guard and self-defense instruction), construction, Web work. Also willing to house-sit or do caretaking work. Interested in short term and project work. Mobile and discreet. Transportation and light shipping also possible on case by case basis. References available on request. Write to DF Box Q.
Available at Ugly Black Composite Stock '00 (Conclave): Books--self-sufficiency, how-to's, homesteading, etc. (canning, tanning, gardening, building, anything you can think of), generally marked half-price. Tapes--mostly classic rock, some filk, priced at $2 each. Will probably consider reasonable offers on damned near anything else in the truck, too. Will dicker on the leftovers via e-mail, at DF Box C.
Y2K: The Millennium Bug. Autographed copies of this 1999 Prometheus Award finalist for sale for $10 (S&H included). Y2K may have dated the story line, but this suspenseful thriller will always be a great outreach tool that gets people to think about freedom. Order now while supplies last! Write to DF Box A for ordering information.
Kings of the High Frontier available in print! Yes, Victor Koman's space race psychological thriller is available in a fine hardback edition, with a limited number of signed copies. DF! editors highly recommend this book! For ordering information, see http://www.bereshith.com/
New Internet Startup: E-Barricades. Huge potential for profit, freedom and fun! For investment and other information, see http://www.e-barricades.com/
Buy Doing Freedom PCB bonds! Do Freedom, Teach Freedom, and Make Money! Only 10,000 left (one dollar face value). Contact DF Box B for more info.
Wanted: used baby furniture, other supplies in good condition. Especially needed: a porta-crib. Terms considered: buy, loan, or accept freebies in serviceable condition (yes, they'll take the stuff off of your hands for good!). Contact DF Box BB.
Help DF!: Your contribution of used equipment will help Doing Freedom! We can use 'most any PC equipment, a scanner, zip drive... Free membership commensurate to the value of the equipment donated. Contact DF Box DF.