[this page is a mirror of this original].
Hello Friends and Knights,
A lot has happened since we put up the preview issue of Doing Freedom!, and even more will happen before we get the next issue out, so expect some updates in between. Below you will find news about:
Peter McWilliams -- a project in memory of my friend
2] LRT Conclave -- update on our realspace gathering
3] Fellow Travelers Department -- Sierra Times,
SD petition, Media Research Center
4] RKBA Department -- 50 MRM, KeepAndBearArms.com,
NRA sellout links, GunOwner leaflets, MMM reality check, Pro-Gun radio
ads, & more!
5] Activism department -- General's Closet
6] Humor -- The Top 10 uses for HCI material, dumb
7] New outreach opportunity -- Rock Climbers
8] International Department -- LIO
9] Computer Security Department -- Firewalls &
1] Peter McWilliams -- a project in memory of my friend
Paraphrasing and expanding on an idea I suggested on the LRT discussion list:
Many of you have written to Sunni and me to express your condolences on the loss of our friend, Peter McWilliams. Our sincerest thanks to all of you. Sunni has some words on Peter in this issue of DF! For myself, I've an idea to go beyond words.
Many of you know that Peter was requesting that people write polite letters to Judge George King, pleading for leniency--it was the only way he could think of to save his life, because going to jail would kill him. He felt he had no choice because the judge ruled that his defense couldn't make any of the arguments they had to defend him, or even reference the law that made what Peter was doing legal in his state. (If you're not familiar with the case, please check out the McWilliams pages on the LRT site.) Out on bail, deprived by court order of life-saving medicines, Peter died on June 17. Maybe I'm just pissed because some Klingon bastards killed my friend, but it occurs to me that Peter's wishes that we be nice to the judge no longer apply. I don't mean that I don't care what Peter wanted because he's no longer here, but that the reason to hold back no longer exists; the judge can't make Peter's situation any worse.
So, in the spirit of the Liberty Round Table's "'Reefers' to Reno" project, I'm thinking of some kind of large scale mail-in protest to the murderous King George reincarnation on the bench in CA. Any of the prosecutors, agents, bureaucrats, and others involved in Peter's slow death--as many as we can get hold of--should be included as well. I don't know whether it matters that we include oregano cigarettes or not, but I'd sure feel a lot better if I dumped all this politeness and sent off a blistering letter with no holds barred and told those killers exactly what I think of them. I guess it wouldn't hurt if they also received some polite messages, patiently explaining to the statists how they have killed a man for the "crime" of speaking his mind. I do not advocate sending death threats (not that I mind the notion of those people losing some sleep or having to suffer living under the federal witness protection program--they made life much worse for Peter), and am not planning on sending any myself.
Peter was not into conflict and confrontation--he might not like this idea at all--but dammit, they killed him, killed him!!! They put the thumb-screws on him until he knuckled under and agreed to some of their lies, and it didn't save him. You're damn right I'm pissed! Why should the SOBs who did it be sheltered from the heat they've created?
So, if you'd like to exercise your freedom of speech and send a message to some of the people who helped kill Peter McWilliams, here are the addresses we've been able to find:
(Honorable!) George H. King
Central District of California
USDC Roybal Federal Building, Room 660
255 East Temple Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Court Clerk: Beatrice Herrera (213-894-6907)
The US
Attorney for Peter's district: Alejandro N. Mayorkas
The Assistant US Attorney for Criminal Justice: John S. Gordon
U.S. Attorney's Office/Central District of California:
N. Mayorkas
United States Attorney Criminal Division
312 North Spring Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
John S.
U.S. Attorney's Office/Central District of California Criminal Division
312 North Spring Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
United States Attorney's Office Web Page http://www.usdoj.gov/usao/cac/ states: "The current U.S. Attorney is Alejandro N. Mayorkas. Consuelo Woodhead is the Chief Assistant U.S. Attorney and David C. Marcus is the Executive Assistant U.S. Attorney."
From the
LA Times story on Peter's site: "Thom Mrozek, a spokesman for
the U.S. attorney's office, called the pleas a victory for the prosecution."
A press release giving his e-mail address and a phone number:
Thom Mrozek, Public Affairs Office
(213) 894-6947
Los Angeles Division
Federal Building
255 E. Temple St. 20th Floor
Los Angeles, CA 90012
phone: 213-894-2650
DEA, Washington
The first raid on the MJ farm came from these guys:
Telephone: (323) 526-5541
Leroy D. Baca, Sheriff
Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department
4700 Ramona Blvd.
Monterey Park, CA 91754
I'm not sure how to direct mail to the people most directly responsible within all these different offices, but I think the judge and the US attorney's offices definitely deserve letters. Some people may be less or more angry than I am, so I won't pretend to tell people what they should put in their letters, but the Constitution says citizens have a right to petition their government with their grievances, and this must surely count! I encourage any and all to write in and tell these people what you think about Peter's treatment and death.
