Anger Is Fruitless

Submitted by Bill St. Clair on Tue, 16 Jan 2007 14:29:30 GMT  <== Politics ==> 

NonEntity at Strike the Root - if you're angry at a politician, says NonEntity, maybe you should think about why you've atrributed to him power over your life. You should instead feel sorry for him or laugh at him for being so misguided that he thinks his opinions should hold any sway whatsoever over anybody else. [root]

It struck me part way through Mr. Olbermann's articulate tirade (against the insane policies of Mr. Bush and his followers) that his anger was only justified by the fact that he was foolish enough to have believed in the false idea of "proper authority" in the first place. As though Mr. Bush, or anyone, can somehow or other acquire the control and responsibility for the life, choices, and actions of another person, or an entire group of them. Had Olbermann been talking about some raving lunatic spouting insanities at the sky in the middle of a big-city park, I doubt that he would have shown such depth of anger, but rather would have exposed it for what it was, the comedy that is the irrationality of human minds. But no . . . Mr. Olbermann is not amused, he is outraged. I propose that his outrage should more properly be directed inwardly at the one who foolishly relinquished mental responsibility for his own life to another--another who had the arrogance, audacity and chutzpah to claim the wisdom and, more importantly, the "proper authority," to direct the lives of others.

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