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. . . inspecting the global underbelly: privacy, money laundering, espionage.

"What forbids us to tell the truth, laughingly?"--Horace, Satires, I.24

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Shadow of the Anti-Gore

Gore Debates the Anti-Gore

Gore: I'm for campaign reform. I'm going to get soft money out of politics. Governor Bush didn't take notes on what McCain was saying, but I did. Vote for me because I'm squeeky clean. No one has ever accused me or the Clinton administration of any financial misdealings.

Anti-Gore: Yes, my mealy-mouthed opponent has a campaign finance "reform" plan alright. And he is going to put Charlie "Christmas" Trie and Johnny "the White House is like a subway--you have to put in coins to open the gates" Chung in charge of it. But Al, come on, did you really have to wear Buddhist saffron robes when you announced your reform plan?

Gore: I created the Information Superhighway.

Anti-Gore: That's nothing. I created the Information Superhighway Patrolman software program to protect our children from having to view pornography, hate speech, and conservative ideas on the Internet.

Gore: Well, wait just a minute, Mr. Anti-Gore. I supported the NSA's Echelon, and the FBI's wiretap-ready, programs of spying on every phone, fax, email, and other electronic communication to make sure there aren't any pornographers, spies, terrorists, or Confederate-flag-waving right-wing Republicans around.

Anti-Gore: Boy, you sure have been busy. I feel much safer now with Big Brother Al watching over me.

Gore: Eric Segal's Love Story was written about me and Tipper.

Anti-Gore: Segal said the man in Love Story was based on Tommy Lee Jones and the coed had nothing in common with Tipper. But let's leave that aside. William Burrough's Naked Lunch was written about me and someone I won't name.

Gore: Bill Clinton is the first black President.

Anti-Gore: Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha! At least he lies a lot better than you.

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