If you are afraid of the Thought Police, you can wear gloves and leave your name off your protest letter--put Janet Reno's address as the return address, if you like (yes, that's legal, it's really just an alternate delivery address) and CC her if it floats your boat:
US Attorney
General Janet Reno
Department of Justice
Constitution Ave. & 10th Street, NW
Washington, DC 20530
You could also CC the Drug Tzar:
Director, ONDCP
750 17th Street, NW
Washington, DC 20006-4607
If you're really paranoid about the Thought Police, you can make sure your protest letter has no fingerprints or other identifying features and mail it to me at LRT, and I'll forward it for you. Make sure you include the necessary postage in your envelope-within-an-envelope (I can't afford to pay everyone's postage), and sent it here:
Don L.
Liberty Round Table
1101 Main Street
PMB 104-254
Evanston, WY 82930
And if you think that there ought not to be a Thought Police in America, you're right. But there is, and they killed Peter for criticizing the Drug Tzar and trying to save his life with medicine that's legal in his state. So, what are you going to do about it? [back to index]
2] LRT Conclave -- update on our realspace gathering
Reminder, this year's conclave is somewhat like a "theme party", the theme being privacy and security. So, while details will not be posted in public, I can say that we've a good bunch of RSVPs and will report in general non-security-violating terms what happens. Among the things we have in mind to enjoy while camping in the woods are: shooting, various skills-training sessions (shooting, 1st aid, PGP & computer security, others), Jarbidge Shovel Brigade participation for some, Mel Gibson "Patriot" movie viewing, LRT Chili cook-off, security eval (& award?), LRT shooting contest, stirring speeches, possible famous guest appearances, huge quantities of smores, nightly full-bandwidth discussions into the wee hours, and prolly a bunch of stuff I'm forgetting.
Late RSVPs are still welcome, but you should contact me via PGP (or hushmail to DonLobo@hushmail.com) right away! [back to index]
3] Fellow Travelers Department -- some stuff to look out for on the web
A) Sierra Times. If you want to write for a broader audience than DF! (for now ;-), or want to read on a wider variety of news and topics than DF!, a good place to visit is the Sierra Times. Even though the focus is western, freedom-oriented folks from all over are finding ST quite worth their while. As they put it:
Got news?
Send it to: news@sierraTimes.com
Got an opinion?: send it to: editorials@SierraTimes.com
We're already reaching the West and Dixie. Whatever you send can reach
thousands daily.
You can view our publication at http://www.SierraTimes.com We want to be
the voice of the Sagebrush Rebellion. Let's win the West back together.
B) South Dakotans need help, and are willing to pay for it:
"We have been circulating a constitutional amendment related to fully informed juries and jury authority called Justice Unlimited Petition here in South Dakota. We found out last week that we are about 10,000 signatures short of what we need to get on the ballot: we have 2/3 of what we need but 10,000 is a long ways to go. We do have a war chest and can pay up to $1 a signature for people collecting signatures, but we need people who are dedicated to freedom to do this. I need three or four people who are willing to come to South Dakota as soon as possible (within the next two weeks if possible) and put in a couple of weeks of 10 hour per day petitioning. If they do what I've been able to (about 15-16 signatures an hour) they can make enough to pay for their "vacation". We've only got part way through July to get the rest of the signatures, and many of us here in state are totally burned out. We need some fresh blood and enthusiasm.
"This is certainly a project to "do freedom" and what is nice is that we can pay people to come and get this important initiative on the ballot. We can furnish a place to live, park a camper, or pitch a tent, so this is a chance for an LRTer or a fellow-traveler to come to South Dakota and do some good work and enjoy the land. We need help very badly, or months of work and thousands of dollars will be wasted."
Those interested should wrote to SDLiberty@aol.com
C) Media Research Center -- How to Identify, Expose & Correct Liberal Media Bias. Other stuff:
http://www.mediaresearch.org/news/identifybias.html [back to index]
A) The 50 Million Round March -- A counter protest to the so-called Million Mom March (against guns)--has started and is ongoing. With all due respect to GOA, we like this protest action and encourage people to participate: www.50mrmarch.com
B) www.KeepAndBearArms.com -- Angel Shamaya is the Director of a new Web site that wants to be to the RKBA movement what Free-Market.Net is to the libertarian movement. The site has LOTS of great material and resources--check 'em out!
C) Some links on the NRA sell-out of gun owners:
D) Gunowner leaflets -- Concealed Carry Inc., http://www.imagineonline.net/ncci/, is promoting this project:
So, we are starting our own version of the GAY DOLLAR - We ordered our first batch of stamps and will be ready to ship them the Tuesday following Memorial Day. Here is what the stamp will look like:
These are inkless stamps so you will have to get a red ink pad. These stamps are perfect for marking legal and tender things. The GAY DOLLAR was a huge success, I hope GUN OWNER$ will be too! Can we duplicate that success? Gonna take a lot of stamps! You can get a stamp two ways:
1. Send a $15 donation (not tax deductible thank you very much!) to Concealed Carry, Inc., PO BOX, 4597 Oak Brook, IL 60522-4597 and I'll send a stamp. If you send less, I'll probably send a stamp anyway. Concealed Carry, Inc. is paying $5.50 per stamp (I know, someone out there can get them for less!). If you want more than one stamp, call me and we can work out a much lower rate. We are going to contact the bank about taking Visa/MasterCharge today. For now, we have to do this the snail mail way.
