[Email Reply]

Digital Signatures Illustrated

by J. Orlin Grabbe

I read over the affidavit in the law office. It involved a options-trading dispute between a trader and a bank, and I was an expert witness on behalf of the trader's law firm. As I finished reading each page, I initialed that page.

"What are you doing?" one of the lawyers asked.

"I'm initialing each page."

"We usually just sign the last page," he said.

I shook my head at his naivete, and went ahead initialing each page. One New York investment bank I was well acquainted with had--on more than one occasion- -altered the internal language of an already signed contract, by substituting a new page for an existing page. When a dispute over the contract had arisen, there had, of course, been no explanation for the differing language between the investment bank's version of the contract and the customer's version.

When such discrepancies arose, it would inevitably be suggested that "the girl collating the copies" had mixed up pages in an older version of the contract with the pages in the final version. Each party, of course, would claim to have the final version.

As for myself, I simply chose to initial each page to avoid collation accidents on anything I signed, even if such accidents could have served no purpose except to waste time.

Which brings us to digital signatures. Digital signatures have the nice feature that they verify the textual authenticity of a signed contract or statement ("message"), in addition to the identity of the signer. Change one letter in the original message, and the digital signature will no longer verify.

What Are Digital Signatures?

Digital signatures are an analog of handwritten signatures. Handwritten signatures are based on the physically idiosyncratic way of signing one's name. But they can be easily forged.

A digital signature is a mathematically precise way of attaching one's identity to a message. It is much harder to forge than a handwritten signature, and the signed message cannot be altered without also invalidating the signature.

Digital signatures rely on public key cryptography. Public key cryptography uses two "keys". Take an ordinary plain-text message and apply one of the keys to it in an encryption process, and you end up with a scrambled or "encrypted" (or, in the current context, "signed") message. Apply the other key to the scrambled message in a decryption process, and you end up with the original plain-text message.

One of these two keys is "public." Everyone knows what this key is--or can look it up, much like a telephone number. The other key is "private." Only you know your private key. Signing (encrypting) something with your private key puts your personal stamp on it. No one else can do this, because they don't know your private key.

Message Crunching

For practical reasons, when digital signatures are used, people don't actually sign (encrypt) the original message itself with their private key. Instead, they first produce a condensed version of the message. This condensed version is often called a "message digest". Other equivalent terms are "hash value" or "fingerprint". The message is sent through a grinder and its quintessence extracted.

What gets signed, then, is the message digest (hash value, fingerprint, quintessence, whatever). The Signer signs the message digest with his private key. Anyone can decrypt the signed message digest, by using the Signer's known public key.

To produce a message digest, you need a crunching mechanism. There are different algorithmic machines for crunching messages. We will see examples of four of them later: MD5, RIPEM128, SHA-1, and RIPEM160.

So here is how the digital signature process works. Consider a Sender and a Receiver of a message. The Receiver wants to verify that the message has not been altered, as well as the Sender's identity. Here is the process.


S1. The Sender sends a message.

S2. The Sender calculates a message digest (hash value) of the original message.

S3. The Sender signs this message digest (hash value) with the Sender's private key, and sends the signed digest along with the original message.


R1. The Receiver receives the message, as well as the signed message digest.

R2. The Receiver also separately calculates a message digest (hash value) for the received message.

R3. The Receiver uses the Sender's public key to decrypt the signed message digest that was received, and compares this to the independently calculated message digest in step R2. If the message digest calculated for the received message is the same as the decrypted value of the signed message digest, then the Receiver has verified that the message has not been altered. In addition, since the Sender's public key was used for the decryption, the Receiver is also sure of the Sender's identity.

That's all there is to it. Well, except for the numbers. Encrypting a message involves numerically processing it in some way.

Numbering Down

To perform a digital signature, you must first turn the message into a Number. This Number is then delivered to the message cruncher, which spits out a message digest. The message cruncher turns a big Number into a small number.

For this to work, it should not be practical to find two different big Number messages which crunch down to the same small number. For if you could do so, then you could switch messages corresponding to a signature, much like that investment bank switched the internal pages of a contract document.

The small number message digests are usually either 128 bits long (MD5, RIPEM128), or 160 bits long (SHA-1, RIPEM160). Each bit can be either a "0" or a "1". So there are 2 to the 128th power possible digests that are 128 bits long, or 2 to the 160th power possible digests that are 160 bits long.

