Democrat Gunwalker defense strategy: repeat the lie. Repeat the Lie. REPEAT THE LIE!!!! Holocaust Causation Deniers want more gun control.

Submitted by Bill St. Clair on Tue, 14 Jun 2011 12:07:18 GMT  <== RKBA ==> 

Mike Vanderboegh reports on a report (1.1 meg PDF) by Senators Feinstein, Schumer, and Whitehouse titled "Halting U.S. Firearms Trafficking to Mexico." No mention in the report of one of the sources of that trafficking, the b.a.t.f.e. Same old same old from the gun grabbers.

But I'm linking to this story for Mike's caption on this old photo. Priceless!

Hitler Laughing
"Ja! Ja! I'm not making this up. Jews for gun confiscation! How funny is that?"

Recommendations from the report:

  • Congress should pass legislation to require background checks for all firearms purchases, including those at gun shows.

  • The ATF should enhance enforcement of a provision in the 1968 Gun Control Act – 18 U.S.C. 925(d)(3) – that bans the import of firearms for “non-sporting purposes” by denying applications for the import of semi-automatic rifles that it finds are not suitable for sporting purposes. The import ban was enforced by Presidents George H.W. Bush and Bill Clinton for this purpose and needs to be updated by the Obama Administration to keep up with new versions of firearms being imported into the U.S.

  • Congress should renew the Assault Weapons Ban which would help to prevent traffickers from obtaining the most deadly weapons now arming Mexico’s drug trafficking organizations.

    A new Assault Weapons Ban should include prohibitions on sales to civilians of military-style weaponry, assault rifles, .50 caliber sniper riflesand armor-piercing ammunition. It should also once again include a ban on high-capacity ammunition magazines.

  • Beyond the ATF’s pending proposal, Federal Firearms Licensees should be required to report to the ATF on multiple sales of all firearms defined under Chapter 18 of U.S.C. 921. Additionally, Federal Firearms Licensees should be required to report multiple sales of two or more firearms within 30 days, instead of the current five business day period. This recommendation would build on the ATF’s recent proposal and allow it to track all bulk firearm purchases. Additional information on bulk purchases would help the ATF and local law enforcement identify and apprehend potential gun traffickers.

  • The Senate should quickly ratify CIFTA [The Inter-American Convention Against the Illicit Manufacturing of and Trafficking of Firearms, Ammunition, Explosives and Other Related Materials]

  • Due to high volume, a backlog in tracing seized weapons, and the fact that not all weapons seized by state and municipal law enforcement and the military are traced, expanded eTrace access is needed for the Mexican federal police.

    The Mexican federal police force has thousands of analysts who could increase the number of firearms traced. This would assist in identifying investigative leads, suspects, trends, patterns and trafficking routes. The U.S. Departments of State and Justice should continue to encourage the Government of Mexico to grant this expanded access.

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