2. Go to your local Office Supply shop and tell them to make a stamp that says GUN OWNER$ in 18 Point Helvetica Bold Font. If you get a self-inking stamp request red ink.
Please note: We mentioned that gays used to stamp money. While we don't recall any of them being arrested for doing so, we're not telling anyone how to use this stamp nor suggesting it be used to stamp anything "Legal and Tender."
[DLT: Someone on the LRT list suggested a different message to be stamped on pieces of paper that circulate and other attention-getting spots:
Whatever works for you is fine.]
E) MMM reality check: http://www.freerepublic.com/forum/a391f959078aa.htm
F) Pro-Gun radio ads:
"I've just recorded two pro-gun radio advertisements for Grassroots South Carolina, from a women's point of view.
Go to: http://www.scfirearms.org/radio.htm and click on either of the "Sisters" links."
G) RKBA lawsuit -- The Civi Liberties Defense Foundation is currently raising the funds and laying the legal groundwork for a lawsuit to protect 2nd Amendment rights. See:
H) Gun Free Camps -- One LRTer's satire seems to be spreading:
I) Assault Drills -- "Something else to worry about, to "be concerned" about, and, of course regulate..."
http://www.frenchu.com/tpg/drill.html .
J) Gun Talk -- [DLT: I haven't checked this link lately] "About two months ago The Diane Rehm Show aired a show with only pro gun guests. This is atypical of this show. I could tell that the very anti-gun host was seething the whole time. Good listening:
Scroll down to Nov 3 and listen on realaudio."
LRTer comment:
"I finally got around to listening to it Sunday night. It's still there, and IMHO, it's worth listening to. It's about an hour long. Larry Pratt was the big name, along with a state rep from OK and someone from an Oregon gun rights group -- their names escape me at the moment. Mr. Heston and Mr. Lapierre were both said to have scheduling conflicts, and weren't on. Just as well, as they probably would have gotten the lions share of attention."
K) Cool Stuff:
LRTer comment:
"My favorite is the "Got Ammo" shirt...
L) COA project -- Tea Party
*** Send a memorable PHYSICAL message to Smith and Wesson's British owners for selling us out to the anti-firearm, anti-self defense mob. Go to this site and see what we mean: http://www.keepandbeararms.com/images/tea_party_letter.pdf
M) Cool Site -- Make a choice at http://www.dd-b.net/RKBA/
N) Cool lawsuit -- Some Texas state representatives have filed a class action lawsuit against the cities that are suing gun manufacturers on the grounds they are conspiring to deprive us of our right to keep and bear arms. You can get more info about it at:
http://www.GOA-Texas.org/TX_lawsuit.htm [back to index]
From a member of the LRT list:
In the theme of asking "what is effective?" there is the Generals' Closet project which was started to analyze tactics for bringing about freedom.
http://libertycheer.com/tactics/ [back to index]
A) The Top 10 uses for HCI material
1. Shred
it and use it as insulation to stay warm and cozy in a well- defended home.
2. Give copies to your friends at the range. Successfully shoot out each
letter in the headers on the literature.
3. Use it to line a cat litter box.
4. Two words: fish wrap.
5. Rather than using newspaper to protect surfaces when cleaning your guns,
use HCI paper instead.
6. Crumpled up, could be used to "stuff" Janet Reno's office.
7. Fire starter for wood stove.
8. Fold up a sheet and use as a gunpowder funnel for your Civil War reproduction
9. Make into a paper mache model of the Jefferson memorial.
10. Recycle into packaging for Glocks.
B) Dumb laws -- For some real doozies, check out:
http://www.dumblaws.com/ [back to index]
7] New outreach opportunity -- Rock Climbers
Rock Climbers may be ready to hear deregulation arguments. Check it out:
Free Hueco from the Evil Clutches of the TPWD please help - for more info go to www.huecotanks.com! Links to the El Paso Climbers' Club and much more! [back to index]
8] International Department -- LIO
*The Libertarian International Organization (LIO):
LIO is an assistance network for rights activists worldwide. Site has growing number of useful Links and Projects. [back to index]
9] Computer Security Department
From a post on the LRT list:
ZoneAlarm - personal firewall that allows you to block/permit access from/to your 'puter. V. neat, and FREE for personal use:
You can get information (Shields up) and have your ports probed at http://grc.com -- Remember Steve Gibson of Gibson Research, makers of Spinrite? Same guy.)
Do net lookups and whatnot at:
http://SamSpade.org [back to index]
Thanks for reading.
Do Freedom!