Now, the process of getting from a message to one of the message digests has to be deterministic. It has to be repeatable. The same message always has to give the same message digest. For otherwise the verification procedure wouldn't work.

But, at the same time, the output of the message cruncher has to look random. It should be impossible to work back from a message digest to an original message. For otherwise, someone might work their way back to several original message possibilities that yielded the same message digest.

So you want a good message cruncher, a good hash function, to be one-way. It must go forward, not backwards. And it must be hard to find two different messages that yield the same message digest.

Once you have the message digest, the small number, you must sign it (encrypt it). This also will involve a mathematical transformation. One common way of encrypting a number (e.g. the RSA algorithm) is to raise it to a power, then take the result modulo n, where n is some big integer. (Modulo n means divide by n, and throw away everything except the remainder. For example, 11 mod 5 equals 1, because 5 goes into 11 two times, with a remainder of 1.)

Okay. Enough of this. Let's see an example.

A Message Example

Suppose the message to be signed is the following letter from Greater Caribbean Bank to Senator Hand N. Till:


Senator Hand N. Till
Washington, DC

Dear Senator:

This letter is to inform you we have
opened account no. 338907021 on your
behalf, and deposted therein a
legislative incentive payment of
$1 million.  For withdrawl, you will
need to use your password BJRGUD7693.

Yours very truly,

Arnold C. Creole
Vice President
Greater Caribbean Bank


The message begins with the "S" in "Senator" and ends with the "k" in "Bank". Each line prior to the last one also contains a final carriage return (CR) and a line feed (LF), which ends the current line and begins a new one.

There is also a misspelling in the letter: "withdrawl" for "withdrawal". But the message has been signed as written, so if the spelling is corrected, the signature will not match the letter.

Let's go through the steps in signing this letter ("message"). First, we want to turn the message into a number. There are many ways to do this. But one simple way is to use the ASCII encoding of the individual characters that make up the message. Each ASCII code is a binary number. After this conversion, we can string all the binary numbers back-to-back ("concatenate them") to get a final big number.

Let's start with the first sentence. The translation goes as follows:

 Character    Binary    Hex Value   Decimal
              Value                  Value
     S       1010011       53          83
     e       1100101       65         101
     n       1101110       6E         110
     a       1100001       61          97
     t       1110100       74         116
     o       1101111       6F         111
     r       1110010       72         114
             0100000       20          32
     H       1001000       48          72
     a       1100001       61          97
     n       1101110       6E         110
     d       1100100       64         100
             0100000       20          32
     N       1001110       4E          78
     .       0101110       2E          46
             0100000       20          32
     T       1010100       54          84
     i       1101001       69         105
     l       1101100       6C         108
     l       1101100       6C         108
    CR       0001101       0D          13
    LF       0001010       0A          10

So the binary representation of the complete message to Senator Till is:

