End Taxation Bot

Submitted by Bill St. Clair on Sat, 25 Oct 2014 01:49:14 GMT  <== Politics ==> 

For a while now I've been interjecting in conversations that mention taxation a few simple words:

Taxation is extortion. End it.

The other day, I posted a tweet on Twitter in which I mispelled "weird" as "wierd" and the @WeirdVsWierd bot piped up with a reminder of the proper spelling. My subconscious worked on that overnight and came up with an idea for my own simple bot. I skipped work on Thursday morning and wrote an endtaxationbot, in Lisp, of course. It tweets as @endtaxationbot.

Taxation is Theft

The bot is now running on billstclair.com, in the same lisp image that serves this blog. Once an hour it finds the most recent 10 tweets mentioning the word "taxation", and responds to each with one of two messages:

Taxation is theft. End it.


Taxation is extortion. End it.

So far, I've had a couple of people follow the bot, lots of retweets and favorites, and, of course, quite a few people saying how impossible it would be to end taxation. Sorta cool. Injecting a meme into the Twitterverse, 10 tweets an hour.

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