1010011  1100101  1101110  1100001  1110100  1101111 1110010
0100000  1001000  1100001  1101110  1100100  0100000 1001110
0101110  0100000  1010100  1101001  1101100  1101100 0001101
0001010  1010111  1100001  1110011  1101000  1101001 1101110
1100111  1110100  1101111  1101110  0101100  0100000 1000100
1000011  0001101  0001010  0001101  0001010  1000100 1100101
1100001  1110010  0100000  1010011  1100101  1101110 1100001
1110100  1101111  1110010  0111010  0001101  0001010 0001101
0001010  1010100  1101000  1101001  1110011  0100000 1101100
1100101  1110100  1110100  1100101  1110010  0100000 1101001
1110011  0100000  1110100  1101111  0100000  1101001 1101110
1100110  1101111  1110010  1101101  0100000  1111001 1101111
1110101  0100000  1110111  1100101  0100000  1101000 1100001
1110110  1100101  0001101  0001010  1101111  1110000 1100101
1101110  1100101  1100100  0100000  1100001  1100011 1100011
1101111  1110101  1101110  1110100  0100000  1101110 1101111
0101110  0100000  0110011  0110011  0111000  0111001 0110000
0110111  0110000  0110010  0110001  0100000  1101111 1101110
0100000  1111001  1101111  1110101  1110010  0001101 0001010
1100010  1100101  1101000  1100001  1101100  1100110 0101100
0100000  1100001  1101110  1100100  0100000  1100100 1100101
1110000  1101111  1110011  1110100  1100101  1100100 0100000
1110100  1101000  1100101  1110010  1100101  1101001 1101110
0100000  1100001  0001101  0001010  1101100  1100101 1100111
1101001  1110011  1101100  1100001  1110100  1101001 1110110
1100101  0100000  1101001  1101110  1100011  1100101 1101110
1110100  1101001  1110110  1100101  0100000  1110000 1100001
1111001  1101101  1100101  1101110  1110100  0100000 1101111
1100110  0001101  0001010  0100100  0110001  0100000 1101101
1101001  1101100  1101100  1101001  1101111  1101110 0101110
0100000  0100000  1000110  1101111  1110010  0100000 1110111
1101001  1110100  1101000  1100100  1110010  1100001 1110111
1101100  0101100  0100000  1111001  1101111  1110101 0100000
1110111  1101001  1101100  1101100  0001101  0001010 1101110
1100101  1100101  1100100  0100000  1110100  1101111 0100000
1110101  1110011  1100101  0100000  1111001  1101111 1110101
1110010  0100000  1110000  1100001  1110011  1110011 1110111
1101111  1110010  1100100  0100000  1000010  1001010 1010010
1000111  1010101  1000100  0110111  0110110  0111001 0110011
0101110  0001101  0001010  0001101  0001010  1011001 1101111
1110101  1110010  1110011  0100000  1110110  1100101 1110010
1111001  0100000  1110100  1110010  1110101  1101100 1111001
0101100  0001101  0001010  0001101  0001010  1000001 1110010
1101110  1101111  1101100  1100100  0100000  1000011 0101110
0100000  1000011  1110010  1100101  1101111  1101100 1100101
0001101  0001010  1010110  1101001  1100011  1100101 0100000
1010000  1110010  1100101  1110011  1101001  1100100 1100101
1101110  1110100  0001101  0001010  1000111  1110010 1100101
1100001  1110100  1100101  1110010  0100000  1000011 1100001
1110010  1101001  1100010  1100010  1100101  1100001 1101110
0100000  1000010  1100001  1101110  1101011

Note that the spaces I've put in the binary number above don't have any meaning. They are just there to make the number easier to look at. The number is actually just one long string of zeros and ones, all on one line, with no spaces.

Strings of zeros and ones take up a lot of room, so ordinary people ordinarily don't look at binary representations. Hexadecimal (base 16) numbers only take up about one-fourth as many characters, so usually we would write the message-turned-into-a-number in hex instead of binary. Recall that hexadecimal notation uses the decimal numerals 0 to 9, and letters a-f, where "a" is equivalent to decimal "10", "b" to decimal "11", and so on to "f", which is equivalent to decimal 15. (Hex numbers are also commonly written with upper case letters A to F. This has the same meaning as the lower case letters: i.e., the decimal numbers 10 to 15.)

So the same message to Senator Till, written in hexadecimal notation, is:

53 65 6e 61 74 6f 72 20 48 61 6e 64 20 4e 2e 20 54 69 6c 6c 0d 0a
57 61 73 68 69 6e 67 74 6f 6e 2c 20 44 43 0d 0a 0d 0a 44 65 61 72
20 53 65 6e 61 74 6f 72 3a 0d 0a 0d 0a 54 68 69 73 20 6c 65 74 74
65 72 20 69 73 20 74 6f 20 69 6e 66 6f 72 6d 20 79 6f 75 20 77 65
20 68 61 76 65 0d 0a 6f 70 65 6e 65 64 20 61 63 63 6f 75 6e 74 20
6e 6f 2e 20 33 33 38 39 30 37 30 32 31 20 6f 6e 20 79 6f 75 72 0d
0a 62 65 68 61 6c 66 2c 20 61 6e 64 20 64 65 70 6f 73 74 65 64 20
74 68 65 72 65 69 6e 20 61 0d 0a 6c 65 67 69 73 6c 61 74 69 76 65
20 69 6e 63 65 6e 74 69 76 65 20 70 61 79 6d 65 6e 74 20 6f 66 0d
0a 24 31 20 6d 69 6c 6c 69 6f 6e 2e 20 20 46 6f 72 20 77 69 74 68
64 72 61 77 6c 2c 20 79 6f 75 20 77 69 6c 6c 0d 0a 6e 65 65 64 20
74 6f 20 75 73 65 20 79 6f 75 72 20 70 61 73 73 77 6f 72 64 20 42
4a 52 47 55 44 37 36 39 33 2e 0d 0a 0d 0a 59 6f 75 72 73 20 76 65
72 79 20 74 72 75 6c 79 2c 0d 0a 0d 0a 41 72 6e 6f 6c 64 20 43 2e
20 43 72 65 6f 6c 65 0d 0a 56 69 63 65 20 50 72 65 73 69 64 65 6e
74 0d 0a 47 72 65 61 74 65 72 20 43 61 72 69 62 62 65 61 6e 20 42
61 6e 6b
See how much clearer this is?

The next step is to sign this message, so that Senator Till will know it came from Greater Caribbean Bank, and not from, say, Louis Freeh's Henchcreatures. That means using a message cruncher.

The Message Crunched

Here are four different message digests from four different message crunching machines.

  Hash           Hash Value or Message Digest

MD5          5670E64BF6CEBB46   31A25CF6990F82C0
RIPEM128     B4BB17FD0E09091A   2DF095F0B9647B41
SHA-1        1A01B56EB33FA84A   39EEDDD927977726 38331E94
RIPEM160     ABA54F46348F56D1   E492AE09A472D143 9D64E0F1

Just for fun, let's see what happens to the message digest if we make slight alterations in the original message. First, let's correct the spelling of "withdrawal". With this correction, the message now reads:


Senator Hand N. Till
Washington, DC

Dear Senator:

This letter is to inform you we have
opened account no. 338907021 on your
behalf, and deposted therein a
legislative incentive payment of
$1 million.  For withdrawal, you will
need to use your password BJRGUD7693.

Yours very truly,

Arnold C. Creole
Vice President
Greater Caribbean Bank


With this change, the message digests are totally different, as see in the following table:

  Hash                 Hash Value or Message Digest

MD5                 8BDF43C9BC320AE8 874E9EED73DDCF55
RIPEM128            5BF83DAE28ACBF49 BD9EDB6D26DE1EE9
SHA-1               22257C5870B7CB00 E6B5AABA45913C24 DEAB6F7D
RIPEM160            713FE23D55F95ACD B5D744C0B616774B 1DDAA4E7

As a second illustration, let's restore "withdrawl" to its original spelling, but alter the account number, so that the final digit is "2" instead of "1". The message now reads:


Senator Hand N. Till
Washington, DC

Dear Senator:

This letter is to inform you we have
opened account no. 338907022 on your
behalf, and deposted therein a
legislative incentive payment of
$1 million.  For withdrawl, you will
need to use your password BJRGUD7693.

Yours very truly,

Arnold C. Creole
Vice President
Greater Caribbean Bank


Here are the hash values for this new message, with the altered digit:

  Hash                   Hash Value or Message Digest

MD5                 0742CD5D4EA8B857 E57352C6B21CE7FB
RIPEM128            9BE546E061E64BD3 3659E49569774A25
SHA-1               B55F080E45CF15D9 3542A9F4C7CED8B3 48EF1E17
RIPEM160            C97428911B8C925E 990839FE2BB5B9E9 BD0EC4EF

What these examples illustrate is that if you alter the original message in any way, the hash value will be altered. The hash value, or message digest, thus can be used to check the integrity of the original message.

The Message Signed

For our digital signature, we will use the SHA-1 hash:

hash = 1A01B56EB33FA84A 39EEDDD927977726 38331E94

The next step is to encrypt this hash value (message digest) with the signer's secret key. That means we need some encryption method, with a public key/private key pair. The private key will be used for signing, while the public key will be used for verification.

Let's use the RSA system. The RSA systems signs values by raising them to the power of a private key d, and taking the result modulo n. Let n and d have the following values:

n =

AF8207E25BF6A83E 17F5980E23AB498F 5B77E84821905716
EEDBD4F621EDE141 D38117147AD98E8B 549BC35B0C689475
D710013D83AE1945 FF405E2D4EC54A56 CB88BBB220C31F12
63978A307A36F0C2 316CA3CB921271B3 7B550728D560A884
4E1740C31DFCA3BC 0FB80D34AAF986D7 02FD633BD26F16AA

d =

0F2591B89F67322D E9B3706408000861 2EEBB248475D45A6
DD066BE2B21AED8D D8CB134AD92F5D75 F8DF5884CB155B7A
B00CD98E8D86C0F7 A187D498E46B7276 D6881D1502BA90C5
5EE073BB1565A969 681C3CE6660A8744 B6D54C6659299E1A
B8424F41DE1B277C D22DC1D81DEA69B2 8F99A4C9C852A82C

Here n is a number 1024 bits long, which is the same as 128 bytes, or 256 hexadecimal numbers. Similarly for d, except that d has four leading zeros, so it is really only 1020 bits long.

So what we are planning to do is to raise the hash to the power d, then take the result modulo n.

That's the idea, anyway. However, RSA's signature procedure specifies that the hash value 1A01B56EB33FA84A 39EEDDD927977726 38331E94 must first be "padded" to make it as long as n. Now, since the hash is 160-bits long, what the padding does is add some bits in front--864 bits, specifically--to make it 1024 bits long.

This is all laid out in RSA's Public Key Cryptography Standard No. 1 (PKCS#1). Explaining the reasons for this will lead us astray. But adding padding in front does no harm in principal (depending on how we do it). We can always encrypt the hash with padding, then later throw the padding away once we have decrypted the combination.

PKCS#1 says to add 00 to the front of the hash, making it

00 1A01B56EB33FA84A 39EEDDD927977726 38331E94

This is the tail end of the padded number. The beginning of the padded number is 00 02, then add as many random hex numbers as needed to get a total of 256 hexadecimal digits.

So the padded number to be signed should look something like this:

00 02 . . . random numbers . . 00 1A01B56EB33FA84A 39EEDDD927977726 38331E94

This is one set of rules. Of course, not everyone follows the same rules. I am doing calculations in the programming language Java, using the Cryptix class library. Cryptix creates the following padded integer, using a PKCS#1 variant:

padded integer =

06052B0E03021A05 0004141A01B56EB3 3FA84A39EEDDD927

Notice that the padding starts with 01, then there are a lot of FFFFFF's, then 00, then a mystery number "30213009 06052B0E03021A05 000414", and finally the SHA-1 hash value 1A01B56EB33FA84A 39EEDDD927977726 38331E94.

Okay, let's do it. Let's take the padded integer, raise it to the power d, and reduce the result modulo n. That gives us the digital signature sig. If we do this calculation, we get

sig =

149522ECA960A6B4 A46F1546B6D5F74B C3570CD7DD981EA1
0B506B346FB159BE 7F7BAA26F6A8A143 090B4D0A944AE4D7
96C17A4587267B05 A991D76EDE989583 9E47C19054CDB818
5BD21EE36BAC9803 CE005383A1083AB5 79411AB26BE28631
1BF17D021002B6D5 2EE82CEB2FC554A8 BDE5874D82B20B9F
This is the digital signature that is sent along with the letter to Senator Till to verify its authenticity, as well as the identity of the signer.

Verifying the Signature

When Senator Till gets the message, he computes his own hash value (call this hash*) for the received message. This should result in the hash value

  hash* = 1A01B56EB33FA84A 39EEDDD927977726 38331E94
if nothing in the message was altered. Next he compares hash* to the decrypted value of sig to see if they are the same.

To decrypt sig, he looks up Greater Caribbean Bank's public key (e,n), and finds that e has a value (in hex):

e = 010001
Short and sweet. But not very clever, because a lot of organizations besides Greater Caribbean Bank might be using this same value for e. (What makes it unique, however, is the combination of e with the modulus n. As long as n is unique, we don't need to worry about e.)

So Senator Till takes the value sig, raises it to the power e, and reduces the result modulo n. This in fact yields the number (trust me, I did the calculation):

06052B0E03021A05 0004141A01B56EB3 3FA84A39EEDDD927
Once Senator Till throws away the padding, he (or, rather, his software) sees that the tail end is the same as the value hash*, which verifies the signature.

And that's how digital signatures work.


This article appeared in Laissez Faire City Times, Vol 2, No 21, July 12, 1998
Author's Web Page: http://www.aci.net/kalliste/homepage.html